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Found: 206
FidelityZX1410Weak contrast with no controlC96 0µ1 50v in beam lim14-09-04
FidelityZX1415Dead - BUT11A s/c.Replace IC8 ( UC3844N ) , check R110 , R115.14-09-04
FidelityZX1415Dead - fuse Ok.Drys or broken print at TR4.14-09-04
FidelityZX1415Int frame collapseD25 INT OC14-09-04
FidelityZX1415No sound or raster - Ht Ok.TR5 ( BC558 )14-09-04
FidelityZX1415Will not store channels.Select channel number with remote after pressing store button.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Channels - will not go to ch 3.IC ML923 tuning chip.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Dark picture.C412 ( 100pf ) leaky.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000deadPulsing 7v at ZD5 12v zener; R801 18k 8w o/c14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Dead - blowing chopper transistor.R826 ( 39R ) goes high.14-09-04

FidelityZX2000Dead - fuse's ok.Droper R801 ( 18k ) o/c , chopper transistor , D24 ( RGP15J )14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Dead - tripping.IC TDA2581.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Frame - foldover & lack of height.C706.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Frame collapse.IC9 ( TDA1170S )14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Intermittent no signals.Leak from R121 lower leg touching print.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000No colourIC6 ( TDA1365 )14-09-04
FidelityZX2000No pic - sound okAi volts low - 10n 2kv decoupler leaky14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Striations & fback linesRGB supply cap 4µ7 350v o/c14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Striations over screen.C903 ( 4u7f ) o/c.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Tripping - dead.IC TDA2581.14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Alternate channels missing i.e all odd.IC1 ( M104B1 ) .14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Blank raster.IC4 ( TDA8180 )14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Blank raster.IC TDA3562A.14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Blows chopper tr BU426AR91 270k to pin 4 of TDA4600 hi res. Also check TDA4600 chip, D9, R90, C9314-09-04
FidelityZX3000Bright raster.IC TDA1365.14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Channel - no change - no remote operation.Stereo balance switch leaky.14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Channels - int manual channel changeDJ on front panel switch.14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Cogging -serrated verts- may be intermittent.C100 ( 33uf , 250v ) may read Ok.14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Dead - 2amp fuse & BU508 blown.Bridge rectifierD19 leaky14-09-04
FidelityZX3000Dead - blowing BU508.C91 ( 1u f )14-09-04
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