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Found: 442
Decca190Dead PSU tripping StBy LED not alightReplace C814 ( 47uF ) 250V & C808 ( 100uF ) 385V14-09-04
Decca190Dead with trippingC814 47µ 250v, mains smoother C808 100µ 385v14-09-04
Decca190Dead.R802/3 ( 15k , 0.5W ) o/c.14-09-04
Decca190Dead.TR801 , fuse may soft blown , C803 low , IC801 , R827 ( 47 ) marked LK820.14-09-04
Decca190Decimal point permanently displayed/flashing.Front PB membrane , IC804 78M05CV reg.14-09-04
Decca190Display disappears after a few seconds.IC702.14-09-04
Decca190Displaying '0' & refusing commands.Front PB membrane.14-09-04
Decca190Dist sound/pic with buzz/pullingCheck adj of L102 "tank" coil14-09-04
Decca190Drifting off tune.Front PB membrane.14-09-04
Decca190Droning noise.C707 ( 470nf ) o/c.14-09-04

Decca190Foldover with excessive height.IC TDA4505 note if runing hot check P7 for 12V if high IC803 LM3114-09-04
Decca190Grainy picture.Check for 12v at P2 of tuner if not check edge of PCB.14-09-04
Decca190Grey scale faultsCheck 47k resistors ( 3 on each output stage )14-09-04
Decca190Hanover bars.Try adj L502 if not faulty DL501.14-09-04
Decca190Incorrect operation of front panel controlsIC702 micro HD401220A02S pt no 19-8315-614-09-04
Decca190Int functionsCheck membrane - pt no's in TV Mag14-09-04
Decca190Lack of width.R413 ( 18R )14-09-04
Decca190Line foldover in centre of screen.R413 ( 18R )14-09-04
Decca190Line freq wrongR109 30k hi res14-09-04
Decca190Mains fuse or surge limiter o/cCheck R812 33k in snubber network positioning - if too close to heatsink will flash over14-09-04
Decca190No colour - or loss of one colour.Break in PCB by delay line , IC501 TDA3565.14-09-04
Decca190No frame.R411 o/c IC301 TDA3653B.14-09-04
Decca190No pic - sound okNo line drive pin 26 TDA4505 IC101, C111 2n7 timing cap o/c14-09-04
Decca190No pic - sound okR413 18R metal film res in line dr supply o/c14-09-04
Decca190No raster - sound Ok - no heaters.Drys on LOPTX.14-09-04
Decca190No remote operation.5 volt regulator low o/p.14-09-04
Decca190No sound/raster with "0" displayedRemove switch membrane to check operation of tv - if ok then membrane u/s14-09-04
Decca190No tuning.R769 ( 33k ) , R005 ( 5.6M ) , Touch-pad membrane , TAA550 33v reg , last tuner14-09-04
Decca190Noisy picture.Tuner may not show up by banging it.14-09-04
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