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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson L290

SGS-Thomson L290 free download

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Descr:Tachometer converter
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L290 TACHOMETER CONVERTER DESCRIPTION The L290, a monolithic LSI circuit in 16-lead inline plastic package, is intended for user with the L291 and L292 which together from a complete 3-chip DC motor positioning system for applications such as carriage/daisy-wheel position control in typewriters. The L290/1/2 system can be directly controlled by a microprocessor. The L290 integrates the following functions: - tacho voltage generator (F/V converter) - reference voltage generator - position pulse generator ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Symbol Vs Vi (FTA, FTB, FTF) Ptot Tstg , Tj Supply Voltage Input Signals Total Power Dissipation (Tamb = 70 °C) Storage and Junction Temperature Parameter Value ± 15 ±7 1 - 40 to + 150 Unit V V W °C DIP-16 Plastic (0.25) ORDER CODE : L290B SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM March 1993 1/8 L290 CONNECTION DIAGRAM (top view) BLOCK DIAGRAM 2/8 L290 TEST CIRCUIT THERMAL DATA Symbol R th-j-amb Parameter Thermal resistance junction-case Max Value 80 Unit °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the test circuit, S in (A), Vs = ± 12 V, Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vs Id Parameter Supply Voltage Quiescent Drain Current Vs = ± 15 V Test conditions Min. ± 10 13 Typ. Max. ± 15 20 Unit V mA INPUT AMPLIFIERS (A1 and A2) FTA, FTB Vos Ib Gv V0 Input Signal from Encoder (pin 1, 16) Output Offset Voltage (pin 2, 15) Input Bias Current (pin 1, 16) Voltage Gain Output Voltage Swing (pin 2, 15) f = 10 KHz FTA= FTB = ± 0.6 Vp FTA = FTB = ± 1Vp 22 ± 9.5 fmax = 20 KHz FTA = FTB = 0 V 0.15 23 24 ± 0.4 ± 0.6 ± 55 Vp mV µA dB V 3/8 L290 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit COMPARATORS WITH HYSTERESIS (C1, C2, and C3) VTHP (°) VTHN (° °) FTF VL Ileak Positive Threshold Voltage (pin 2, 12, 15) Negative Threshold Voltage (pin 2, 12, 15) Threshold Hysteresis Output Voltage (low level) (pin 10, 13, 14) (pins 10, 13, 14) C1 and C 2 C3 C1 and C 2 C3 C3 I0 = 2 mA FTA = FTB = FTF = 0 V FTA = FTB = 0.5 V VCE = 5 V FTF = 1 V 550 700 55 570 72 0.2 850 900 175 830 120 0.4 1 mV mV mV mV mV V µA REFERENCE GENERATOR Vref Iref DC Reference Voltage (pin 3) Output Current (pin 3) FTA = FTB = ± 0.5 Vp (*) Iref = 1 mA 4.5 5 5.5 1.4 V mA "TACHO" AMPLIFIER (A3) Vos Vo Output Offset Voltage (pin 4) DC Output Voltage (pin 4) FTA = ± 15 mV FTA = FTB = ± 0.5 Vp VMA = VMB = ± 1.25 Vp V0 V0 Output Voltage Swing (pin 4) Sin (B) VMA VMB Vbias Multiplier Input Voltage (pin 7, 8) Bias Voltage (pin 6) FTA and FTB Floating - 6.5 1V 0 V01 + V02 FTA = FTB = 0.5V FTA = FTB = -0.5 V FTB = 0.5V (**) V01 (***) V02 5.4 - 5.4 - 150 9 -9 ± 1.25 ± 1.7 -8 Vp V 6 -6 ± 80 6.6 V - 6.6 + 150 mV V mV (°) Note : FTA = FTB = FTF 1V (° °) 0 : Phase relationship between the signals : * FTA : 0° FTB : 90° ** FTA : 0° FTB : - 90° VMA = 90° *** FTA : 0° FTB : 90° VMA = 90° : FTA= FTB = FTF = VMB = 0° VMB = 180° 4/8 L290 WAVEFORMS (Neglecting threshold volage level of the comparators). SYSTEM DESCRIPTION : refer to the L29

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