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Model:4015 🔎
Original:CMOS 4xxx 🔎
Descr:HEF4015B MSI Dual 4-bit static shift register
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET For a complete data sheet, please also download: · The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic Family Specifications HEF, HEC · The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic Package Outlines/Information HEF, HEC HEF4015B MSI Dual 4-bit static shift register Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC04 January 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual 4-bit static shift register DESCRIPTION The HEF4015B is a dual edge-triggered 4-bit static shift register (serial-to-parallel converter). Each shift register has a serial data input (D), a clock input (CP), four fully buffered parallel outputs (O0 to O3) and an overriding asynchronous master reset input (MR). Information HEF4015B MSI present on D is shifted to the first register position, and all the data in the register is shifted one position to the right on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of CP. A HIGH on MR clears the register and forces O0 to O3 to LOW, independent of CP and D. Schmitt-trigger action in the clock input makes the circuit highly tolerant to slower clock rise and fall times. Fig.2 Pinning diagram. HEF4015BP(N): HEF4015BD(F): HEF4015BT(D): Fig.1 Functional diagram. 16-lead DIL; plastic (SOT38-1) 16-lead DIL; ceramic (cerdip) (SOT74) 16-lead SO; plastic (SOT109-1) ( ): Package Designator North America PINNING DA, DB MRA, MRB CPA, CPB O0A, O1A, O2A, O3A O0B, O1B, O2B, O3B serial data input master reset input (active HIGH) clock input (LOW-to-HIGH edge-triggered) parallel outputs parallel outputs FAMILY DATA, IDD LIMITS category MSI See Family Specifications APPLICATION INFORMATION Some examples of applications for the HEF4015B are: · Serial-to-parallel converter · Buffer stores · General purpose register January 1995 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual 4-bit static shift register LOGIC DIAGRAM (one register) HEF4015B MSI Fig.3 Logic diagram. FUNCTION TABLE INPUTS n 1 2 3 4 CP D D1 D2 D3 D4 X X X MR L L L L L H L O0 D1 D2 D3 D4 OUTPUTS O1 X D1 D2 D3 O2 X X D1 D2 O3 X X X D1 Note 1. H = HIGH state (the more positive voltage) 2. L = LOW state (the less positive voltage) 3. X = state is immaterial 4. 5. = positive-going transition = negative-going transition 6. Dn = either HIGH or LOW 7. n = number of clock pulse transitions no change L L L January 1995 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual 4-bit static shift register AC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = 0 V; Tamb = 25 °C; CL = 50 pF; input transition times 20 ns VDD V Propagation delays CP On HIGH to LOW 5 10 15 5 LOW to HIGH MR On HIGH to LOW Output transition times HIGH to LOW 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 LOW to HIGH Set-up time D CP Hold time D CP Minimum clock pulse width; LOW Minimum MR pulse width; HIGH Recovery time for MR Maximum clock pulse frequency 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 fmax tRMR tWMRH tWCPL thold tsu 25 25 20 40 20 15 60 30 20 80 30 24 50 30 20 7 15 22 tTLH tTHL tPHL tPLH tPHL 130 55 40 120 55 40 105 45 35 60 30 20 60 30 20 -

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