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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson L6223A

SGS-Thomson L6223A free download

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L6223A DMOS PROGRAMMABLE HIGH SPEED UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER ADVANCE DATA HIGH EFFICIENCY UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER HIGH SPEED UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER SUPPLY VOLTAGE UP TO 46V PHASE CURRENT UP TO 1A UP TO 2A/PHASE IN DUAL CONFIGURATION PARALLEL CMOS µP INTERFACE FOR FULL/HALF STEP MOTOR ROTATION SERIAL INTERFACE FOR 6 BIT PROGRAMMING CLOSE/OPEN LOOP, 8 PWM CURRENT LEVELS DUAL PWM FREQUENCY SELECTION INPUT BIDIRECTIONALLY PROTECTED THERMAL SHUTDOWN DESCRIPTION The L6223A is a programmable integrated system for driving a unipolar stepper motor. It is realized in Multipower BCD technology. The DMOS BLOCK DIAGRAM MULTIPOWER BCD TECHNOLOGY POWERDIP 16+2+2 ORDERING NUMBER : L6223A output stage, realized by a single upper DMOS switch and four lower DMOS, can deliver up to 1A/phase with motor supply voltages up to 46V. All inputs are CMOS and microprocessor compatible. An internal 6-bit shift register allows the device to be programmed to select different duty cycles in open loop mode and different chopping frequencies in closed loop mode. When the current control is in closed loop mode it is also possible to select a reduced current chopping level to optimize system efficiency. The L6223A is de- October 1991 1/33 This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. L6223A signed to work with a single sense resistor. During chopping t(OFF) time the current is reduced by half, improving efficiency. Higher current applications can be achieved by paralleling two ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VSS VS VI VO VOpeak Ipl Iph Ptot Vsense Tstg, Tj Logic supply Supply voltage Logic input voltage (*) Output voltage Output peak voltage (tpk = 5µs,10% d.c.) Output sink peak current d.c. 10% t(on) = 10µs Output source peak current d.c. 10%,t(on) = 10µs Total power dissipation: Tpins = 90°C Tamb = 70°C (**) Sensing voltage Storage and junction temperature Parameter Value 7 50 ­ 0.3V to VSS 100 125 3 6 4.3 2 ­ 1V to VSS ­ 40 to 150 °C V V A A W W Unit V V L6223A. The L6223A is mounted in a 20-lead Powerdip package, (16+2+2). Four ground leads conduct heat to dedicated heatsink area on the PCB. ( * ) Oscillator running ( ** ) 4 cm2 copper area on PCB, see fig. 34 PIN CONNECTION ( top wiew ) THERMAL DATA R thj-pins Rthj-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-pins Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max Max 14 60 °C/W °C/W 2/33 L6223A PIN DESCRIPTION No. 1,2 18,19 3 Name OUT2,OUT1 OUT4,OUT3 BSTP Outputs for motor windings. A bootstrap capacitor connected between this pin and COM will generate the internal overvoltage required for driving the gate of the upper DMOS. Output for common wire of motor. Common ground. Also provides heatsinking to PCB. Power supply Digital input. 1) In PROGRAM MODE,operates in XOR with DA/OPLO to load data into 6-bit shift register. 2) In OPERATING MODE,works with the other digital inputs to reduce the current level (see Table 2 and Table 3)

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