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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson TDA2052

SGS-Thomson TDA2052 free download

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Model:TDA2052 🔎
Original:TDA2052V-ST 🔎
Descr:PWR AMP 1x65W HIFI SQL07
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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TDA2052 60W Hi-Fi AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER WITH MUTE / STAND-BY SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE UP TO ±25V SPLIT SUPPLY OPERATION HIGH OUTPUT POWER (UP TO 60W MUSIC POWER) LOW DISTORTION MUTE/STAND-BY FUNCTION NO SWITCH ON/OFF NOISE AC SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL SHUTDOWN ESD PROTECTION DESCRIPTION The TDA2052 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Heptawatt package, intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in TV or Hi-Fi field application. Thanks to the wide voltage range and to the high out current capability it's able to supply the highTEST AND APPLICATION CIRCUIT Heptawatt ORDERING NUMBER: TDA2052 est power into both 4 and 8 loads even in presence of poor supply regulation. The built in Muting/Stand-by function simplifies the remote operations avoiding also switching onoff noises. February 1997 1/13 This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. TDA2052 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VS IO Ptot Top Tstg, Tj DC Supply Voltage Output Peak Current (internally limited) Power Dissipation T case = 70°C Operating Temperature Range Storage and Junction Temperature Parameter Value ±25 6 30 0 to +70 -40 to +150 Unit V A W °C °C PIN CONNECTION (Top view) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 tab connected to pin 4 D95AU326 NON INVERTING INPUT(PLAY) INVERTING INPUT NON INVERTING INPUT(MUTE) -VS STAND-BY/MUTE +VS OUTPUT BLOCK DIAGRAM 2/13 TDA2052 THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-case Description Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max Value 2.5 Unit °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the test circuit, G V = 32dB; VS + 18V; f = 1KHz; Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.) Symbol VS Iq Ib VOS IOS PO PO Parameter Supply Range Total Quiescent Current Input Bias Current Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Current Music Output Power IEC268-3 Rules (*) Output Power (continuous RMS) VS = + 22.5, RL = 4, d = 10%, t = 1s d = 10% RL = 4 R L = 8 VS = +22V, RL = 8 d = 1% R L = 4 R L = 8 VS = +22V, RL = 8 d Total Harmonic Distortion R L = 4 PO = 0.1 to 20W; f = 100Hz to 15KHz VS + 22V, R L = 8 PO = 0.1 to 20W; f = 100Hz to 15KHz SR GV eN Ri SVR TS Slew Rate Open Loop Voltage Gain Total Input Noise Input Resistance Supply Voltage Rejection Thermal Shutdown f = 100Hz, Vripple = 1VRMS A Curve f = 20Hz to 20KHz 500 40 50 145 3 50 35 30 60 40 22 33 32 17 28 VS = +22V Test Condition Min. +6 20 40 Typ. Max. +25 70 +0.5 +15 +200 Unit V mA µA mV nA W W W W W W W 0.1 0.7 % 0.1 5 80 2 3 0.5 % V/µs dB µV µV K dB °C 10 MUTE/STAND-BY FUNCTION (Ref. ­VS) VTST-BY VTPLAY Iq ST-BY ATTST-BY Ipin3 Stand-by - Threshold Play Threshold Quiescent Current @ Stand-by Stand-by Attenuation Pin 3 Current @ Stand-by Vpin 3 = 0.5V 70 1 1.8 2.7 1 90 ­1 +10 4 3 V V mA dB µA Note (*): MUSIC POWER CONCEPT MUSIC POWER is ( according to the IEC clauses n.268-3 of Jan 83) the maximal power which the amplifier is capable of producing across the rated load resistance (regardless of non linearity) 1 sec after the application of a

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