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Found: 89
Tatung170No picR433 1R2 safety res o/c14-09-04
Tatung180Int off when proddedDry joint pin 15 MN001connector (line dr supply)14-09-04
Tatung180 seriesContrast lackingR430 120k 1/2w under LOPTx o/c14-09-04
Tatung190lack of redresolder/replace TR201/2/3 BF422 on crt base & adj grey scale14-09-04
Tatung190Rippling pic from coldTDA450514-09-04
Tatung190Sound falls to zero on chan changeChans can be tuned & stored ok - HD401220RA06S micro faulty14-09-04
TatungA seriesDist mono pic line shifted & rollingTDA2579A line/field chip faulty14-09-04
TatungA seriesTuning volts wandering2 x 6k8 in series with 33v reg - one of them o/c14-09-04
TatungBCuts out intermittently aft 15 minsChopper tfmr int internal conns14-09-04
TatungBInt snowy pic33v supply resistor R004 int14-09-04

TatungB chassisService mode settings after EEPROM IC703 corruptedShort pin 1 of micro by moving Plug P1701. Chan 2 steps up, Chan 3 steps down menu. Alter values by pressing L & R of Bal ctrl. Store settings with front control button.14-09-04
TatungB seriesField foldover & col impurity on bright scenesR537 470R o/c in beam I lim cct14-09-04
TatungB seriesNo tuning lock or storeR004/5 15k ?w14-09-04
TatungB series TYV9B01Dead - LOPTr s/c - blew again when replaced - HT ok at 150vC437 6n8 low cap14-09-04
TatungB1 chassisLack of width & incorrect line freqCorrupt EEPROM - to reset, move jumper pl PL704 to enter service mode - see tv Jan 2002, caused by R814 75k in psu gone high or faulty degauss therm14-09-04
TatungBE5DeadD807 1N414814-09-04
TatungDIn Hotel ModeTo unlock - press "vol+" on TV & -/-- on hset14-09-04
TatungDNo line drive; R427 22R in line drive overheatingR822 4R7 safety res gone hi (8v supply gone high)14-09-04
TatungD ChassisDead; R427 22R ?w o/c in line driver - no line dr pin 37 TDA8361Check Tr401/2; reg 8v supply pin 10 TDA8361 low at 5v; R822 4R7 ?w in feed to series reg Tr803 o/c - also check connections to line dr tfmr & line scan coils14-09-04
TatungD seriesChild lock releaseopen menu - press and hold button one until red VERTICAL key in top right corner of screen disappears. to set lock do same.14-09-04
TatungD SeriesField - virtually no scanR016 6k8 feed to 33v zener o/c14-09-04
TatungD SeriesField collapseTDA8366 Jungle chip14-09-04
TatungD SeriesNo raster for 1st 20 mins - pic ok when heatedIC503 (TDA8360)14-09-04
TatungD SeriesSt/by onlyR427 22R hi res14-09-04
TatungD seriesTuning lock releaseopen menu, open tuning menu, open tuning store menu, press and hold button one until red. HORIZONTAL key disappears - to set lock do same14-09-04
TatungD seriesVol lock releasepress volume up or down on tv while display is showing press -/-- button on r/c14-09-04
TatungD seriesVol won't adjust above low level (Hotel mode)press Vol + at TV and press -/-- on remote while OSS shows14-09-04
TatungD Series T21TD50No GreenR932 100k on crt base o/c - could happen to other cols (R922 & R912)14-09-04
TatungD Series T21TD61St/by onlycorrupted EEPROM due to arcing on scan coil connector. To reset EEPROM, s/c 2 contacts PL701 (RH side Micro IC702) & press P+ on front panel, LED should blink once. Remove s/c & press P+ button again, the set should come on.14-09-04
TatungD28NEE5blank screenno sandcastle pulse on frame IC, R418 4k7 o/c14-09-04
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