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Philips TDA8356 free download

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File name:Dc-coupled vertical deflection circuit.pdf
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Model:TDA8356 🔎
Original:1999 Sep 27 🔎
Descr:Data Sheet - pag. 12
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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File name Dc-coupled vertical deflection circuit.pdf

INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA8356 DC-coupled vertical deflection circuit Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Sep 07 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1999 Sep 27 Philips Semiconductors Product specification DC-coupled vertical deflection circuit FEATURES · Few external components · Highly efficient fully DC-coupled vertical output bridge circuit · Vertical flyback switch · Guard circuit · Protection against: ­ Short-circuit of the output pins (7 and 4) ­ Short-circuit of the output pins to VP. · Temperature protection · High EMC immunity because of common mode inputs · A guard signal in zoom mode. QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL DC supply VP Iq Vertical circuit IO(p-p) Idiff(p-p) Vdiff(p-p) Flyback switch IM VFB Tstg Tamb Tvj peak output current flyback supply voltage - - -55 -25 - - - - - - ±1 50 output current (peak-to-peak value) differential input current (peak-to-peak value) differential input voltage (peak-to-peak value) - - - - 600 1.5 2 - 1.8 supply voltage quiescent supply current 9 - 14.5 30 25 - PARAMETER MIN. TYP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION TDA8356 The TDA8356 is a power circuit for use in 90° and 110° colour deflection systems for field frequencies of 50 to 120 Hz. The circuit provides a DC driven vertical deflection output circuit, operating as a highly efficient class G system. MAX. UNIT V mA A µA V A V °C °C °C Thermal data (in accordance with IEC 747-1) storage temperature operating ambient temperature virtual junction temperature +150 +75 150 ORDERING INFORMATION TYPE NUMBER TDA8356 PACKAGE NAME SIL9P DESCRIPTION plastic single in-line power package; 9 leads VERSION SOT131-2 1999 Sep 27 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification DC-coupled vertical deflection circuit BLOCK DIAGRAM TDA8356 handbook, full pagewidth VP VO(guard) VFB 6 3 VP 8 CURRENT SOURCE TDA8356 VP 7 VO(A) IS IT IT 9 VP V I(fb) VO(A) I drive(pos) 1 I drive(neg) 2 V IS 4 VO(B) VO(B) 5 GND MGC091 Fig.1 Block diagram. 1999 Sep 27 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification DC-coupled vertical deflection circuit PINNING SYMBOL Idrive(pos) Idrive(neg) VP VO(B) GND VFB VO(A) VO(guard) VI(fb) PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DESCRIPTION input power-stage (positive); includes II(sb) signal bias input power-stage (negative); includes II(sb) signal bias operating supply voltage output voltage B ground input flyback supply voltage output voltage A guard output voltage input feedback voltage FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION TDA8356 The vertical driver circuit is a bridge configuration. The deflection coil is connected between the output amplifiers, which are driven in opposite phase. An external resistor (RM) connected in series with the deflection coil provides internal feedback information. The differential input circuit is voltage driven. The input circuit has been adapted to enable it to be used with the TDA9150, TDA9151B, TDA9160A, TDA9162, TDA8366 and TDA8376 which deliver symmetrical current signals. An external resistor (RCON) conn

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