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Found: 659
ToshibaC2226B1Field non linC316 470µ14-09-04
ToshibaC258T7BCogging effectDry joint pin 4 IC361 E/W chip14-09-04
ToshibaC2636Frame - linearity stretched & top foldover.C313 ( 4.7uf , 160v ) o/c.14-09-04
ToshibaC2D 2939DBfaint blue screen, no remote or manual operation, no LEDsound IC670 TA8218AH (B0377305) s/c, ZP81 5A (23144451) o/c14-09-04
ToshibaC2D 2939DBint loss of line or frame sync and goes to blue screen, corrupted or no teletextreplace Xtal ZF01 27MHz (231253472) under screening can on TEXT PCB14-09-04
ToshibaC2D 2939DBint no pic or sound and goes to blue screenresolder Q103 (IF can)14-09-04
ToshibaC2D 2939DBno sound or pic (frame collapse)no 12V from IC408 due to Q546 2SC1815Y s/c on AV PCB14-09-04
ToshibaC2D 2939DBstuck in stbyZP82 2A o/c, IC501 TA8211AH s/c14-09-04

ToshibaC2D 3339DBbig "bump" noise when switching to stbynot faulty. Switch off pro-logic before switching to stby (info from Toshiba technical)14-09-04
ToshibaC2D 3339DBhiss/crackle from left speakerICG07 TA8776N14-09-04
ToshibaC2D 3339DBtripping, red and green LEDs flashing at about 3HzQ828 2SC2230AY leaky (can use 2SC2482 as replacement from Onwa CRT base)14-09-04
ToshibaC3SSoffIC670 audio o/p chip s/c - set in overvolt condition14-09-04
ToshibaC4E-Rbands of patterning at top & bottom of screen at start up onlyline pulses being picked up by QD03 DPC amp- add 0.001µ cap across RD13 on print side14-09-04
ToshibaC5Dead - STRS6709 keeps going s/c pins 1, 2 & 3Also replace D809 MTZJ5 - 6B if s/c14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2557DBno line or frame sync, OSD OkQ501 TB1226N (B0385673)14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2557DBno sound from centre speakersQ604 TA8211AH14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DBbad striations on RHS of the screenensure that line/frame leads are correctly installed in their cable tie clips after working on the set14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DBdistorted sound from coldfit 0.1uF cap from base of mute transistor Q612 to ground (Tosh.technical)14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DBno power, red LED on green LED flickeringframe IC TA8427K, R327 (24339479), D302 BYD33J14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DBtakes long to come on, slight line flicker when changing channels, otherwise blue screenreplace 27MHz Xtal on TEXT PCB (23153472)14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DB 2557DBdead, no output from PSU, fuse OkD896 BYD33J s/c14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DB 2557DBno vol or channel on screen displays, other menu screens OkQ501 TA1222AN14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DB 2557DBpic shifted to RHS, horiz position adj not functioning9V regulator Q430 not working due to faulty D430 zener MTZJ5.1C (23316670)14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 2857DB 3357DBdead, no LED, 12V and 8V supplies Ok but 25V missingprotector Z889 5A (23144451) o/c14-09-04
ToshibaC5SS 3357DBno colourQV01 TA1218N (B0385650)14-09-04
ToshibaC6SRpulsing pic & low HTQ828 in volts control cct leaky - 2SC181514-09-04
ToshibaC7Spartial field collapseC323 connected to pin 2 of Q501 leaky - 0µ68 50v plastic14-09-04
ToshibaC7SSbackground hiss from rear spkrsimproved Dolby digital module reqd14-09-04
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