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File name 2003.pdf

2003 THRU 2024 HIGH-VOLTAGE, HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Ideally suited for interfacing between low-level logic circuitry and multiple peripheral power loads, the Series ULN20xxA/L high-voltage, high-current Darlington arrays feature continuous load current ratings to 500 mA for each of the seven drivers. At an appropriate duty cycle depending on ambient temperature and number of drivers turned ON simultaneously, typical power loads totaling over 230 W (350 mA x 7, 95 V) can be controlled. Typical loads include relays, solenoids, stepping motors, magnetic print hammers, multiplexed LED and incandescent displays, and heaters. All devices feature open-collector outputs with integral clamp diodes. The ULN2003A/L and ULN2023A/L have series input resistors selected for operation directly with 5 V TTL or CMOS. These devices will handle numerous interface needs -- particularly those beyond the capabilities of standard logic buffers. The ULN2004A/L and ULN2024A/L have series input resistors for operation directly from 6 to 15 V CMOS or PMOS logic outputs. Data Sheet 29304F Dwg. No. A-9594 Note that the ULN20xxA series (dual in-line package) and ULN20xxL series (small-outline IC package) are electrically identical and share a common terminal number assignment. The ULN2003A/L and ULN2004A/L are the standard Darlington arrays. The outputs are capable of sinking 500 mA and will withstand at least 50 V in the OFF state. Outputs may be paralleled for higher load current capability. The ULN2023A/L and ULN2024A/L will withstand 95 V in the OFF state. These Darlington arrays are furnished in 16-pin dual in-line plastic packages (suffix "A") and 16-lead surface-mountable SOICs (suffix "L"). All devices are pinned with outputs opposite inputs to facilitate ease of circuit board layout. All devices are rated for operation over the temperature range of -20°C to +85°C. Most (see matrix, next page) are also available for operation to -40°C; to order, change the prefix from "ULN" to "ULQ". ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Output Voltage, VCE (ULN200xA and ULN200xL) ... 50 V (ULN202xA and ULN202xL) ... 95 V Input Voltage, VIN ... 30 V Continuous Output Current, IC ... 500 mA Continuous Input Current, IIN ... 25 mA Power Dissipation, PD (one Darlington pair) ... 1.0 W (total package) ... See Graph Operating Temperature Range, TA ... -20°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range, TS ... -55°C to +150°C FEATURES I TTL, DTL, PMOS, or CMOS-Compatible Inputs I Output Current to 500 mA I Output Voltage to 95 V I Transient-Protected Outputs I Dual In-Line Plastic Package or Small-Outline IC Package x = digit to identify specific device. Characteristic shown applies to family of devices with remaining digits as shown. See matrix on next page. 2003 THRU
File name 2SC3150.pdf

File name 2SC3150_1.pdf

File name 6807731.pdf

AT-ATX. . . - . , - 67 "". , ... ATX. , "" , , ( ) - . , "", . . 5-6 , , . . 14,6 . "" , : 1. , 4. 2. , "" ~220. 3. "", , , , . . 4. "" "", . 5. "" 220 100-200 . 6. , , , . . 220. "" "" . . () . , , . 7. "", TL-494 ( ). , , . , 12 ( 7-) 5, 25 . , , +USB, "" .. +USB , 3 , , TL494 (), () . , "" . Viper-a, - . , . , "" , (- ), "" , . , . 8. . , "". . , , . "" " " , "" . 12- TL-494 ( ). 1-2 "" , TL-494. TL-494 "" +12 . +24 . , . + 14 TL-494. TL494 5,0, 10 . 5% 0 70°. 9. , . , , TL-494. - , -. . - : R 6 5 , . - 14 +5 . - 1,2,15 16 2- , , .. . , 15-16 "" 80 . , 16 , 15 Uref, .. 14 . - 13 TL-494 . " " 96% . Uref. - 1-2 , 2 Uref, . 2,5 , .. Uref (+5) . - RC 2 3 (FB ) -. . . U=Uref1(1+Roc/Rm). . . , , . , 18-20 . 24 , - . . . " " . 14,614,8 . "" 16 ( ) . . " " 4. , 120 . , , " ". - " " . . . .4 Uref 4 +5 , . (4-) 4 . . 4 . , (4 0,22 ), 733 ( p-n-p ), 4 . . . , , "" , . . , +12 , ( ) . . . 2. 1. . 0,3-0,5 . 2. , - 0,3 , , " " , µ 2000. 3. 15-20 , , , 0,5.
File name ActCl.pdf

