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File name alex-cosmo difference_L4.pdf

Alex / Cosmo Electrical Differences SWF0246BB (ALEX) With Reference to GCAP / Modem Schematic Part Number 0662057M50 0662057M51 0662057M74 0662057M92 0662057M98 0662057N23 0662057M01 0662057M26 0662057M92 21137432E20 21137432E20 2113928A01 2113741F49 2113743L17 2113743N12 2113743N12 2113743N12 2113743N34 2113928A01 4809605E02 4809608E03 4809653F02 5109512F02 5109522E22 5109781E50 0909201T01 CCt Reference Designator R799 R744 R1229 R725 R1227 R1230 R507 R1219 R739 C1026 C1027 C1025 C926 C1024 C928 C929 C930 C931 C911 Q1015 Q1017 CR920 U918 U917 U915 J601 5109522E15 5109962C11 U914 U703 SWF2529EB(COSMO) With Reference to Logic Schematic Part Number 0662057M92 0662057N10 0662057N39 CCt Reference Designator R725 R1226 R1225 *NB These differences are main differences only. i.e.Components which are present on one product but not on another,or main IC changes, not value changes in descreet components
File name BDAL_Alex_A3_C_L3_V1.1.pdf

GSM DualSlot StarTAC Audio Logic Block Diagram to U501, 42 217 Hz 38 83 DUAL_CS 85 12 6 121 14 DP_EN RAM2CS U702 Eprom J101, 21 U704 SRam U704 SRam U702 LOGIC BOARD SIGNALS SRAM U704 EEPROM U705 FLASH 26 U702 16 42 43 RAM2_CS RAM1_CS RX_EN SIM Interface 1 7 14 15 J601 6 SIM Interface 2 U915 J900 1 - 10 SIM_VCC 1 U902 SIM_VCC 2 5 7 Measured in standby mode 2.8mVpp 10ms / cm From the CPU (U701). When high, Rx path enabled and low muted. 1. Enables the Rf switch (U400) for receive mode. 2. Biases the mixer Q420, and low noise amp (Q418). From CPU (U701), but inverted by Q501. High when 1. Enable the Rf switch for transmit mode & also the GIFSYN for transmit mode. 2. Supply Voltage for the PAC IC. 3. Isolates RF, by switching the PA Bias Circuitry ( Not shown). Controlled at power up by GCAP (U900) & CPU (U701). 1. Connected to CPU (U701), BIC (U703), Modem (U501) & Speech coder (U801). After power up sequence, any chip can hold RESET low to power phone off if there is a problem. 13_DCLK_B from U201, 59 + 2.75V RESET SPI DATA BUS RX_ACQ to U501 DM_CS TX_KEY MDM_RD MDM_WR 20 37 17 48 35 TX_EN 7Vpp 10ms / cm to U201, 97 RF_START RESET RX_EN U701 CALL PROCESSOR RAM1CS ROM1CS DATA BUS ADDRESSS BUS 32 31 34 33 38 40 from J601, 11 39 1, 3, 97 41 120 U703 BIC A/D 46 DATA BUS ROM1_CS DUAL_CS RESET power on 2,8Vrms 200ms / cm DUAL_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to Eprom. 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from Eprom (U702). ADDRESSS BUS D/A 64 58 1 U701, 16 BATT_SENSE DAC_OUT RAM2_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to SRAM. 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from 2nd half of SRAM (U704). RAM1_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to SRAM. 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from 1st half of SRAM (U704). Y701 32.768 kHz 94 95 92 SC_INT 5 48 16 SCI_RX UPLINK (non-voiced data) DOWNLINK (non-voiced data) 46 49 37, 108-114 + 2,75V BATT_FDBK 6 AD_THERM BATT_GND BATT+ 11 DATA ROM1_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to Eprom. 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from Eprom (U702). ADDRESSS BUS DATA BUS MF_INT BIC_INT DP_EN start up or press key 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to display, via connector J101. 1. Processor selects to enable display. When high, the display is enabled and low disabled. CR605 DOWNLINK_AUD TX_EN C E Q501 B + 2,75V J600 UPLINK_AUD 14 EXT_B+ 12 11 4 Q601 Q602 1-5 12-16 EARPIECE (Only available with a complete flip assembly) R2.75V J601 SC_INT start up or press key 2.8Vpp 2ns / cm Speech Coder Interface. This is a signal from uP (U701) to Speech Coder (U801). 1) This is a 20ms timing signal from U701 which times the decoding and encoding function of the Speech Coder U801. From CPU (U701) to Clock Doubler U805. 1) This signal enables the Clock Doubler U805 which doubles the 13MHz clock to 26MHz to time the Speech Coder. When high U805 is enabled and low disabled. From BIC to uP. This signal periodi
File name fullparts_DCSST85_A4_BW_L4_Vxx.pdf

