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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson L291

SGS-Thomson L291 free download

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Model:L291 🔎
Original:L291 🔎
Descr:5 Bit D/A converter and position amplifier
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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L291 5 BIT - D/A CONVERTER AND POSITION AMPLIFIER 5 BI T D/A CONVERT ER (1/2 LSB MAX LINEARITY ERROR); ERROR AMPLIFIER; POSITION AMPLIFIER. DESCRIPTION The L291, a monolithic LSI circuit in a 16-lead dual in-line plastic package, is intended for use with the L290 and L292 to form a complete 3 chip DC motor positioning system for applications such as carriage/daisy-wheel position control in typewriters. The L290/291/292 system can be directly controlled by a microprocessor. DIP-16 (Plastic 0.25) ORDER CODE : L291B ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vs Ptot Tstg, Tj Supply Voltage Total Power Dissipation Tamb = 70 °C Storage and Junction Temperature Parameter Value ± 15 1 - 40 to 150 Unit V W °C SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM October 1991 1/8 L291 CONNECTION DIAGRAM (top view) BLOCK DIAGRAM 2/8 L291 TEST CIRCUIT THERMAL DATA Symbol R th-j-amb Parameter Thermal resistance junction-ambient Max Value 80 Unit °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (refer to the circuit, S1 and S2 in (a), Vs = ± 12 V, Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vs Id Parameter Supply Voltage Quiescent Drain Current Test conditions Min. ± 10 6.5 Typ. Max. ± 15 10 Unit V mA POSITION AMPLIFIER Vstrobe Enable Voltage Level VL(S in (a)) * VH(S in (b)) * Vos Ib Vo VR Output Offset Voltage (pin 16) Input Bias Current (pin 15) Output Voltage Swing (pin 16) Residual Output Voltage (pin 16) Vstrobe = VL ; GV = 20 dB Vstrobe = VL Vstrobe = VL ; S2 in(b) ; Vs = ± 10.8 V Vstrobe = VH ±9 ± 20 0 2.4 0.8 + Vs ± 50 0.3 V V mV µA V mV * See block diagram and the note for Position Amplifier. 3/8 L291 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit D/A CONVERTER I ref Current Reference Input Range (pin 9) Current Reference Offset Voltage (pin 9) Outpur Current Range (pin 12) Outpur Current (pin 12) Iref = 0.722 mA SC1 to SC5 = L SIGN = L(IO1) SIGN = H(IO2) Iref = 0.3 to 1.2 mA All Inputs High 0.3 1.2 ± 20 1.4 mA mV mA Vos Io Io -1.358 +1.358 -21 -1.4 +1.4 -1.442 mA +1.442 +21 1.61 ± 0.4 µA %FS µA Io Linearity Error Ios Pin 12 Output Offset Current (including Error Anpifier bias current) Low Voltage Level (digital inputs) High Voltage Level (digital inputs) Digital Input Current (low state) Digital Inputs Current (high state) Io1+Io2 Iref = 0.722 mA All Inputs High VL VH IL IH 0 SC1 = LSB SC5 = MSB VL = 0.4 V VH = + VS 2.4 0.8 +VS -50 1 V V µA µA ERROR AMPLIFIER Vos Output Offset Voltage (pin 1) Iref = 0.5 mA; All Inputs High Gv = 40 dB Io Vo Output Current (pin 1) Output Voltage Swing (pin 1) All Inputs High S1 in (b); RL = 10 K ± 7.4 ±5 ± 8.4 mA Vp ± 200 mV 4/8 L291 D/A CONVERTER The L291 contains a 5-bit D/A converter accepting a binary code and generating a bipolar output current, the polarity of which depends on the SIGN input. The amplitude of the output current is a multiple of a reference current Iref. The maximum output current is IFS = ± 31 Iref 16 The following table shows the value of Io for different input codes. N

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