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DATA SHEET SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR 2SC4553 NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR FOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING The 2SC4553 is a power transistor designed especially for low collector saturation voltage and features large current switching at a low power dissipation. In addition, a high hFE enables alleviation of the driver load. PACKAGE DRAWING (UNIT: mm) FEATURES · High hFE and low VCE(sat): hFE 800 (VCE = 2 V, IC = 3 A) VCE(sat) 0.12 V (IC = 3 A, IB = 0.03 A) · On-chip C to E damper diode · Mold package that does not require an insulating board or insulation bushing ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) ° Parameter Collector to base voltage Collector to emitter voltage Emitter to base voltage Collector current (DC) Collector current (pulse) Base current (DC) Total power dissipation Total power dissipation Junction temperature Storage temperature Symbol VCBO VCEO VEBO IC(DC) IC(pulse)* IB(DC) PT (Tc = 25°C) PT (Ta = 25°C) Tj Tstg Ratings 100 100 7.0 ±7.5 ±10 2.0 30 2.0 150 -55 to +150 Unit V V V A A A W W °C °C (OHFWURGH &RQQHFWLRQ %DVH &ROOHFWRU (PLWWHU (48,9$/(17 &,5&8,7 * PW 10 ms, duty cycle 50% The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Before using this document, please confirm that this is the latest version. Not all devices/types available in every country. Please check with local NEC representative for availability and additional information. Document No. D15599EJ2V0DS00 (2nd edition) Date Published April 2002 N CP(K) Printed in Japan © 2002 1998 6& ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25°C) °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µ$ P$ ,& $ 5/ ,% -,% P$ 9&& 9 5HIHU WR WKH WHVW FLUFXLW ,') $ µV µV µV 9 SWITCHING TIME (tRQ, tVWJ, tI) TEST CIRCUIT %DVH FXUUHQW ZDYHIRUP &ROOHFWRU FXUUHQW ZDYHIRUP 2 Data Sheet D15599EJ2V0DS 6& TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25°C) ° 7RWDO 3RZHU 'LVVLSDWLRQ 37 : &DVH 7HPSHUDWXUH 7& °& ,& 'HUDWLQJ G7 &DVH 7HPSHUDWXUH 7& °& &ROOHFWRU &XUUHQW ,& $ 6LQJOH SXOVH &ROOHFWRU WR (PLWWHU 9ROWDJH 9&( 9 7UDQVLHQW 7KHUPDO 5HVLVWDQFH 5WKM-F °&: :LWKRXW KHDWVLQN :LWK LQILQLWH KHDWVLQN 3XOVH :LGWK 3: V Data Sheet D15599EJ2V0DS 3 6& &ROOHFWRU &XUUHQW ,& $ &ROOHFWRU WR (PLWWHU 9ROWDJH 9&( 9 '& &XUUHQW *DLQ K)( &ROOHFWRU &XUUHQW ,& $ &ROOHFWRU 6DWXUDWLRQ 9ROWDJH 9&(VDW 9 &ROOHFWRU &XUUHQW ,& $ %DVH 6DWXUDWLRQ 9ROWDJH 9%(VDW 9 &ROOHFWRU &XUUHQW ,& $ 4 Data Sheet

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