DCS STARTAC - SUG 1043 - FULL PARTS LISTING 1 SHN6319A 2 0109212D01 2 0109284S01 3 0109470S01 4 4209389S01 4 8409390S01 3 1509283S01 3 3609217D01 3 4209218D01 3 4309134E01 3 6109219D01 2 0109322D01 2 0109485D01 3 0109207D01 4 1109210D01 4 1109410R01 4 3909492B01 4 5009076E01 4 5909127D03 4 6009519L03 4 8409420D01 3 0109486D01 4 1509222D01 4 1509223D01 4 3209208D01 4 5983583N18 3 1509210E01 3 1509224D01 3 3509120R01 3 7509532K12 1 SUG1044A 2 SHN6227A 3 0309333C01 3 0509220D01 3 0509221D01 3 1109155J01 3 1109387L01 3 1509136D01 3 2609231D01 3 3509001R01 3 3709013J01 3 3809170E01 3 4709050R01 3 5009536H15 3 5409150R01 HSNG DCS UNIQUE 17KEY BLK 111MYY ASSY HSNG XCVR FRNT BLK 111BYN ASSY REAR AUX 111BYN ASSY GSM AUX FLEX 121BYN CLIP BOTTOM FLEX 121BYN PCB AUX FLEX INTERCONNECT 121BYN HSNG REAR AUX 121BYN KNOB EJECT 121BYN CLIP EJECT/CARD COMPRESSION 121BYN BUSHING THREADED REAR HSNG 121BYN LIGHTGUIDE ALERT 121BYN ASSY LENS RAE 111BYN ASSY HSNG MAIN FLIP BLK 111BYN ASSEMBLY FLIP 121BYN ADHESIVE RTC BATTERY 121BYN ADHESIVE SPEAKER 121BYN CONTACT BLOCK BATTERY 221BYN SPKR DYN EARPC 20X50 MM 121BYN MOTOR VIBRATOR 0.7V 10K RPM 121BYN BATT LI COIN CELL 121BYN PCB FLEX BD 121BYN ASSY MAIN FLIP GSM 121BYN HSNG SPEAKER FRNT 121BYN HSNG MAIN FLIP BLK 121BYN GASKET SPEAKER 121BYN MAGNET GSM RAE 121BYN HSNG FLEX BARREL BLK 121BYN HSNG SPEAKER REAR 121BYN FELT REAR SPKR 121BYN PAD SHOCK 121BYN XCVR CORE DCS CLAM RAE 111MYY HSNG & HDW DCS RAE COMMON 111MYY SCREW TRILOBE W/CAP WASHER 211BYN GROMMET MIC 111BYN GROMMET ALERT 111BYN ADHESIVE DCA COVER 111BYN ALERT GROMMET ADHESIVE 111BYN HSNG FLEX COVER 111BYN SHIELD LOGIC 111BYN SCREEN ALERT 111BYN TUBE ANTENNA S.S. 111BYN ACTR KYPD GSM RAE 111BYN SHAFT GSM RIGHT 111BYN MIC LEADED W/PINS 111BYN LABEL FLEX 111BYN 3 3 3 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5509242E01 HINGE GSM 111BYN 7509165R01 PAD SHOCK 111BYN 8509173J01 ANT DIRECT CNTCT 1.8GHZ DCS 111BYN SLG1003A BD SET DCS CLAM RAE 111MYY SLG4014A XCVR BD DCS 1800 RAE 111MYY 0109026A08 XCVR BD RAE DCS TOP SIDE 111MYY 0609118R01 VARISTOR CHIP 0805 SMD 211BYN 0609591M39 RES CHIP DUAL 15K 5% 0.63W 411BYN 0609591M45 RES CHIP DUAL 47K 5% 0.63W 611BYN 0660076N01 RES CHIP 10 5 1/16 0603 211BYN 0662057M01 RES. CHIP 0 5% 20X40 411BYN 0662057M26 RES. CHIP 10 5% 20X40 511BYN 0662057M50 RES. CHIP 100 5% 20X40 811BYN 0662057M58 RES. CHIP 220 5% 20X40 111BYN 0662057M61 RES CHIP 300 5% 20X40 111BYN 0662057M68 RES. CHIP 560 5% 20X40 311BYN 0662057M74 RES. CHIP 1000 5% 20X40 711BYN 0662057M78 RES. CHIP 1500 5% 20X40 111BYN 0662057M80 RES. CHIP 1800 5% 20X40 111BYN 0662057M90 RES. CHIP 4700 5% 20X40 611BYN 0662057M92 RES. CHIP 5600 5% 20X40 111BYN 0662057M98 RES. CHIP 10K 5% 20X40 13 1 1 B Y N 0662057N03 RES. CHIP 15K 5% 20X40 16 1 1 B Y N 0662057N05 RES. CHIP 18K 5% 20X40 411BYN 0662057N06 RES. CHIP 20K 5% 20X40 211BYN 0662057N07 RES. CHIP 22K 5% 20X40 111BYN 0662057N09 RES. CHIP 27K 5% 20X40 211BYN 0662057N15 RES. CHIP 47K
File name fullpart_alex_A4_BW_L4.pdf

SWF0246BB Bom Report LVL COMPONENT_PART D P REF ---------- --------------- - -----1 SHN7129A Y Y 2 0109322D03 Y N 2 0185806H01 Y N 3 0109470S01 Y N 4 4209389S01 Y N 4 8409390S01 Y N 3 1585807H01 Y N 3 3685808H01 Y N 3 4285809H01 Y N 3 6109219D01 Y N 2 0185944H01 Y N 3 0104942Z01 Y N 3 0185856G01 Y N 4 0109207D08 Y N 5 1109210D01 Y N 5 1109410R01 Y N 5 3285943H01 Y N 5 3909426M01 Y N 5 3909492B03 Y N 5 5009076E01 Y N 5 5909127D03 Y N 5 6009519L03 Y N 5 7509532K12 Y N 5 8485607G01 Y N 4 1509039U01 Y N 4 1509222D01 Y N 4 1585857G01 Y N 4 1585858G01 Y N DESCRIPTION QTY C Q M ------------------------------ ---- - - H&H ALEX CARDFONE BLK ASSY LENS ASSY REAR ALEX BLK ASSY GSM AUX FLEX CLIP BOTTOM FLEX PCB AUX FLEX INTERCONNECT REAR HOUSING ALEX BLK KNOB EJECT ALEX CLIP EJECT ALEX LIGHTGUIDE ALERT ASSY FLIP FRNT ALEX ASSY FRNT GSM TF BLACK ASSY FLIP ALEX ASSY ALEX FLEX ADHESIVE RTC BATTERY ADHESIVE SPEAKER GASKET FLEX CNTCT BLK SIM CARD READER ZAP CONTACT BLOCK BATT 2 CKT SPKR DYN EARPC 20X50 MM MOTOR VIBRATOR 0.7V 10K RPM BATT LI COIN CELL PAD SHOCK GASKET FLEX HSNG FLEX BARREL GSM BLK 259 HSNG SPEAKER FRNT HSNG FLIP ALEX HSNG SPEAKER REAR ALEX 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 4 Y N 4 Y N 4 Y N 4 Y N 3 Y N 3 Y N 3 Y N 2 Y N 1585859G01 3209208D01 3509120R01 5983583N18 3309284K01 4709050R01 5509242E04 5402419T02 HSNG SIM SPACER ALEX GASKET SPEAKER FELT REAR SPKR MAGNET GSM RAE NMPLT METAL SHAFT GSM RIGHT HINGE LUBE SPEC LABEL CIT WHITE HSN & HDW ALEX COM BLK SCREW TORX PLUS W/AUTOSER 