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Found: 438
SamsungU88MT CI6230WNInt. goes on/off to stbyC831 220uF 200V14-09-04
SamsungU88MT CI6230WNpoor start up and/or no stby, LED is offC806 100uF 25V (pin 9 TDA4601)14-09-04
SamsungU88MT-1No colNo 5v at pin 1&9 IC502 TDA4661 del line chip. D503 5v zener leaky14-09-04
SamsungVariousEntering Service ModesPress standby, display, menu, mute, standby Press standby, picture standard, help, sleep, standby14-09-04
SamsungVariousEntering Service ModesPress standby, display, menu, mute, standby14-09-04
SamsungVoyager 10St/by only - no relay driveTuner/timer chip pt no 32-213-257SIP14-09-04
SamsungW124W6VNBrightness variesA1 pot on LOPTx - replacement LOPTx only cure14-09-04
SamsungWI28W6VDNo soundafter entering the service menu to go into the sound menu and for this particular model set sound option to DOLBY then in system menu select CI for the UK, then press menu again and then press reset, this option stores the settings.14-09-04
SamsungWI28W6VDTo enter service mode - method 1Switch TV on. Then on the Remote control press  standby, display, menu, mute, and standby again.14-09-04
SamsungWI28W6VDTo enter service mode - method 2Switch TV on. Then on the remote control press standby, picture standard, help, sleep, and standby again.14-09-04

SamsungWI28W6VDTo enter service mode - method 2Switch TV on. Then on the remote control press standby, picture standard, help, sleep, and standby again.14-09-04
SamsungWI28W6VD S51ANo sound, incorrect width & heightReplaced Eeprom IC902 and reprogram14-09-04
SamsungWI28W6VD S51AService mode enteringpress the following keys on the remote. standby>display>menu>mute>power on option bytes 1. zoom mode: wide/normal/zoom 2. audio mode: nicam stereo 3. one chip: TDA8844 4. led option: normal 5. language: west eng/ger/dut/spa/ita/swe 6. system: CI 7. ats option: on 8. field pol: field pos having set the option bytes , press menu key and reset message should appear on the screen.14-09-04
SamsungWI28W6VD SCT53AReverts to st/by with strange noise from psu aft few minsDZ808 7v5 zener pt no 0403-00056214-09-04
SamsungWI28W6VNDeadreplace processor chip SAA5553PS/M3/0069 probably caused by dry joint on chopperTX14-09-04
SamsungWS32W8VDEXNo G & flaring or R/B similarly affectedReplace R508, R503 or R513 82k.14-09-04
SamsungZ68DeadAudio o/p chip IC603 TDA2616A s/c14-09-04
SamsungZ68top foldoverTDA8350 field/EW output chip IC30114-09-04
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