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Found: 206
FidelityCTV3228Tuning appears same on each stationCheck IC302 memory chip for dry joints14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFDeadReplace R618 100K fusible O/C,D577 BA 228 scorched, C620 .47/250 ,C600 1uf/250 on main pcb, R711 3.3 fusible, I600 TDA 8145 E/W was getting very hot C597 33N/100V E/W module14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFDead - fuse blownPTC thermistor int - when tapped resistance varies - replace with type 96209 30R version14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFDead - line collapse firstBU508AF s/c, C620 .47 ufd o/c, and R711 a 3R3 (burnt o/c) on the small East West pcb. 14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFDead, pulsingLOPTr Q602 BU2525AF s/c due to R608 dry joints14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFHeight reducedR340 3M3 o/c - remove to check14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFInt blows LOPTrLine dr Tr14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFInt blows Q602 BU2508AFQ580 2SC1573A line dr tr int o/c base14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFLine CollapseR711 3R3 o/c, TDA8145 & C620 0µ47 250v o/c & check for dry joints14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFLOPTr int blowsLine driver Tr faulty - gives dist wfm aft a while, replace tr feed res with 2k 5w14-09-04

FidelityCTV3228NFNo pic - line collapse when it went offC620 0µ47 250v by scn coils plug o/c - maybe caused by dry joint - also check TDA8145 & R711 3R3 on e-w panel14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFNo pic - sound okR618 100k 1w hi res, C600 1µ 0µ47 250v leaky & C620 0µ47 250v low cap14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NFPoor EHT regC143 47µ 250v low cap14-09-04
FidelityCTV3228NF SM2Colour fades outC325 0µ114-09-04
FidelityCTV920Dead apart from buzz & low HT voltsC171 3300pf 2Kv burnt & split14-09-04
FidelityCTV920Low HT or no HT .HT may drop to 0v if line stage dissconnected and replaced by dummy load ( lamp ) .C169 1uF 50v OC , STK7348 may be OC .14-09-04
FidelityCTV920Poor cold start upXC169 1µ 50v14-09-04
FidelityCTV920Vert bands across picC50 100mfd 25v - 12v res cap faulty14-09-04
FidelityF14Int start upChopper BU508A dry joints & R84 15k 5w hi res14-09-04
FidelityF14No signals/searchCheck switches on back of set not stuck down14-09-04
FidelityLC169No sound/syncR109E - part of chain of 10 x 5k6 res o/c14-09-04
FidelityWSTV3132NFDead - LOPTr s/c - when replaced only low buzzing/no EHTEHT lead s/c (has bleedere as'y fitted)14-09-04
FidelityWSTV3132NFDead with s/c LOP Tr & safety res burntIC801 TDA8380 R805-R809 1R opto CNX82A, R821 8R2 ,R814 47R,Q840, BC501Q used BC639, R841 1k2,Q810 BUW13,R815 10k,Q601 BU508A & replace eht bleed assembly with regular eht lead as original is obsolete14-09-04
FidelityWSTV7028N 11AK19-8AWidthC630 0.27pF dry joints, Q603 BUK444 leaky, E-W coil shorted turns (looked ok)14-09-04
FidelityWSTV7028NFExcess width & E-W bowing, removing E-W tr Q683 makes no diffL604 s/c (res should be approx 3R) self rewound 293turns14-09-04
FidelityWSTV7028NFLow width & R629 2R2 fusible o/cC630 270nF 250v (no physical sign of being faulty)14-09-04
FidelityWSTV7028NFNarrow rasterC630 o/c . the value is 270nF 250V for 16:9 sets, 430nF 250V for 4:3 sets14-09-04
FidelityWSTV7028NF AK19Lack of width & striation on lh sideC630 430nf 250v o/c in lop E/W mod area14-09-04
FidelityZX1410DeadD21 SC BY29914-09-04
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