1.8 GROMMET MIC GROMMET ALERT ADHESIVE DCA COVER SHIELD LOGIC MIC LEADED W/PINS TEMP MIC 5009536H15 PANASONIC PAD SHOCK KEYPAD SHOCK ANT ASSY STUBBY GSM KEYPAD ALEX UNIQ BARCLAYCARD KEYPAD BARCLAYCARD BDSET STARTC D SIEM XCVR BD STARTC D SIEM STARTAC D TOP SIEM VARISTOR CHIP 0805 SMD VARISTOR CHIP 0805 SMD 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 M 2 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 4 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 M 2 1 1 B 1 1 B 4 1 1 B 1 1 B 1 1 B 1 1 B 1 SHN7131A Y Y 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 2 Y N 1 SHN7193A Y Y 2 Y N 1 SLF2079B Y Y 2 Y N 3 Y Y 4 Y N RV0607 4 Y N RV0608 4 Y N R00702 4 Y N R00703 4 Y N R00705 4 Y N R00708 0609118R01 0109043A18 SLF7710B 3809105S07 8585604J01 7509190M01 7509165R01 5102543T01 5009536H15 2609231D01 1109155J01 0509270M01 0509220D01 0309315B07 0609591M39 RES CHIP DUAL 15K 5% 0.63W RES CHIP DUAL 15K 5% 0.63W RES CHIP DUAL 15K 5% 0.63W RES CHIP DUAL 15K 5% 0.63W 4 Y N R01100 4 Y N R00726 4 Y N R00727 0609591M45 RES CHIP DUAL 47K 5% 0.63W RES CHIP DUAL 47K 5% 0.63W RES CHIP DUAL 47K 5% 0.63W Motorola Internal Use Only SWF0246BB Bom Report DESCRIPTION 6 1 1 B 1 1 B 1 1 B QTY C Q M D P REF ---------- --------------- --------------------------
File name mrs_alex_a4_bw_l4.PDF

MARKETING REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION ­ Version 2.4 MOTO/MRSDOC/GL/2.4 SUBJECT Mobile Smart Card Terminal ­ Based upon the StarTAC 85 Cosmo, with 2 card readers Laurence John ­ Business Development Manager, Mobile Smart Card David Gannon ­ Technical Manager, Mobile Smart Card Guy Lanrezac ­Product Manager, Mobile Smart Card Handsets Thursday, 31 December 1998 FROM DATE REVISION HISTORY Version Version D.1.0 Version D.1.1 Version D 1.1 Version D 1.2 Version D 0.3 Version D 0.4 Version 1.0 Version 1.1 Description Draft requirements Jan 23 1998 Draft requirements Jan 24th 1998 Draft requirements date ... Draft requirements date ... ­ Tech Marketing comments Draft requirements date 16-Apr-98 Added Ref. Docs. And abbreviations Added comments on SIM selection & multi-slot management Added Change Requests following May SMG9 meeting Definition of requests for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Additional request for support of Asian language Tracking number 1.0 (no need for "Check card" prompt (STK responsibility) · · · · · · · · · · Add of target dates for Phases 1 to 4 Update on GSM technical specification versions Reference to specification for embossed card readers ISO 7810 & 7811 Definition of SIM selection mechanism Restructure of Phase 1 (Functionality, Software, MMI) Update on Request for New Core Software Features Reference to Flex requests for Phase 1 Add of ZAP refresh features Flex off SIM selection mechanism Support of SIM Tool Kit Command: Event Driven with no queuing Motorola Proprietary & Confidential Marketing Requirement Specification Version 2.4 rd Author L. John L. John / D. Gannon L. John / D. Gannon G. Lanrezac D. Gannon D. Gannon G. Lanrezac Version 1.1 Version 1.3 G. Lanrezac Version 2.0 G. Lanrezac 18/05/99 1/32 Version Version 2.1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Version 2.2 Version 2.3 Description Introduction of Alex Refresh features Renaming of Phases 1 to 4 to Alex, Alex Refresh, Leap & Einstein 16K SIM requested for Alex Increase SIM ADN locations from 155- 255 requested for Alex Increase SIM SMS locations from 35 to 75 requested for Alex Request to not implement SIM selection via MMI until legal issues are solved Marketing Requests for STK commands for Alex Refresh Definition of STK requests for Alex Refresh Assessment of EMV card reader differences Request to be able to flex off B slot for SIM reading capability Request to read up to 15 characters on a 96x32 display Add of Status words for handling SIM data download error' STK command Assessment of how Event Queuing should be implemented Introduction on Leap features Multi slot management postponed Author G. Lanrezac G. Lanrezac G. Lanrezac Version 2.4 Introduction of Event Driven for Alex Confirmation that only Automatic SIM selection is requested for Alex & Alex Refresh. G. Lanrezac 18/05/99 Motorola Proprietary & Confidential Marketing Requirement Specification Version 2.4 2/32 Table 1 INTRODUCTION ...