DC-DC 1. 1978., 90- . . -, , SMD- , , . -, MOSFET-. , - 500 , 90- , . , , . , (forward ), (Flyback). , , , . 1 2 . . 1 . 2 . , . C3. . Q1 Q2 . , Vcl: : Vcl = Vin D (1) (1 - D) : Vcl = Vin V *D 1 = in + Vin (1b) (1 - D) (1 - D) D - ton/T. " DC-DC " . 1 13 C3 1 , , Vin - "" - . : · · · · · · · · · , .. - . , , - - , , , , - , . , "" , , . , , , . , / - , , . , (, ). , , . . . - . , "" , . , . . 36-75VDC P-channel , . , PWM . . , SMPS , . - , . , ( ). , 1-2-3 , . - , . , , ZVS, , . , , , . , . " DC-DC " . 2 13 . DC 0.5 (RC) C 0.5 >0.5 >0.5 , . , Vin. . (, ) , . , , , P-channel , ( -200) . , , , . DC-DC , . " DC-DC " . 3 13 TI SEM1100 (1996.) Design Technique Considerations for Active Clamp and Reset . 3 . . Lm Li, , . , " " Li. D1 D2 ­ , Q1 Q2. Q1 Q2, , , . Vin i cl i1 LI im ip C cl D2 + C in Q2 Q1 Lm N A D1 CA . 3 . . 4 . VgsQ1 VgsQ2 VIN +VCR VdsQ1 i1 -IR IM im -IR IM i cl -IR t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 . 4 " DC-DC " . 4 13 1: [t0-t1] (Q1) . ( Vcl) (Q2/D2). , . , . 2: [t1-t3] , , (Iop) (Im). , , , Vin. : t 2 -1 = CA * Vin ( I op + I m ) (2) . , (Lm+Li) . Vin+Vcl, D2. : V sin -1 cl I Z m c t 3- 2 = (L m + Li ) CA 1 ( L m + L i ) * CA (3) Zc = = (4) (5) Vcl Vin ( 1), . t2-1 t3-2 td1(min), Q1 D2. D2, Q2 . , Q2 Q1 Q2 (t2-1+t3-2) . D2 , , Q2 Ccl. , Q1 Q2. , , td1(max) = T*(1-Dmax)/2. , td1(min) td1(max), . 3: [t3-t5] (D2/Q2/Ccl) , . D2 , . . , Q2 . , Q2 , / , . , , , , . " DC-DC " . 5 13 , Ccl , . , 1()
File name ATX_ATX12V_PS_1_1.pdf

