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Found: 442
DeccaASt/by light goes out but set does not come onLM317 12v reg dry joints14-09-04
DeccaA SeriesDeadR802 R803 ( 15K )14-09-04
DeccaA SeriesDead with squealDry joints R808 ww resistor14-09-04
DeccaA SeriesNo remote operationIR Rx faulty14-09-04
DeccaA SeriesVarying HTDry joints R808 ww resistor14-09-04
DeccaBdeadPin 7 IC801 low D807 1N4148 u/s14-09-04
DeccaBNo line or field sync - video at pin 5 TDA2579A TB Gen IC401IC703 EEPROM crashed due to possible arcing around spark gap - reprog - replacement unnec14-09-04
DeccaBdead with st/by led flashingD810 BY399 leaky - feedback cct assoc with chopper FET Q80114-09-04
DeccaB SeriesLine whistle - mod reqdAdd 220pf cap to pin 5 & pin 6 of opto IC802 in psu14-09-04
DeccaB SeriesLoses register 7 (line osc free run)Dry joints 27Mhz Xtal on Txt pcb14-09-04

DeccaB SeriesTo enter electronic screwdriver settingsMove jumper link by proc to other posn. No. in lh of screen is parameter & can be stepped thro' in Hex from 00 to 12 using "3" button (up) & "2" button (down). Parameters changed by using "Balance left & right"14-09-04
DeccaC Serieschildlock onsw on tv whilst holding in 'P+' button on front14-09-04
DeccaC SeriesCuts out on high brightness scenesHT volts drops in sympathy - CE803 220µ 16v ( supply to TDA4605)14-09-04
DeccaC SeriesField collapsedry joint I40214-09-04
DeccaC Seriesint trip - once or twice a dayworse when heated - - TDA4605 heat sensitive - u/s14-09-04
DeccaC SeriesLine down pic when cold (folded scan)R413 18R ?w hi res - check HT correct -115v 14/20"; 109.5v 15/21"14-09-04
DeccaC SeriesNo R/C operationNo o/p from r/c chip IC750 Replace TFMS4360N with TFMS536014-09-04
DeccaC SeriesSt/by LED on - otherwise deadDry joint on end pin SCART skt depriving line feed to dr tfmr14-09-04
DeccaC Seriesst/by onlyHT (B+) present - on/off sw perm made - was faulty14-09-04
DeccaC SeriesStuck on Chan 1 & no analogue control (Child Lock)Hold "Prog +" whilst switching on14-09-04
DeccaCV9371Dead - F802 o/cBU426A chopper s/c; R808 150k hi res; C814 1µ o/c & chech TDA460014-09-04
DeccaDgreen pic - loss of B driveR922 100k feedback/bias could affect other cols (R932/912)14-09-04
DeccaDLocked on 1 chan & vol at maxEEPROM corruption - to reset factory values s/c pins 1 & 2 PC701 near µ (whilst tv is on) & press any button on front panel. Tv will go to st/by allowing adjustments to be made next time switched on14-09-04
DeccaDNo pic short squeal at sw onR427 22R .5w in line drive14-09-04
DeccaD SeriesAll red.R012 100k on CRT base.14-09-04
DeccaD SeriesBright Green RasterGreen cathode volts low - Tr931 BC547 o/c & R932 100k hi res14-09-04
DeccaD Seriesfield collapseR504 3M3 faulty - feeds ramp to pin 42 IC503 TDA836214-09-04
DeccaD SeriesLack of heightCheck 33v supply IC001 TAA550 & feed res R015/6 6k8 & R504 3M314-09-04
DeccaD SeriesLine foldover with crt heaters dimmingR427 line feed res high res14-09-04
DeccaD SeriesNo Field ScanIf IC401 & R414 are OK check R504 3M3 ohm14-09-04
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