File name NPJR_ALEX_A4_BW_L4_V10.pdf

European Cellular Subscriber Division NPJR-NPI-98-001 Revision 0.2 (Draft) Page 1 NEW PRODUCT JUSTIFICATION REPORT Product Variant Product Description PR No. Circulation : : : : StarTAC 200 (Alex) Dual Slot StarTAC A28-32 K Wilson M Hickey K Zaremski J Lefevbre S White K Moon A Johnston M McGonigle A Simspon N Judge Compiled by Summary : John Kennedy 14/07/98 StarTAC 200 (Alex) hardware build standard is very close to 85R (COSMO) Sales of 400-600K expected 1999. No ASP yet Ship acceptance Week 51 98 Cost of EI NPI Project $787,426 5 Pilots planned 2 Major Risks Identified (Mitigation & Contingent Actions Identified) Motorola Confidential Proprietary NPJR-NPI-98-001 Revision 0.2 (Draft) Page 2 1. Introduction The aim of this report is to provide an executive summary and justification why StarTAC 200 (Alex) should be introduced to Easter Inch. This draft report has been to give an overview of the projected costs of the project and will be reviewed after the kick off meeting planned between EI and LV planned for week 30/31. 2. Background 2.1. Product Strategy Market research has identified that end users are looking for easier ways to do financial transactions by "getting rid of the coins" and "reducing the number of cards". Dual Slot StarTAC will be marketed as the first Smart Card handset allowing financial transactions. As an example, the Smart Card terminal will allow an "electronic purse" card to be reloaded over the air. This will offer a new relation between the phone and the consumer. Future stages will allow the end user to do direct financial transactions, ticketing and loyalty schemes over the air. In addition, the dual slot StarTAC will offer secure access to remote services, authentication. The Dual Slot StarTAC is to gain the business and consumer markets where state of the art technology influences decision purchase. This is a unique product, the first of a new category of product that Motorola intends to dominate. This category is all about allowing Smart Cards to work in MOBILE environments (e.g. Smart Card ticked - Mobile Ticketing). 2.2. Product description 2.2.1. Physical Characteristics The StarTAC 200 housing will be based on the existing StarTAC 85R. The opening flip will need to be modified with the top part of the flip being thicker to accommodate the small card reader. Maintaining the overall flip design therefore will enable the use of standard StarTAC batteries. Most of the StarTAC 85R features are external identical i.e. lens, display, antenna, butt plug, side buttons, LED status indicator however the back housing although being identical to the StarTAC 85R with the exception of the circled M which will be in gold as per the StarTAC 130. The keypad will be specific. The MR key will be replaced by a circled M key and the colour of the marking changed to white or gold. The interior escutcheon below the speaker will differentiate StarTAC 200 from other StarTAC platforms. The name or number is under elab
File name PD_DCSST85_A4_BW_L4_V1.2.pdf

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Full Document DCS 1800 Clam RAE Project No.: A29-01 Version 1.2 Ruchi Mangalik Jan 6, 1997 MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY This document and the information contained in it is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of Motorola and shall not be used, published, disclosed, or disseminated outside of Motorola in whole or in part without Motorola's consent. This document contains trade secrets of Motorola. Reverse engineering of any or all of the information in this document is prohibited. ______________________________________________ DCS 1800 Clam RAE for GCSA, Project N°: A29-01, Version 1.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ______________________________________________ MANAGEMENT SIGNATURES Name Roger Kung Corporate V.P. & GCCSD G.M. Ken Leonhardt Operations Chris Colonna Product Marketing Manager Allen White GCCSD Product Engineering Doug Wick Manufacturing Ray Menzel Materials Vincent Cheung Quality Phil Tutor Finance Bernie McGill Distribution Signature Date ______________________________________________ Jan 6, 1997 Motorola Confidential Proprietary DCS 1800 Clam RAE for GCSA, Project N°: A29-01, Version 1.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ______________________________________________ REVISION HISTORY Version 1.0 1.1 1.2 Date 09-Oct-96 27-Nov-96 1-6-97 Name Mary Jo Schavitz Mary Jo Schavitz Ruchi Mangalik Reason Initial release. Deletion of SIM lock requirement for Malaysia. Add GC requirements ... ______________________________________________ Jan 6, 1997 Motorola Confidential Proprietary DCS 1800 Clam RAE for GCSA, Project N°: A29-01, Version 1.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ______________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION This product description describes the DCS1800 Clam RAE product for the Greater China South Asia region. This product description makes reference to the latest Asia/Pacific GSM Clam RAE product description, version 1.1, issued by Ruchi Mangalik. Features that are different for DCS 1800 are documented here. 1.1 Product Strategy As GSM Clam RAE PD. The DCS StarTAC is part of the Signature Series and thus it must follow the Signature guidelines. There no cosmetic differences between the DCS StarTAC and GSM StarTAC because our strategy is to be indifferent and support all technologies. We do not want to make the statement that one technology is more important than the other. 1.2 Target Markets The countries of Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong. 1.3 Distribution Strategy In keeping with the Global Distribution Strategy, distribution of DCS Clam RAE will be limited to channels that enhance the premium positioning that this product reflects. A distribution strategy for each country must be developed before the DCS Clam RAE can be introduced into that country. Precise distribution plans will be released closer to the launch date (expected to be January 1997). 2
