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cdc60132700A ChippewaFtn May66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60132900B FORTRAN Dec66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4

cdc60134100 MASTER GeneralInfo Oct65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60134200 SCOPE 3.0 OperatingGuide Dec65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60134300 RealTimeSCOPE GeneralInfo Nov65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60134400 Chippewa OS RefMan Dec65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60134800 ALGOL refMan Feb66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60135400 ascentGenInf Feb66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60137400 CODAP1 COMPASS Translator Jan66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60138800 3400 SCOPE 2.0 OperatingGuide M . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60139400 StandardSoftwareProducts Oct65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60141900 Codes Rev-A May65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60141900A Codes 6600 Instant Apr65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60141900C Codes 6x00 Instant Jun67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60141900D Codes 6x00 Instant Jun70 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60142400B 6000 Series Site Prep Sep65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60146400 Function Ctl Pgm Spec Apr65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc graphi
cdc60146500 FORTRAN Subr Spec Jun65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc graphi
cdc60146600 Digigraphic 270 System Info Sep . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc graphi
cdc60147400A 6600 Training Manual Jun65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60148900A 6601-H Cable Tabs Oct65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60150800BG 6600 Chassis Tabs 05 Mar69 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60153100 1700Ref Sep65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 1700 6
cdc60156000 3300timesharing Nov65 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60156100G Peripheral Equipment Reference . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60156100J Peripheral Equipment Reference . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60157000H 3300RefMan Apr68 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60157000K 3300 Computer System RefMan Ma . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60158800A 3300cpuVol2 Aug68 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60159400A 8047-B Service Oct67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 809x 6
cdc60160600A CYBER SMM Volume 1 Jun75 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60163500G 1700 Codes May73 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 1700 6

cdc60166700B CompasssTrainingMan Vol1 Apr67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60166700B CompasssTrainingMan Vol2 Apr67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60166700B CompasssTrainingMan Vol3 Apr67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60171000 ALGOL abDmp May66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60172500A RealTimeSCOPE Ref Mar69 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60172700 ascent asper Jul66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60173800 ScopeRefMan Sep66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60174000A Compatible Compass Apr67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60174800A MSIO RefMan Sep67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60174900F FTN 2.3 Ref Jul72 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60175000A Drum SCOPE OperatingMan Aug67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 4
cdc60175500 FTN CnvGuide Aug66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60176400 FTN Extd Inf Oct66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60176800 MASTER RefMan Dec66 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60178600 MASTER OperatorsGuide Apr67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60178800 COSY MASTER Mar67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 3x00 2
cdc60179000 Scope3.0oper Apr67 . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber
cdc60182000L 1700 System Maintenance Monito . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc 1700 s

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