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Found: 165
NEINWC1402RWhistle - high pitched.T431 glue windings.14-09-04
NEINWC1410Drifts off tune.Drys on tuner pins.14-09-04
NEINWC1410Field bounce, poor height, collapse etcReplace C323 1µ 25v tant14-09-04
NEINWC1410Frame bounce.C323 ( 1uf 25v tant )14-09-04
NEINWC1410Frame collapse.C333 ( 22u f 160V )14-09-04
NEINWC1410Frame collapse.C323 ( 1u f 25V tant )14-09-04
NEINWC1410High pitched whistle.T431 coils.14-09-04
NEINWC1410Int frame collapse or lack of heightC323 ( 1uf 25v tant )14-09-04
NEINWC1410Int picture slowly fades.Drys on P451.14-09-04
NEINWC1410No top scanC327 100µ 50v14-09-04

NEINWC1410No top scan.C327 ( 100uf 50v )14-09-04
NEINWC1410Stuck on one channel.IC 1301 ( u PD1937c )14-09-04
NEINWC1410RReduced frame - better when hot.C327 ( 100uf , 50v ) r/h side.14-09-04
NEINWC1410RTuning drift.Drys on tuner.14-09-04
NEINWC1430Channel stuck on 1.IC1301 ( uPD1937C )14-09-04
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