File name PRD_ALEX_A4_BW_L4_V20.pdf

DRAFT Core Product Description Alex Dual Slot StarTAC GSM900 Stage I Project Nos. Alex - Dual Slot StarTAC A28-32 Alex ­ Dual Slot StarTAC (phase 2) requested Issue 2.0 Note: This document is also available on Lotus Notes at the following location: - EMEA Product Description - - Alex Dual Slot StarTAC - - - Section 8. Appendix - - - - Alex PD v1.0.doc (An MS Word Attachment) Guy Lanrezac November 21, 1998 MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY This document and the information contained in it is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of Motorola and shall not be used, published, disclosed, or disseminated outside of Motorola in whole or in part without Motorola's consent. This document contains trade secrets of Motorola. Reverse engineering of any or all of the information in this document is prohibited. GSM900 Alex, Draft Issue 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION November 21, 1998 Motorola Confidential Proprietary GSM900 Alex, Draft Issue 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION INTERIM-RELEASE SIGNATURES Name Laurence John EMEA Product Marketing Ruchi Mangalik GCSA Product Marketing John Calderone Accessories Product Marketing James Lefebvre Engineering Manager Glenn Riese Electrical Engineering Manager Jim Barber Mechanical Engineering Manager Dave Trahan Accessories Engineering Manager Ron Blohm Software Engineering Manager Steve Akin MMI Software Section Philip Brodessen Flensburg Manufacturing Dirk Klostermeier Flensburg Materials Michael Petersen Flensburg Distribution Paul Royer Signature Date November 21, 1998 Motorola Confidential Proprietary GSM900 Alex, Draft Issue 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Program Manager November 21, 1998 Motorola Confidential Proprietary GSM900 Alex, Draft Issue 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MANAGEMENT SIGNATURES Name Ralph Pini European General Manager and VP for GSM Mark Powell European Product Marketing Paul Pelski Asia Product Marketing Paul Dal Santo European Core Group Engineering Henry Lee Software Operations Manager Jim Gentile European Finance Phil Tutor Asia Finance Finn-Lund Andersen European Manufacturing Hiram Burrows Materials Jorge Santos Quality Group Walter Kleine European Distribution Bernie McGill Asia Distribution Ian Park European Service Vincent Cheung Asia Service Signature Date November 21, 1998 Motorola Confidential Proprietary GSM900 Alex, Draft Issue 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION REVISION HISTORY Version Issue 1.0 Issue 1.1 Issue 1.2 Issue 2.0 18-Sep-98 23-Sep-98 Date 27-Aug-98 Name Guy Lanrezac Guy Lanrezac Guy Lanrezac Guy Lanrezac Reason Initial release of ` Alex'Product Description. Insertion of Part Numbers Update on Performance figures Update on Software Feature Set (ZAP refresh) Introduction of Phase 2 November 21, 1998 Motorola Confidential Proprietary GSM900 Alex, Draft Issue 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 PRODUCT ST
File name PRD_alex_A4_C_L4_v4.pdf

Product Description Alex - Dual slot StarTAC Created By:Guy Lanrezac-WPGL01 on 29/04/98 at 19:33 Category: Composition Version Number: 4 Hot Spot to PR Number Assignment database. This Hot Spot for use by ECSG personnel only. Click in Hot Spot, to view, or to generate a request for a Product Release (PR) number. PR Number: A28-32 Motorola Confidential Proprietary Insert Table in field below to define key changes. Go to Menu -> Create -> Table. Make table 4 columns wide. Enter brief summary of any updates below: Change Control: Version Number Date Editor Key Changes Draft 0.1 Draft 0.2 Draft 0.3 Draft 0.4 April 29th May 13th May 20th June 1st Guy Lanrezac Guy Lanrezac Guy Lanrezac Guy Lanrezac Insert Table in field below to define release approvals. Go to Menu -> Create -> Table. Make table 3 columns wide. When ready for release, submit for signatures. Define who signed below. Each subsequent version change requires release signatures. Release Approval Summary: Version Number Signed by Date Market Name: Dual Slot GSM 900 StarTAC 85 Ship Authorization date: (use format DDMMMYY) Give a general introduction for this product requirement. This document describes the new generation of dual slot phones. Dual Slot StarTAC will be available in GSM Phase 2 in the GSM 900 band. This same product could be made available in the GSM 1800 band or GSM 1900 band. The market requirements goal for ship acceptance of the GSM 900 Alex is Q41998 Signaling Type: GSM Define Key Selling Points and Message: Dual Slot StarTAC will be differentiated from the key competitors by the follwoing advantages: Best in class form factor (weight and volume) Best smart card storage handling Dual Slot StarTAC wil lbe differentiated from the key competitors by the following advanced operator features: Third party Smart Card capable (over & above SIM) SIM Tool Kit Class 2 Dedicated Key to SIM Tool Kit menu Dual Slot Sim Tool Kit commands (standardised in SMG9) Dual Slot StarTAC will be differentiated