File name BP Microlab 350W.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 D D VCC+ 1D4 1R2 270K D101 FR107 T1 C1C1 1R3 220 104/50V 1C2 104/50V IC4 LTV817 1R6 100K D102 IN4148 1R8 47E 4148 1R1 270K D105 FR104 HER204 L10 62UH 5vsB.out 1R12 150E C 1R13 510E 1000UF/160V Te C D1D3 to.5vsb-2 C14 47UF/50V 1R11 15K 1C7 104/50V 1Q2 2SC5027 KA431 1R11 2.7K 1R14 100E 1C3 103/1KV 2SC5344Y 1Q1 1D7 4148/ST B 1R14 1.5K 1R4 1K 1C4 1R13 2.5K B 1UF/50V 1C6 1R7 1.5E VCC- A Title Size B Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 23-Dec-2003 Sheet of C:\Documents and Settings\WANGZHAO.ERP.001\\5400M-1.DDB Drawn By: 6 Number Revision A PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version 1 2 C9 105K/250V 3 4 R30 4.7E ST1020 D23 D28 5 104/50V C21 L1 106-26 + 6 +12v.OUT 1UH L5 + 1 BD1-BD4 .47/275VAC C3 TH1 054 F1 5A/250V 222/275VAC CX1 .01 LF1 CX2 RV 1M C4 3 4 2 C5 220UF/200V SW1 5A/250V C6 220UF/200V R1 150K R2 150K D5 FR107 R3 2.7K E13007/F Q1 R5 1E 4.7E D9 4148 D10 4148 R31 FR107 D21 ST/2045D24 R35 C8 10/50V C21 T1 D25 FR104 L1 D20 L1 106-26 C28 FR107 L6 C27 + C24 C29 220/16V 220UF/16V D 1UH +5v.out C24 R33 27E R32 470E L4 FR105 D22 L3 34 34UH + + D + 2200/10V 2000UF/10V D6 FR107 R61E D7 4148 C7 D8 4148 L8 D26 FR104 50UH 106-26 L1 106-26 D27 FR105 -12v.out -5v.out C22 200/16V + E13007/F R7 2.7K Q2 C23 220/16V 10/50V T2 + D28 SBL2040 L2 62UH + L7 1/UH C31 2200/10 3.3v.out R43 R38 R41 10E 10E R39 1.2K 2.65K R42 27E C30 2200/10V + C 3 R51 1K R53 100E D50 4148 R55 47K R? 14 13 R72 1M 12 11 10 B R52 100K 9 8 R71 15K C45 103/50v R70 18K R50 270K C40 1/50v R63 27K 150K R69 D54 4148 D56 4148 ZD4 4.7V PS--ON R66 1.2K ZD3 13V ZD1 3.2V to.+5v 4 D55 4148 339/ST 6 7 R73 R25 3.9K 5.6K R59 10K + D29 4148 R54 47K D51 4148 C41 1/50V R58 1 2 3 D53 4148 4 5 R? RES2 R? RES2 R61 15K R26 27K R27 560K R28 1M 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 R15 2.7K R19 2.7K R18 4.7K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R10 24K R11 5.6K R12 47K R16 2.7k VR1 102/T R62 33K R57 27K C42 4.7UF 5.1K R56 D15 4148 D17 FR05 C44 103/50V D52 4148 1K R9 1.5K D16 4148 D13 4148 Q12 C945 R8 100 D21 4148 Q3 C945 D11 4148 Q4 C945 Q5 C11 1UF/50V + D14 4148 D30 IN4148 A928A R36 100E C C29 C224 R40 2.7K C32 R39 1.2K PG.OUT IC4 KA431 + 0.22UF/50V TO.5VSB-2 B R17 4.7k IC1 KA7500B C13 102/50v R13 33k R14 47K R15 16k 102/50VC12 1UF/50V C46 R21 47K R22 100K R23 R24 27K 1M R20 1K C7 47UF/50V C47 103 A R67 1.8K R68 1.5K D57 4148 to.+12v to.+3.3v to.--12v to.--5v Title Size B Date: File: 5 23-Dec-2003 Sheet of C:\Documents and Settings\WANGZHAO.ERP.001\\5400M-2.ddb Drawn By: 6 Number Revision A 1 2 3 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version
File name Components.txt

Resistors: 100 /0,125W 2 br. 200 /0,5W 2 br. Condensators: 1000uF /16V 1 br. 2200uF /16V 2 br. Drossels: 5uH /30A 1 br. Diods: >2A 2br Transistors: BC107 2 br. IRF4905/0,2ohm ;IRF5210/0,6ohm 2 br.
File name cpu_charger.pdf

AN1015 16HV785: Programmable Lead Acid Battery Charger Features · User-configurable battery charger for Lead battery packs · Based on PIC16F785 with integrated shunt regulator · Firmware and support tools for easy design · 10-bit ADC for voltage, current and temperature measurement: - Accurate Voltage Regulation (+/-1%) - Accurate Current Regulation (+/-5%) · Advanced Charge Algorithms: - Chemistry dependent End-of-Charge determination - Charge qualification to detect shorted, damaged or heated cells - Precharge for deeply discharged cells - Configurable overtemperature and overvoltage charge suspension - Charge termination at user-specified minimum current or time-out - Configurable charge status display via two LEDs · Maximum integration for optimal size: - Integrated voltage regulator - Internal 8 MHz clock oscillator - High-Frequency Switch mode charging ­ configurable switching frequency up to 500 kHz Applications · · · · · · · · Single-Cell and Multi-Cell Lead Battery Chargers Notebook Computers Personal Data Assistants Cellular Telephones Digital Still Cameras Camcorders Portable Audio Products Bluetooth® Devices Pin Description VDD LED2 VIN RESET CTRLOUT CHGOUT LOOPFBK LOOPIN CTRLIN LED1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 VSS TEMP VOVP SHDN CHGFBK BATID IFBOUT IFBINA IFBINB HVOUT 20-Pin PDIP, SOIC, SSOP © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. 16HV785 DS01015A-page 1 AN1015 USING THE 16HV785 Product Overview The 16HV785 provides an unprecedented level of configurability for charging lead battery packs. Its precise, 10-bit Analog-to-Digital converter and high-frequency Pulse-Width Modulator enable the 16HV785 to provide optimum control of charging algorithms for lead battery chemistries. Special features include an internal voltage regulator and an internal clock oscillator that reduce external component count. The 16HV785 can be configured as either a Switch mode or a linear charger. In Switch mode, it will support either primary or secondary side control. In Linear mode, it can be designed into applications requiring low-power supply noise. USER CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS The 16HV785 supports user-configurable parameters that allow for customizing the charging profile without changing the charger's hardware design. This feature allows for the maximum reuse of hardware, thus reducing time-to-market. These parameters include: · Battery Temperature: - Minimum/maximum temperature for charge initiation - Maximum temperature allowed during charge · Battery Voltage: - Minimum/maximum voltage for charge initiation - Target voltage during Voltage Regulation - Voltage at which the charger will restart charging after completion of a valid charge cycle · Charge Current: - Target current during Current Regulation - Taper current threshold for End-of-Charge during Voltage Regulation - Target current during Precharge · Time: - Precharge time limit - Current Regulation time limit - Voltage Regulation time limit · Status Display: - Duty cycl
File name dp022psu_r.pdf

