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Motorola MC1496 free download

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MC1496, MC1496B Balanced Modulators/ Demodulators These devices were designed for use where the output voltage is a product of an input voltage (signal) and a switching function (carrier). Typical applications include suppressed carrier and amplitude modulation, synchronous detection, FM detection, phase detection, and chopper applications. See ON Semiconductor Application Note AN531 for additional design information. · Excellent Carrier Suppression ­65 dB typ @ 0.5 MHz ­50 dB typ @ 10 MHz · Adjustable Gain and Signal Handling · Balanced Inputs and Outputs · High Common Mode Rejection ­85 dB typical 14 This device contains 8 active transistors. 1 SO­14 D SUFFIX CASE 751A 14 1 PDIP­14 P SUFFIX CASE 646 PIN CONNECTIONS Signal Input 1 14 VEE 13 N/C 12 Output 11 N/C 10 Carrier Input 9 N/C 8 Input Carrier Figure 1. Suppressed Carrier Output Waveform Gain Adjust 2 Gain Adjust 3 Signal Input 4 Bias 5 IC = 500 kHz, IS = 1.0 kHz Output 6 N/C 7 0 IC = 500 kHz IS = 1.0 kHz Log Scale Id 20 ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 11 of this data sheet. Figure 2. Suppressed Carrier Spectrum DEVICE MARKING INFORMATION See general marking information in the device marking section on page 11 of this data sheet. 499 kHz 500 kHz 501 kHz 10 8.0 Linear Scale 6.0 4.0 2.0 0 IC = 500 kHz IS = 1.0 kHz IC = 500 kHz IS = 1.0 kHz 40 60 Figure 3. Amplitude Modulation Output Waveform 499 kHz 500 kHz 501 kHz Figure 4. Amplitude­Modulation Spectrum 1 Publication Order Number: MC1496/D © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2001 September, 2001 ­ Rev. 6 MC1496, MC1496B MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Rating Applied Voltage (V6­V8, V10­V1, V12­V8, V12­V10, V8­V4, V8­V1, V10­V4, V6­V10, V2­V5, V3­V5) Differential Input Signal Maximum Bias Current Thermal Resistance, Junction­to­Air Plastic Dual In­Line Package Operating Ambient Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range NOTE: ESD data available upon request. MC1496 MC1496B Symbol V V8 ­ V10 V4 ­ V1 I5 RJA TA Tstg Value 30 +5.0 ±(5+I5Re) 10 100 0 to +70 ­40 to +125 ­65 to +150 Unit Vdc Vdc mA °C/W °C °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 12 Vdc, VEE = ­8.0 Vdc, I5 = 1.0 mAdc, RL = 3.9 k, Re = 1.0 k, TA = Tlow to Thigh, all input and output characteristics are single­ended, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) Characteristic Carrier Feedthrough VC = 60 mVrms sine wave and offset adjusted to zero VC = 300 mVpp square wave: offset adjusted to zero offset not adjusted Carrier Suppression fS = 10 kHz, 300 mVrms fC = 500 kHz, 60 mVrms sine wave fC = 10 MHz, 60 mVrms sine wave Transadmittance Bandwidth (Magnitude) (RL = 50 ) Carrier Input Port, VC = 60 mVrms sine wave fS = 1.0 kHz, 300 mVrms sine wave Signal Input Port, VS = 300 mVrms sine wave |VC| = 0.5 Vdc Signal Gain (VS = 100 mVrms, f = 1.0 kHz; |VC|= 0.5 Vdc) Single­Ended Input Impedance, Signal Port, f = 5.0 MHz Parallel Input Resistance Parallel Input

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