from the key competitors by the following advanced features: Ergonomic styling Large graphic display Vibracall Easy access to Smart Card applications Product Strategy Market research has identified that end users are looking for easier ways to do financial transactions by "getting rid of the coins" and "reducing the number of cards". . Dual Slot StarTAC will be marketed as the first Smart Card handset allowing financial transactions. As an example, the Smart Card terminal will allow an "electronic purse" card to be reloaded over the air. This will offer a new relation between the phone and the consumer. Future stages will allow the end user to do direct financial transactions, ticketing and loyalty schemes over the air. In addition, the dual slot StarTAC will offer secure access to remote services, authentication. The Dual Slot StarTAC is to gain the business and consumer markets where state of the art technology influences decision purchase. This is a unique product, the
File name PspJEAP_DCSST85_A4_C_L3_Vxx.pdf

Greater China and South Asia Cellular Subscriber Sector Product Service Preview DCS STARTAC 90/74/70 Models (90): S6691ABB S6692ABB S6693ABB S6694ABB S6695ABB S6696ABB S6374ABB S6375ABB S7192ABB S6373ABB S7345ABB S7120ABB S7143ABB SUG1120A HONG KONG PEOPLE TELEPHONE HONG KONG NEW WORLD HONG KONG MANDARIN COMM HONG KONG HUTCHISON HONG KONG PACIFIC LINK HONG KONG P PLUS SINGAPORE THAILAND (Package 1) THAILAND (Package 2) MALAYSIA MALAYSIA (SIM Locked) INDONESIA TAIWAN Transceiver (90): Models (74): Transceiver (74): Models (70): S7251AAB HONG KONG (Package 1) S7324AAB HONG KONG (Package 2) S7252AAB TAIWAN SUG1148A S7256AAB S7253AAB S7254AAB S7255AAB SUG1144A SINGAPORE THAILAND INDONESIA MALAYSIA Transceiver (70): Weight and Volume: Weight with Slim battery : 125 grams Volume = 119 cc Description: 1.The housing and the dimension is same as GSM Startac Except the Antenna is a little shorter than the GSM Startac. 2.DCS StarTAC 90 is black in color while both 74 and 70 charcoal grey in color. Both 90 and 74 have a 4-line graphic B/W LCD display while 70 has a display like that of 8400. Only 90 has the Vibrate Alert. 3.Frequency range : RX - 1805.2 - 1879.8 MHz TX - 1710.2 - 1784.8 MHz 4. PCB and Components layout are very similar to that on GSM Startac. 5. Same size SIM Card as GSM Startac. 6. Talk time of the Slim Battery is 100 (No DTX) , 120 (DTX) minutes. Test Equipment : 1. HP8922H GCSA Quaility and Service Support 9/22/97 P.1 of 3 Motorola Confidential Proprietary Greater China and South Asia Cellular Subscriber Sector Product Service Preview DCS STARTAC 90/74/70 2. HP83220E 3. 46103U: WinGate 22, order HP83220E (Option 18) and add to 46103U for phasing DCS and Dual Band radios. Existing software, v1.15.76, can phase DCS StarTAC. Set Up : Service Tools: DCS Startac uses the same antenna tool , Screw Driver and the Extension Board as GSM Startac. TA Label file: It is available. Circuit Description : 1. Receive IF is 215 MHz 2. RX LO is 430 MHz 3. TX LO is 240 MHz ( GSM Startac is 80 MHz) 4. Channel assignment : TX Frequency = (CH - 511 )*2 + 1710 example : Frequency of Ch 579 is (579-511)*2 + 1710 = 1723.6 MHz RX Frequency = TX + 95 example : Ch 579 TX = 1723.6 , RX = TX + 95 = 1723.6 + 95 = 1818.6 MHz 5. Oscillator Crystal Y201 same as GSM Startac is 13 MHz GCSA Quaility and Service Support 9/22/97 P.2 of 3 Motorola Confidential Proprietary Greater China and South Asia Cellular Subscriber Sector Product Service Preview DCS STARTAC 90/74/70 6. External Connector (Butt Plug) does not support Audio In/Out. Audio Signal will be converted for in/out via Uplink and Downlink. * Note : The other is same as GSM Startac , Field Service Plan: Distributors: Spare boards are available. Motoroloa HTCs: L1 and L3 parts lists and schematics are available at Error! Bookmark not defined.. Please contact Error! Bookmark not defined. for any inquires. Repairability: Same as GSM Startac GCSA Quaility and Service Support 9/22/97 P.3 of 3 Motor
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J601 Differences between StarTAC Cosmo and Dual Slot StarTAC (Alex) L500 R475 V REF V SWITCH U900 U706 WDOG L275 R275 J600 GSM EFR ALEX_P4 U501 J900 REVISIONS Europe Middle East & Africa Customer Services LEVEL 4 SCHEMATICS GSM EFR ALEX Ralf Lorenzen, Colin Jack, Michael Hansen, Ray Collins Page 2of 3 08.01.99 Rev. 1.0
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*RAM1CS *RAM2CS *ROM2OE *ROM2CS *RAM2CS *RAM1CS *BIC_CS *ROM1CS U704 Differences between StarTAC Cosmo and Dual Slot StarTAC (Alex) *ROM0E *SC_CS *RESET *RESET *ROM20E U701 Pollux_C4 13_DCLK_B *ROM2CS U705 EEPROM U702 EPROM *ROM0E *DM_CS *ROM1CS WDOG TX_EN 13_DCLK_B 13_DCLK_B *ROM1CS *RAM1CS *RAM2CS *BIC_CS *RESET GSM EFR ALEX_P4 WDOG SP_CS *ROM0E U703 BIC_4.2 U801 DSP 1627 *RESET *ROM20E *ROM2CS DUAL_CS DM_CS BIC_CS CLK_13IN 13_DCLK_B *RESET 13_DCLK_B U802 *RESET REVISIONS Europe Middle East & Africa Customer Services LEVEL 4 SCHEMATICS GSM EFR ALEX Ralf Lorenzen, Colin Jack, Michael Hansen, Ray Collins Page 4of 4 08.01.99 Rev. 1.0
