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Philips TDA1514A free download

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Model:TDA1514A 🔎
Original:TDA1514A-PHI 🔎
Descr:PWR AMP 1*65W/4E 30V SILP09
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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA1514A 50 W high performance hi-fi amplifier Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 May 1992 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 50 W high performance hi-fi amplifier GENERAL DESCRIPTION TDA1514A The TDA1514A integrated circuit is a hi-fi power amplifier for use as a building block in radio, tv and other audio applications. The high performance of the IC meets the requirements of digital sources (e.g. Compact Disc equipment). The circuit is totally protected, the two output transistors both having thermal and SOAR protection (see Fig.3). The circuit also has a mute function that can be arranged for a period after power-on with a delay time fixed by external components. The device is intended for symmetrical power supplies but an asymmetrical supply may also be used. Features · High output power · Low harmonic distortion · Low intermodulation distortion · Low offset voltage · Good ripple rejection · Mute/stand-by facilities · Thermal protection · Protected against electrostatic discharge · No switch-on or switch-off clicks · Very low thermal resistance · Safe Operating Area (SOAR) protection. QUICK REFERENCE DATA PARAMETER Supply voltage range (pin 6 to pin 4) Total quiescent current Output power VP = ± 27.5 V THD = -60 dB; VP = ± 27.5 V; RL = 8 VP = ± 23 V; RL = 4 Closed loop voltage gain Input resistance Signal plus noise-to-noise ratio Supply voltage ripple rejection PACKAGE OUTLINE 9-lead SIL, plastic power (SOT131R); SOT131-2; 1996 July 19. f = 100 Hz SVRR - 64 - dB determined externally determined externally Po = 50 mW Ri (S+N)/N - - 20 83 - - k dB Gc - 30 - dB Po - 48 - W Po - 40 - W VP Itot ± 10 - - 56 ± 30 - V mA CONDITIONS SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT May 1992 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 50 W high performance hi-fi amplifier TDA1514A Fig.1 Block diagram. May 1992 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 50 W high performance hi-fi amplifier RATINGS Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134) PARAMETER Supply voltage (pin 6 to pin 4) Bootstrap voltage (pin 7 to pin 4) Output current (repetitive peak) Operating ambient temperature range Storage temperature range Power dissipation Thermal shut-down protection time Mute voltage (pin 3 to pin 4) THERMAL RESISTANCE From junction to mounting base Rth j-mb tpr Vm - - VP Vbstr Io Tamb Tstg -55 SYMBOL - - - MIN. ± 30 70 8 see Fig.2 + 150 see Fig.2 1 7.25 MAX. TDA1514A UNIT V V A °C hour V 1 K/W Fig.2 Power derating curve. May 1992 4 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 50 W high performance hi-fi amplifier The theoretical maximum power dissipation for Po = 40 W with a stabilized power supply is: VP ---------------- = 19 W; where VP = ± 27.5 V; RL = 8 2 2 R L 2 TDA1514A Considering, for example, a maximum ambient temperature of 50 °C and a maximum junction temperature of 150 °C the total thermal resistance is: 150 ­ 50 R th j-a = --------

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