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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson LM317L

SGS-Thomson LM317L free download

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Model:LM317L 🔎
Original:LM317L 🔎
Descr:LM317L LM217L Low current 1.2V to 37V adjustable voltage regulator
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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LM217L LM317L LOW CURRENT 1.2V TO 37V ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR . . . . . . . . OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE : 1.2 TO 37V OUTPUT CURRENT IN EXCESS OF 100 mA LINE REGULATION TYP. 0.01% LOAD REGULATION TYP. 0.1% THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION OUTPUT TRANSISTOR SAFE AREA COMPENSATION FLOATING OPERATION FOR HIGH VOLTAGE APPLICATIONS SO-8 DESCRIPTION The LM217L/LM317L are monolithic integrated circuit in SO-8 and TO-92 packages intended for use as positive adjustable voltage regulators. They are designed to supply until 100 mA of load current with an output voltage adjustable over a 1.2 to 37V range. The nominal output voltage is selected by means of only a resistive divider, making the device exceptionally easy to use and eliminating the stocking of many fixed regulators. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM TO-92 April 1994 1/8 LM217L/LM317L ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Symbol Vi - Vo Pd Topr Tstg Parameter Input-Output Differential Voltage Power Dissipation Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range for LM217L for LM317L Value 40 Internally Limited -40 to 125 0 to 125 -55 to 150 o o o Unit V C C C PIN CONNECTION AND ORDERING NUMBER SO-8 TO-92 BOTTOM VIEW pin 1 = ADJUST pin 2 = IN pin 3 = OUT Type LM217L LM317L SO-8 LM217LD LM317LD TO-92 LM217LZ LM317LZ TEST CIRCUIT 2/8 LM217L/LM317L ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR LM217L (Refer to the test circuits, -40 T j 125 oC V i - Vo = 5 V, Io = 40 mA, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vo Vo Parameter Line Regulation Load Regulation Test Conditions Vi - Vo = 3 to 40 V IL < 20 mA Vo 5V Io = 5 mA to 100 mA Vo 5V Io = 5 mA to 100 mA IADJ IADJ VREF Vo Vo Io(min) Io(max) eN SVR Adjustment Pin Current Adjustment Pin Current Reference Voltage Output Voltage Temperature Stability Minimum Load Current Maximum Output Current Output Noise Voltage (percentance of VO) Supply Voltage Rejection (*) Vi - Vo = 40 V Vi - Vo = 3 to 13 V Vi - Vo = 40 V B = 10Hz to 10KHz Tj = 25 oC Tj = 25 oC f = 120 Hz CADJ=0 CADJ=10µF 66 100 Vi - Vo = 3 to 40 V Io = 5 mA to 100 mA Pd < 625 mW Vi - Vo = 3 to 40 V Io = 5 mA to 100 mA Pd < 625 mW 1.2 Tj = 25 oC Tj = 25 oC Tj = 25 oC Min. Typ. 0.01 0.02 5 20 0.1 0.3 50 0.2 1.25 0.7 3.5 200 50 0.003 65 80 5 Max. 0.02 0.05 15 50 0.3 1 100 5 1.3 Unit %/V %/V mV mV % % µA µA V % mA mA % dB dB (*) CADJ is connected between Adjust pin and Ground. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR LM317L (Refer to the test circuits, 0 Tj 125 o C V i - Vo = 5 V, Io = 40 mA, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vo Vo Parameter Line Regulation Load Regulation Test Conditions Vi - Vo = 3 to 40 V IL < 20 mA Vo 5V Io = 5 mA to 100 mA Vo 5V Io = 5 mA to 100 mA IADJ IADJ VREF Vo Vo Io(min) Io(max) eN SVR Adjustment Pin Current Adjustment Pin Current Reference Voltage Output Voltage Temperature Stability Minimum Load Current Maximum Output Current Output Noise Voltage (percentance of VO) Supply Voltage Rejection (*) Vi - Vo = 40 V Vi - Vo = 3 to 13 V Vi - Vo = 40 V B = 10Hz to 10KHz Tj = 25 oC Tj

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