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DCS StarTAC AUDIO LOGIC BLOCK DIAGRAM to U501, 42 RX_EN 217 Hz WAVEFORM NEEDED HERE ! 38 83 DUAL_CS 85 12 6 121 14 DP_EN RAM2CS U702 Eprom J101, 21 U704 SRam U704 SRam U702 20 37 17 48 35 LOGIC BOARD SIGNALS Measured in standby mode 2.8mVpp 10ms / cm 13_DCLK_B from U201, 59 + 2.75V RESET EEPROM U705 FLASH 26 U702 16 SRAM U704 42 43 RAM2_CS RAM1_CS TX_EN 7Vpp 10ms / cm From the CPU (U701). When high, Rx path enabled and low muted. 1. Enables the Rf switch (U400) for receive mode. 2. Biases the mixer Q420, and low noise amp (Q421). From CPU (U701), but inverted by Q501. High when 1. Enable the Rf switch for transmit mode & also the GIFSYN for transmit mode. 2. Supply Voltage for the PAC IC. 3. Isolates RF, by switching the PA Bias Circuitry ( Not shown). Controlled at power up by GCAP (U900) & CPU (U701). 1. Connected to CPU (U701), BIC (U703), Modem (U501) & Speech coder (U801). After power up sequence, any chip can hold RESET low to power phone off if there is a problem. SPI DATA BUS RX_ACQ to U501 DM_CS TX_KEY MDM_RD MDM_WR RESET power on 2,8Vrms 200ms / cm Y701 to U201, 97 RF_START RESET RX_EN 1, 3, 97 41 120 U701 CALL PROCESSOR RAM1CS ROM1CS From CPU (U701) to Eprom. DATA BUS ADDRESSS BUS 32 31 34 33 38 from J601, 11 40 39 U703 BIC A/D 46 DATA BUS ROM1_CS DUAL_CS DUAL_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from Eprom (U702). RAM1_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to SRAM. 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from 1st half of SRAM (U704). ADDRESSS BUS D/A 64 58 1 U701, 16 BATT_SENSE DAC_OUT ROM1_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to Eprom. 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from Eprom (U702). RAM2_CS 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to SRAM. 1. Chip Enable controlling read/write access to and from 2nd half of SRAM (U704). 32.768 kHz UPLINK (non-voiced data) DOWNLINK (non-voiced data) 94 95 92 SC_INT 5 48 16 SCI_RX 46 49 37, 108-114 + 2,75V BATT_FDBK 6 A D_THERM BATT_GN D BATT+ 11 DA TA DP_EN start up or press key 2.8Vpp 100ns / cm From CPU (U701) to display, via connector J101. 1. Processor selects to enable display. When high, the display is enabled and low disabled. ADDRESSS BUS DATA BUS MF_INT BIC_INT SC_INT start up or press key 2.8Vpp 2ns / cm Speech Coder Interface. This is a signal from uP (U701) to Speech Coder (U801). 1) This is a 20ms timing signal from U701 which times the decoding and encoding function of the Speech Coder U801. CR605 EARPIECE (Onl y avail abl e with a compl ete fl ip assembl y) R2.75V TX_EN C E D OWN LIN K_AUD Q501 B + 2,75V J600 U PLIN K_AUD 14 EXT_B+ 12 11 4 Q601 Q602 J601 1-5 12-16 Doubler_EN power on 2.8vpp 100ms / cm From CPU (U701) to Clock Doubler U805. 1) This signal enables the Clock Doubler U805 which doubles the 13MHz clock to 26MHz to time the Speech Coder. When high U805 is enabled and low disabled. MF_INT 2.8Vpp 1ms / cm From BIC to uP. This signal periodically
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9 8 U301 IPA 8 7 16 1 U310 PAC 14 1 MODEM U501 1 14 8 20 U300 TIC 11 1 7 J601 SIM 1 U900 1 16 1 U201 GIFSYN 33 48 GSM EFR ALEX_P4 1 48 U702 EPROM 50 51 26 25 44 23 32 1 76 100 31 75 1 22 EEPROM U705 BIC U900 GCAP U701 CPU U703 15 2 1 J600 J101 1 24 25 U801 DSP U803 CODEC 49 64 21 17 32 40 60 61 80 41 U704 SRAM EUROPE MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA CUSTOMER SERVICES LEVEL 3 COLOUR SIGNAL FLOW GSM EFR ALEX 08.01.99 Rev. 1.0 Ray Collins, Ralf Lorenzen, Michael Hansen, Colin Jack Page1
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153Mhz 947.4Mhz 947.4Mhz 794.4Mhz 153Mhz 902.4Mhz RX275 RXQ IQ REF RXI RX275 RX_EN TX_EN SW_RF TX_EN RX_EN 794.4Mhz AFC TX_EN U201 902.4Mhz TXQ_P TXQ_M TXI_P TXI_M VREF 108Mhz CLK_13IN R475 794.4Mhz DM_CS TX_EN RX275 DM_CS *DM_CS R275 GSM EFR ALEX_P4 R275 U911 902.4Mhz 794.4Mhz DM_CS U300 R475 U301 902.4Mhz 902.4Mhz 108Mhz TX_EN U310 AOC REVISIONS Europe Middle East & Africa Customer Services LEVEL 4 SCHEMATICS GSM EFR ALEX Ralf Lorenzen, Colin Jack, Michael Hansen, Ray Collins Page 2of 3 08.01.99 Rev. 1.0
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PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J600 SIGNAL RF GND SW_RF RF GND BATT_FDBK MAN_TEST RS232_TX RS232_RX RS232_EN AUDIO OUT GND UPLINK DOWNLINK DSC_EN_B EXT B+ GND GSM EFR ALEX_P4 L500 -10 V SIM_VCC2 RX275 -10 V RX_EN TX_EN 4 k i l 2 j 7 J101 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SIGNAL KP_R3 Backlight + A0 PWR_SW D4 *RESET KP_R2 D7 D0 D5 D6 D3 KP_R5 D1 -10V L275 KP_EN1 D2 KP_R4 KP_EN4 DP_EN KP_EN5 BL_CNTL GND KP_R1 GND KP_EN3 GND KP_EN2 GND R/W GND *All Readings read during transmit mode on Channel 62 at Power level 05. RAM1CS m 43 42 n h 12 PA Exciter Voltage TX Path a. Mic i/p (analogue) b. Digital Audio c. 108Mhz Tx IF d. 794.4Mhz Main VCO o/p e. Main 902.4Mhz Tx o/p f. Main Tx o/p F/Back g. Main Tx O/P Chg Pump h. Amplified Tx o/p i. Exciter Voltage from PAC IC j. Main Tx F/Back to PAC IC k. Main Tx o/p Antenna. Approx p/p 1.1V b e c L BATT + o RAM2CS 800mV 0V 1.4V (Noisy) 7 26 *J1001 and J1002 - Same as Startac Cosmo V_SWITCH R275 R475 5uS / Div 1V / Div Uplink L275 13 Mhz Clk 37 17 78 b e c DM_CS 2.3V 1.5V 2.6V CE* d 1 14 f 4 g Rx Path l. Main Rx 947.4Mhz i/p m. Amplified Rx signal n.Main 794.4Mhz VCO i/p o. 153Mhz Rx IF p. 153Mhz Gifsyn i/p q. Digital Audio r. Analogue Audio s. Amplified Audio to Speaker 13 Mhz Clk Ext B+ L500 s r 9 10 1719 b e c b e c SIM VCC1 83 1.15V 300mV 1.4V e p/p 1.75V 2.75V p/p 2.5V b e c 2.2V p p/p 600mV p/p 600mV p2.75V 31 23 10 b e c r 43 46 48 c 4 61 64 2.6V q p/p 650mV p/p 6oomV 2.75V Ray Collins, Ralf Lorenzen, Michael Hansen, Colin Jack Page1 b LEVEL 3 COLOUR SIGNAL FLOW EUROPE MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 13Mhz Clk J601 Pins 10 & 12 To Earpiece RX I&Q CUSTOMER SERVICES GSM EFR ALEX a PWR Switch TX I&Q 13Mhz Clk 2.2V TX I&Q RX I&Q Rev. 1.0 08.01.99
File name SM_DCSST85_A4_BW_L4_Vxx.pdf

