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Found: 165
NEIALLDead comes on after 5 minsReplace R802 Thermistor14-09-04
NEIART701Field bounce when heatedHeight pot P302 int14-09-04
NEIC25F1FXNBlank raster when A1s advancedR121 270k o/c near LOPTx14-09-04
NEIC28F FXNDead LOP tr TR128 s/cBurn up on main pcb pl/skt to scan coils - check D1014-09-04
NEIC28F FXNFlickers for first five mins10µ cap in middle of IF module14-09-04
NEIC28F1DeadC133 0µ33 in e/w dry joints & o/c damaged Tr128 BU508F, R371 1R, R138 0R22, D118 BY228, D117 BY229, IC107 TDA8145, L116 " D10 BY399 14-09-04
NEIC28F1Pic & sound unstable for first 5 minsC016 33mfd, C017 2.2 mfd & had all gone low in value - also C313, C110 & C10914-09-04
NEIC28F1Slow start upC313, C110 & C10914-09-04
NEIC28F1FXNBlank raster/no soundR121 270k in beam curr/scastle pulse o/c14-09-04

NEIC28F1FXNDeadC131 0µ91 cap in lop stage burnt due to dry joints & BU508 & 2 x E/W diodes, D110 HT rect s/c14-09-04
NEIC28F1FXNDeadFit Power supply repair kit (Phoenix modkit 15, may still be available from CHS order code 39000H ) and check for dry joints around C133; snubber circuit.14-09-04
NEIC28F1FXNDead - burnt hole by C133 330n 250vTR128,[BU508AF]/ D116,[BY228]/D117,[BY299]/ R371,[1r safety]/. If R366,[2r2 safety] is o/c the EW chip TDA8145 is s/c and you will find R154,[27r safety] in the feed to the chip o/c. I had to change the chopper transistor that was s/c TR100,[SGSIF344] and for good measure IC100,[TDA8380] and IC101,[TCTD1101 were also changed. if you find problems setting up the EW you may find RV105,[100K] has changed in value.14-09-04
NEIC28F1FXNE/W dist & overwideIC107 TDA8145, R366 2R2 & R371 1R safety res14-09-04
NEIC28F1FXNField bounce for first 5 minsCheck elect caps in IF unit14-09-04
NEIC28F1FXN CE25Dead - st/by LED flashesC110 220µ 63v low cap14-09-04
NEIC28F1FXN CE25No E/W or width settingsIC106/7 replacement have no effect - no line pulse to IC107 TDA8145 - R122 150k o/c14-09-04
NEICE25 seriesInt start up / IF instabilityConnect wire link between jungle IC ground lugs to chassis14-09-04
NEICE25/28 seriesSt/by only with LED sw correctlyCheck PSU earth link between tuner & LOPTr heatsink for dry joint14-09-04
NEICTV61Rint opdry joints start up positor & D805 1N400714-09-04
NEICTV61Rtuning drift from coldZTK33 D00114-09-04
NEIE28G1FXN E5Dead - all sec rails low - no st/by LEDT682 BD679 15v reg14-09-04
NEIE28G1IFXNDead - BUZ90AF chopper tr 651 s/cCheck D653 is BYT52M not BA158 - & check hi value res to pin 2 & 3 of TDA4605 & for dry joints & Mains smoothing cap 220µ 400v is not o/c14-09-04
NEIE28G1TFXNDark pic & osd - R/C inoperative5v reg feed near rect diodes on psu sec only 4v - (7v in st/by); R686 2R2 hi res14-09-04
NEIE28G1TFXNDead with faint tripping noiseC665 220µ 400v o/c14-09-04
NEIE28G1TFXNInt sound & vision & power led dimPoor joints at rects on sec of chopper tfmr14-09-04
NEIE28G1TFXNWidth comes in and hour glass effect, int clears to excessive widthC753 680nF 630VW was dry jointed & damaged, L751 causede excess width (had shorted turns) 690 turns reqd - TDA4950 & BY299 diode14-09-04
NEIE28G1TFXN E5Buzz on mono reception - worse when OSD presentMod reqd - remove C150 33pF from main pcb & fit in posn C1591 on vert pcb. Add 100mm wire from left of free pin of C1591 to right of free hole of C15014-09-04
NEIE28G1TFXN E5DeadR866 2R2 safety res o/c, due to D682/683 BY399 failing when hot14-09-04
NEIE28G1TFXN E5Dead - st/by LED flashesMains smoothing cap 220µ 400v14-09-04
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