INPC DP022 55 Mini-ITX ( 9-25) . 2.02 2008 . · · · · · · · · · · (9-25) - ( EEPROM) Mini-ITX 20- ATX ( , ) (... 90%) , : 34x170x24 COM- ! DP022 . , DP022, . DP022 . , , . INPC DP022 Automotive PSU 1 2.02. , . . . DP022 ATX, 12. () DP022 , . , , COM- . , Battery WatchDog 9..25V . . - + Ignition RS232 (COM) . PowerOn DP022 Button - Deep Sleep, Sleep, Standby, Power On. DP022 , GND -, Buck/Boost () converters / . and AT X MCU power logic OUT P UT S: EEPROM. LED +5Vsb, +5V, +3.3V, +12V, -12V . . ON/OFF RESET (standby mode), 20pin AT X connector switch switch , . 5Vsb (5V Motherboard standby) PSON. suspend/sleep, , RAM. suspend ­ . , . DP022 5Vsb ( ). DP022 . , DP022 , . ( ) . INPC DP022 Automotive PSU 2 3- ( PWL3) 9 (8,5 0,01) 25 (30 0,01) ("Sleep" ) 20 ( "Deep Sleep") 5 9~15 ATX 20- (Molex P/N 39-01-2200) ( 13,5 ­ ) (Max) (<5 ) 5Vsb 5V 3,3V 12V 6A* 6A* 6A 2A 8A* 8A* 8A 2,5A 0,15A 3% 3% 3% 3% 10% -12V 0,1A * 5Vsb 5V ( 12,5 ­ ) (Max) (<5 ) 5Vsb 5V 3,3V 12V 6A* 6A* 6A 1,5A 7A* 7A* 7A 2,0A 0,15A 4% 4% 4% 4% 10% -12V 0,1A * 5Vsb 5V ( 10 ­ ) (Max) (<5 ) 5Vsb 5V 3,3V 12V 5A* 5A* 5A 1,0A 6A* 6A* 6A 1,5A 0,15A 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% -12V 0,1A * 5Vsb 5V INPC DP022 Automotive PSU 3 ! DP022 ( VIA C3/C7 CPUs Pentium-M / Atom), V(core) 5V. 5.25" CD 12V. 2,5", SlimCDD FlashDisk 5V. DP022. DP022 . , . , . 2- JP2 "Reset" . DP022 "" , "" ( ). 2- JP3 "Power On" . DP022 ( ). JP6 - 10- (RS-232) - . DP022 RTS/CTS . DP022 RTS, , . ­ SG ( ""), SIN(RD) ( / ), SOUT(TR) ( / ), CTS ( DP022 ). 10- COM . RT1 (2- ) e (0,4) (). . ATX JP8 JP9. "", IGNITION+ 12 ( JP1). IGNITION+ ( 2, JP1). 12 ( ) DP022 . IGNITION+ 0,5, DP022 " ". IGNITION+ 3, DP022 " ". 0,5~3 .. DP022 . DP022 IGNITION+ " " IGNITION+ ( ) . , " " IGNITION+ "" .. GND ( 3, JP1) INPC DP022 Automotive PSU 4 IGNITION+ 0,5 . , DP022 IGNITION+. , , DP022 "" / " ". DP022 " ", "" "POWER", , "POWER". "Ignition Key" , ­ . , DP022 . DP022. . 12 16 POWER (+) GND (BATTERY) (-). 12 . 10-/ . IGNITION+. DP022 " " "POWER". Ri (10) "" . IGNITION+ 0,5 Ignition Key. 12 GND JP1 (-) . GND . IGNITION+ ( 2, JP1) +12 ( ""
File name EddyCurrent.pdf

