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cdc6000 SCOPE 3 Handouts . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60000214B NET TCP IP Usage Apr88 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber

cdc60000348B CDCNET Installation Dec89 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60000414H CDCNET Commands Dec97 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60000418D Cyber Initialization Package 8 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60000419D Cyber Initialization Package 8 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc6000Series SCOPE3.4 Feb71 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60014500G 160-A ref Mar65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 160 60
cdc60016700F 1604-C Reference Nov67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 1604 6
cdc60020800B 160-A Test Routines Oct63 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 160 60
cdc60021300E 3600 SysRef Sep64 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60021300K 3600 SysRef Oct66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60024900 160A Peripheral Equipment Codes . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 160 60
cdc60028200A 3400 SysRef Jul64 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60028200L 3400 SysRef Mar67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60042900R PrintedCircuitsManual Vol1 Feb . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc module
cdc60042900R PrintedCircuitsManual Vol2 Feb . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc module
cdc60043500 362x Ref Mar64 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 p
cdc60043800D 3200 Computer System RefMan Au . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60043800H 3200 Computer System RefMan De . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60045000 6600 Computer System RefMan Aug . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60045100 6000 IO Spec Sep67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60050700C OSAS-A 160A Assember Apr64 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 160 60
cdc60052500C COMPASS Ref Dec67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60053300 SCOPE Ref Sep64 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60053300B SCOPE Ref Jun65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60055600A SCOPE GeneralInfo Sep65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60056400B LibraryFunctions Jul66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60057100 BasicAssembler Sep64 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60057700 3200scope Sep64 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
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cdc60059200B Drum SCOPE Ref Jul67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4

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cdc60100000AL 6000 Series Computer Systems . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60100000D 6000 Series Computer Systems H . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
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cdc60119300BT 6600 Diagrams and Circuit Des . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
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cdc60125000G 6600 Data Channel Equipment Di . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60125000G 6600 Data Channel Equipment Di . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber

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