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File name:tv_color_all_version.part1.rar
[preview Q2500, TZF-97, Q2500B, Q2500-Vitros,]
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Model:Q2500, TZF-97, Q2500B, Q2500-Vitros, 🔎
Original:604/390-88175 (050) (099) 🔎
Descr:Schematic Diagram - (3.786Kb) 2 Part File - pag. 52
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File name Loewe TV - Chassis Q2500.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M MP26 MP30 MP31 N MP27 O MP28 MP29 SEKGND HDRIVE P Q R S T U MP23 CCVS2 V W X Y MP33 HDGND HPOS 5 EWGND EW 6 VPROT V+ W610 13pol FP V- 10 VFLB HFLB SSIF1 SDA4 SDA3 SCL4 RSIG DISE LS-R Mute LS-L W214 W212 1pol s XH 1pol s XH W511 13pol MP21 AF1/SSIF2 MP32 MP24 CCVS1 MP25 MP22 UMUTE 10 W211 13pol 11 11 13 13 11 10 12 10 12 10 12 13 1 1 3 5 3 1 3 2 4 6 7 8 9 2 4 7 9 2 4 5 7 8 8 6 9 R478 22k C473 13 C471 22u R479 220R 14 2n2 R475 4R7 U+NF 100n 7 6 2 10 4 1 9 3 U-NF C489 10u R473 C472 680R 22u R472 22k C474 2n2 R474 22k C476 1u R476 33k R477 10k/1% R471 22k C079 22u U5 U3.3 U12 U8 U9 U33 W250 *Best-Var* 8 DISE 7 6 SDA4 SDA3 SCL4 9 R0570 *Typ-Var* 9 B474 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 8 9 W470 *Best-Var* B222 *Best-Var* U12 B210 *Best-Var* B214 *Best-Var* *Best-Var* *Best-Var* B473 2 1 B204 *Best-Var* R563 470R C567 1n5 R566 82k/2% R572 C203 L479 3u8 C478 I474 TDA7296 8 C564 100n R581 10k/1% *Best-Var* C573 22n UB R207 5k6 R208 6k8 R209 5k6 R206 6k8 U33 D206 C30V R571 5k6/2% L202 U5A *Best-Var* U9 C201 *Best-Var* 13 L203 *Best-Var* 5 4 U12 3 2 U5 VIDAD IFAGC CCVS TAGC SDA VANT SCL AC1 AC2 AF V9 V33 IDC V5 2 1 B206 *Best-Var* R488 22k R489 220R C483 U+NF 13 100n 7 C481 22u 14 C485 100n R485 4R7 U+NF U+NF U+NF R466 470R/3W UB R680 47k C468 2200u/50V U-NF C467 2n2 R468 470R/3W U-NF R467 6k8 D680 ZPY100 R669 3k3 C669 1u/100V R670 100k UB I670 TL431ACLP C678 2n2 6 2 10 4 *Best-Var* R568 R564 R569 470R D474 1N4148 R483 680R C482 22u 470n/100V 1R5 3 6 5 R469 2k2 UV+ C562 1u D561 BA157 MP08 2 USVM MP06 R559 *Best-Var* MP07 R578 82k/2% R573 4k7 R567 *Best-Var* *Best-Typ-Var* SSIF W471 AMP gn s C475 100n U+NF 15 18 14 16 17 19 21 23 22 24 25 R565 39k/1% U202 26 C477 100n 15 C563 C561 *Best-Var* *Best-Var* 5k6/2% 1 B216 *Best-Var* R205 *Best-Var* C206 10u R204 *Best-Var* W270 *Best-Var* 4 3 2 1 8 L489 3u8 C488 2n2 TAGC VANT SCL AC1 AC2 AF V9 V5 V33 IDC VIDAD IFAGC 15 R15 C487 100n U-NF C486 1u R492 1k R659 *Typ-Var* D491 1N4148 B663 R10 I561 *Typ-Var* MP09 C577 *Typ-Var* C579 *Best-Typ-Var* R579 39k/1% R574 *Typ-Var* R577 *Best-Var* D563 *Best-Var* SSIF MP05 CCVS SDA B481 1 7 I484 TDA7296 1 9 3 C568 W481 AMP ge s FLYBACK GENERATOR C484 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 22 24 25 C569 1u C578 1n5 D562 *Best-Var* MP35 U203 *Best-Var* 8 26 R484 22k R482 22k 2n2 C492 4u7 Q469 BC547B UV- 4 UV- + - W569 2pol sw 2 1 DVB W260 *Best-Var* 4 CCVS2 3 2 1 SAT AF1/SSIF2 7 7 D670 C30V R662 4k7/1% P662 1k UB R663 C670 22n 220k/1% C466 2200u/50V D666 SD103C C671 4n7 R672 1k D672 C3V9 U7 UB R693 220R B537 1N5822 L533 FE_PE 6 R651 18k/2% B536 D652 *Best-Var* L650 FE_PE D651 *Best-Var* UB C0650 150p/1600V C651 47u/250V R657 4k7/1% D656 EGP30F C656 680p/500V 18 17 F661 T4A R491 3R3 C661 680p/500V D661 L661 *Best-Var* FE_PE D671 STPS

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