ECSD CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY DCS 1800 StarTac (clam) MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETY Document Approval ECSD European Customer Services Mgr Date NEW PRODUCT ROADMAP ECSD Customer Service Policy Purpose: 1- This document specifies the Customer Service requirements to provide after sales support for the DCS StarTac product. Model Type: TBC Responsibility: David McHugh (European Customer Services) Tel 44 1256 790172 Fax 44 1256 819561 Document Contents: Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Contents Product Overview Service Policy Service Requirements Distribution Overview Quality Reporting and metrics rev 0 Motorola Confidential Proprietary 2 of 7 ECSD CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY NEW PRODUCT ROADMAP SECTION 1.0 - PRODUCT OVERVIEW The DCS StarTac is a high tier product offering market leadership in terms of size, weight and features. The product will initially be positioned as a premium product targeted at the aspirational market segment. The DCS StarTac will have a similar form factor to the GSM variant, utilising the GSM housing supporting both 17 key formats for Co-branded product (Orange. Eplus, Bouygues) and the 19 key format for Motorola versions. The key product features include: * Smallest and lightest phone on the market. * The first telephone in the Wearable category. * Easy to use Personality MMI, enhanced for large display. * Full feature set. * Vibra Call (built in) * Full size, retractable SIM card. * Wide range of accessories included in package. The product will be distributed through the principal European DCS Operator channels, namely Eplus, One2One, Orange and Bouygues. Motorola Confidential Proprietary 3 of 7 ECSD CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY NEW PRODUCT ROADMAP SECTION 2.0 - SERVICE POLICY 2.1 Warranty: Product will be sold with the standard 12 months warranty terms and conditions. Accidental damage misuse, retailers extended warranties will not be supported under warranty. Non warranty repairs will be available at agreed fixed repair prices. Proof of purchase will be required to validate all warranty claims. Nb. Customer have the option to purchase additional warranty. Out Of Box Failure Policy: The standard OBF criteria will apply. Early life failurers to be returned to Manufacturing for root cause analysis, to guard against epidemic criteria. Manufacturing to bear the costs of early life failure. 2.2 2.3 Motorola branded product will be supported under a Low tier DCS Loaner programme. or alternative low cost service strategy. (To be agreed with European Customer Service Manager). The product may be serviced by appointed Motorola Service Hubs (level 2/3) and the Motorola HTC (level 4) at the discretion of the regional service managers. Customer support (End user) will be available through dedicated Call Centres and In Country Help desks. 2.4 Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 of 7 ECSD CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY NEW PRODUCT ROADMAP SECTION 3.0 - SERVICE REQUIRMENTS 3.1 Technical Training: The GSM StarTac training will
File name SP_DCSST85_A4_C_L3_V1.0.pdf

Updated: 29th Jun 1998 Ver 1.0 DCS StarTAC AL LAYER - ORDERABLE SPARES Part Designator A2 / A3 AL800 CR605 J101 J600 J601 J802 J900 MIC Q501 Q601 Q602 R602 Part Description Ground clips Ant. tube Alert Diode / Charger 32 Pin Display Connector 15 Pin Extern Connector Flip Flexprint Connector Microphone Connector SIM Connector Microphone Transitor TX_EN Power Transistor Charger Transistor Batt Feedback Resisor / Charger Sensing Part Number 4209480E01 5009473S01 4809653F03 2809454C02 0909449B04 0909059E01 0909195E01 4009169E01 5009536H15 4809607E05 4809579E17 4809939C04 0680195M64 Part Designator T902 U703 U704 U801 U802 U803 U804 U805 U900 Y701 U702 S1 - S3 SH25 - 27 Part Description Choke / Vswitch IC BIC IC SRAM IC Speech Coder IC Multiplexer Codec IC IC Buffer IC Frquency Doubler IC GCAP XTAL 32.768KHZ Flashed Eprom (boot sector) Volume / Mute Switch Ground Clips Part Number 2509306J01 5109743E13 5109688L09 5199285C01 5109632D44 5109920D15 5109522E10 5109781E47 5109632D69 4809995L05 5102486T01 4009060E01 4204774Z01 Part Designator CR201 CR203 CR250 CR300 CR390 CR431 CR908 FL420 FL451 FL452 FL453 Q202 Q203 Q300 Q418 Q420 Q421 RF LAYER - ORDERABLE SPARES Master Xtal Varactor Tx Local VCO Varactor Main VCO Varactor Tx VCO Varactor Transmit Diode Rx Local VCO Varactor Signal Indicator LED IF Saw Filter 1st Rx Filter 2nd Rx Filter VCO Filter Receive Power Transistor GIF SYN Power Transistor Tx VCO Transistor Rx Amplifier Transistor Rx Mixer Rx Pre-Amplifier Transistor 4809641F04 4809641F03 4809641F02 4809612F03 4809948D10 4809641F03 4809118D01 9109179E01 9109068E02 9109155K01 9109068E01 4809579E18 4809579E18 4809940E01 4809527E20 4809940E01 4809940E01 Q303 Q442 Q443 Shield 30 Shield 31 Shield 32 Shield 33 Shield 34 Shield 35 SH60 - 63 U201 U300 U301 U310 U401 U501 Y201 Tx Exciter Transistor Rf Switch Control Transistor Rf Switch Control Transistor Top of Frontend / Antenna Switch Top of Main VCO / FL420 Top of TIC / TX VCO Top of GIFSYN Top of PA Top of Modem Clips Ext. Battery Flexprint GIF SYN TIC PA PAC Rf Switch Modem Master Xtal - 13MHz Part Description Part Number Part Designator Part Description Part Number 4809527E19 4809939C08 4809939C08 2609225D01 2609226D01 2609227D01 2609228D01 2609229D01 2609230D01 4209388S01 5109632D92 5109632D94 5109908K31 5109632D08 5109572E03 5199281C03 4809277D01 Motorola Confidential Propriety

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