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Philips TDA2549 free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA2549 I.F. amplifier and demodulator for multistandard TV receivers Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 April 1985 Philips Semiconductors Product specification I.F. amplifier and demodulator for multistandard TV receivers GENERAL DESCRIPTION TDA2549 The TDA2549 is a complete i.f. circuit with a.f.c., a.g.c., demodulation and video preamplification facilities for multistandard television receivers. It is capable of handling positively and negatively modulated video signals in both colour and black/white receivers. Features · Gain-controlled wide-band amplifier providing complete i.f. gain · Synchronous demodulator for positive and negative modulation · Video preamplifier with noise protection for negative modulation · Auxiliary video input and output (75 ) · Video switch to select between auxiliary video input signal and demodulated video signal · A.F.C. circuit with on/off switch and inverter switch · A.G.C. circuit for positive modulation (mean level) and negative modulation (noise gate) · A.G.C. output for controlling MOSFET tuners QUICK REFERENCE DATA Supply voltage (pins 13 and 21) Supply current (pins 13 and 21) I.F. input signal at Vo = 2 V (between pins 6 and 7) Video output voltage at Vi = 0 V (between pins 22 and 3) positive modulation negative modulation Gain control range Signal-to-noise ratio at Vi = 10 mV A.F.C. output voltage swing (pin 15) Max. tuner a.g.c. output current (pin 10) Video bandwidth (3 dB) Auxiliary video input voltage (pin 12) at Vo = 2 V (peak-to-peak value) Auxiliary video output impedance (pin 14) Auxiliary video output voltage (pin 14) PACKAGE OUTLINE 24-lead DIL; plastic (SOT101A); SOT101-1; 1996 November 19. V14-3 typ. 2 V |Z14-3| typ. 7 V12-3(p-p) typ. 1 V I10 B min. typ. 0,3 5,5 mA MHz Vo = V22-3 Vo = V22-3 Gv S/N V15-3 typ. typ. typ. typ. min. 2 4 74 57 10 V V dB dB V Vi = V6-7 typ. 50 µV VP = V13;21-3 IP = I13;21-3 typ. typ. 12 82 V mA April 1985 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification I.F. amplifier and demodulator for multistandard TV receivers TDA2549 Fig.1 Block diagram. April 1985 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification I.F. amplifier and demodulator for multistandard TV receivers RATINGS Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) Supply voltage (pins 13 and 21) Storage temperature range Operating ambient temperature range CHARACTERISTICS (measured in fig.5) VP = 12 V; Tamb = 25 °C PARAMETER Supply voltage range Supply current (pins 13 and 21) I.F. input signal for Vo = 2 V (between pins 6 and 7) Input impedance (differential) Input capacitance (differential) Zero single output level positive modulation negative modulation Top sync output level Gain control range Signal-to-noise ratio at Vi = 10 mV (note 1) Maximum video output amplitude for positive modulation (peak-to-peak value) Bandwidth of video amplifier (3 dB) Differential gain at Vo = 2V Differential phase at Vo = 2 V Residual

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