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SGS-Thomson TL7700 free download

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Model:TL7700 🔎
Original:TL7700 🔎
Descr:Supply voltage supervisors
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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TL7700 A Series SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS . . . . . . . POWER-ON RESET GENERATOR AUTOMATIC RESET GENERATION AFTER VOLTAGE DROP WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE ... 3V TO 18V PRECISION VOLTAGE SENSOR TEMPERATURE-COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REFERENCE TRUE AND COMPLEMENT RESET OUTPUTS EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE PULSE WIDTH N Min id ip DESCRIPTION The TL7700Aseries are monolithic integratedcircuit supplyvoltage supervisors specifically desi-gnedfor use as reset controllers in microcomputer and microprocessor systems. During power-up the device tests the supply voltage and keeps the RESET and RESET outputs active (high and low, respectively) as long as the supply voltage has not reached its nominal voltage value. Taking RESIN low has the same effect. To ensure that the microcomputer system has reset, the TL7700A then initiates an internal time delay that delays the return of the reset outputs to their inactive states. Since the time delay for most microcomputersand microprocessors is in the order of several machine cycles, the device internal time delay is determined by an external time delay is determined by an external capacitor connected to the CT input (pin 3). td = 1.3 x 104 x CT Where : CT is in farads (F) and td in seconds (s). In addition, when the supply voltage drops below the nominal value, the outputs will be active until the supply voltage returns to the nominal value. An externalcapacitor (typically 0.1 µF) must be connected to the REF output (pin 1) to reduce the influence of fast transients in the supply voltage. The TL7700AI series is characterized for operation from ­ 25oC to 85oC ; the TL7700AC series is characterized from 0oC to 70oC. April 1993 D SO8 ORDERING NUMBERS Temperature Range 0 to 70 C -25 to 85 C o o Minidip TL77XXACP TL77XXAIP S08 TL77XXACD TL77XXAID PIN CONNECTION (top view) 1/7 TL7700A Series BLOCK DIAGRAM * TL7702A R1 = 0, R2 = open ; TL7705A R1 = 7.8 K, R2 = 10k ; TL7709A R1 = 19.7 K, R2 = 10k ; TL7712A R1 = 32.7k, R2 = 10k ; TL7715A R1 = 43.4 K, R2 = 10k. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VS Vi Vi Parameter Supply Voltage, VCC - (see note 1) Input Voltage Range at RESIN Input Voltage at SENSE : TL7702A (see note 2) TL7705A TL7709A TL7712A TL7715A Value 20 -0.3 to 20 -0.3 to 6 -0.3 to 10 -0.3 to 15 -0.3 to 20 -0.3 to 20 -30 30 -25 to 85 0 to 70 -65 to 150 o Unit V V V IOH IOL Tamb High-level Output Current at RESET Low-level Output Current at RESET Operating Free-air Temperature Range : TL77XXAI TL77XXAC Storage Temperature Range mA mA o C Tstg C Notes : 1. All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal 2. For the TL7700A, the voltage applied to the SENSE terminal must never exceed Vs. THERMAL DATA Symbol R th j-amb Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max. Value 120 Unit o C/W RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol VS VIH VIL Vi Supply Voltage High-level Input Voltage at RESIN Low-level Input Voltage at RESIN Voltage at Sense Input TL7702A TL7705A TL7709A TL7712A TL7715A 0 0 0 0 0 P

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