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Found: 89
TatungT21TF70Dead - st/by LED flashes 4 timesMeans excess beam current - R909 o/c also could be R913/922 on crt base14-09-04
TatungT25NE60 E seriesField collapseReplaced TDA8350Q (Philips brand from Cricklewood ) R422 1.2 Ohm Saf.res, R437 1.2 Ohm Saf.res, C405 1000mfd Cap14-09-04
TatungT25NE61 E1 chassisPic shifted up to top of screenIC401 TDA8350Q fop/EW chip should have diff field wform on pins 1 & 2 from IC501 TDA8366; 1 I/p was missing - TDA8399 faulty14-09-04
TatungT25TE61 E seriesField collapse - & lines at top when TA8350Q FOP chip replacedR437 12R o/c; R422 burnt up14-09-04
TatungT28NE51 E1W & E1N chassisFlyback lines at top of picR422 & R437 1R2 1/2w hi res14-09-04
TatungT28W730Poor start up from coldChange CP12 to 1,000µ14-09-04
TatungTBN9B02P B SeriesPic curved out at sides, width OK! (E/W U/S)TR406 (TIP31c) slightly leaky14-09-04
TatungTU2C52GHotel mode removal (low sound)press -/-- on the remote, vol up on tv, then -/-- on remote again.14-09-04
TatungTUNOA51Int start upIC802 LM317 reg14-09-04
TatungTV2C52GChildlock removal - no front controlsSw on TV whilst holding down P+ button under flap14-09-04

TatungTVC562Dead - no st/byR516 270K, IC501 TDA4605-3, Q500 2SK2397-01MR14-09-04
TatungTVC562Dead - no stbyR516 270k, IC501 TDA4605-3, Q500 2SK239714-09-04
TatungTVC563St/by onlyReprog EEPROM - reqs special card only available from Tatung or a mod kit from them if you ask nicely!14-09-04
TatungTVC563St/by only apart from twitching of tape mechsReprog corrupt micro14-09-04
TatungTVC563ADeadreplace R543 [ 680 R 1/2w fuse] , R503 [560 R 1/2/w] ?and photocoupler IC 506 [ON3171R].14-09-04
TatungTVC563ADeadR543 68R ?w fusible, R505 560R ?w & IC506 ON3171R photo coupler14-09-04
TatungV14DDONo pic - no crt htrsR904 0R33 fusible on crt base14-09-04
TatungV14RFG1Pdead, PSU blownfit PSU kit 981313614-09-04
TatungV14RFG1Pstarts up with sound but no pic and reverts to stby after 5 secR909 ,R913, R922 180k gone high14-09-04
TatungV21NDF0No sync, Colour, OSG or Text and sound in intermittent bursts - micro reqs resetReset Micro as follows:- SC Tags adjacent to micro, switch on and press CH down 5 times to select Mix mode, press V+ to restore colour level onText. Press TV on remote to restore, switch off and remove link. Next time you switch on all should be restored.14-09-04
TatungV21TDEOdeadR427 22R o/c, TK402 BC337 s/c14-09-04
TatungVINYBEOPint clicks pic blanks out & int revert to st/byfocus spark gap14-09-04
TatungVN2CCOChild lock removalpress & hold P+ button on front of set whilst turning the mains on.14-09-04
TatungVN2CCOTuning menu accesspress the button on the front with a small square in a TV screen.14-09-04
TatungVT2CC1Hotel lock mode - to unlockSw off at mains, then sw on holding in P+ on front panel14-09-04
TatungVT2CC1No control of some front panel functions (P+, Vol-, Vol+)No key scan pulses at MN15151GBC micro - chip faulty14-09-04
TatungVT2CC1No R/C or front controlReplace TFMS4360N IR sensor14-09-04
TatungVU2CEO C chassisNoise from chopper trfmr in standbyCE803 220µ 25v in PSU pri14-09-04
TatungVU2CEO C chassisTxt lines at top of picCE306 100u 50v14-09-04
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