1. . . , . ­ (1), ., (2), , (3), ( ) , , (4) , , . 2. , . 1. : : F = Hdl = I t = NI () (1), 3. : ­ . : w = HdB (/і), ­ (). , , µr 1. : W = 1/2 B H = 1/2 µ І (/і), µ ­ (4·10-7 ). W () V : W = 1 2 µ 0 H 2 dv () , H . , . : W = Ѕ µ І A l W = Ѕ µ NІ IІA / l () () (2) (3) (1) H l = N I, H : ­ (І) , l ­ ( ). 4. : . (3) : W =Ѕ L IІ = Ѕ µ NІ IІA / l ; L = µ NІ IІA / l (4) F ­ ( ) l , H ­ (/) It ­ , . 2. : , . 3. ( ­ ) 1 ( ) . , ( ) . B I . 1 . , . ( ) I. H , F l (=r). F , , , , F rІ. ( ) . , , . , . , , . , , , .3. . , , , (, , ) , . D PEN J .3 . , , DPEN, , 1/e (e ­ ). D PEN = µf (5), .2 : . 2 , , . , .1. -2- - . : t° = 100°C, = 2,3·10-6 ·cm, µ = µ =4·10-7, : 7,5 D PEN = (6) f (6) 100 DPEN = 0,24 0,075 1. (5) (6) , . , , , ( ) , , (.3 ). . . . , , . . 4 1, 2 3. I, , Lx , 1/2LxI2 . , Lx . Lx Li A B I Ri .4 , ­ . Ri , . , Ri . , Li , . , , , . -3- , Lx ( ) di/dt . . , Lx. Li ( ) , Lx . , , Lx, , , , , . . Ri Li , Li . , . ( ), Li. Ri , , , . , , Ri . , . . .4. , , , Li Ri. . (), . . , (5) (6), , , DC AC . , , 1966. . 4. . , . , . , . , , , , . , , (, ) , . , (, , ) . , ( ) , , . . . . 5. ( -4- ) . ( . , ). l w .5 . «+» , «·» ­ . , . , . ( ). l w, . l w , . 4 N = 1 , : L = 12,5 w/l (nH/cm) (7) 1 0,1 , 1,25 nH , . (, ), (6) . . , ­ , . , - ­ . . 4 , . , , . : 6 7 , ( ). , . , , . . 6 , . , , , , . 5. . 1 , F = N·I 4 -. , . 1 4 . F F lg l .8 , , , . F = N·I . , H, N·I / l. . Hg = N·I / lg, , . , . , . : . 9 4 , . - ( ­ ). ( ) 4 , 4
File name FA5311.pdf

FA531X series FA531X series Bipolar IC For Switching Power Supply Control s Dimensions, mm SOP-8 8 5 FA5310BP(S), FA5314P(S), FA5316P(S) FA5311BP(S), FA5315P(S), FA5317P(S) s Description The FA531X series are bipolar ICs for switching power supply control that can drive a power MOSFET. These ICs contain many functions in a small 8-pin package. With these ICs, a high-performance and compact power supply can be created because not many external discrete components are needed. 1 6.05 4 +0.1 ­0.05 · Drive circuit for connecting a power MOSFET · Wide operating frequency range (5 to 600kHz) · Pulse-by-pulse overcurrent limiting function · Overload cutoff function (Latch or non-protection mode selectable) · Output ON/OFF control function by external signal · Overvoltage cutoff function in latch mode · Undervoltage malfunction prevention function · Low standby current (90µA typical) · Exclusive choices by circuits (See selection guide on page 25) · 8-pin package (DIP/SOP) ° 0~10 0.4±0.1 1.27±0.2 0.6 DIP-8 8 5 s Applications · Switching power supply for general equipment 1 9.3 1.5 4 6.5 3.0min 4.5max 3.4 0.3 7.6 s Block diagram FA5310BP(S)/FA5311BP(S)/FA5316P(S)/FA5317P(S) 2.54±0.25 0.5±0.1 0~15 ° 0~1 5° Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin symbol Description Oscillator timing resistor Feedback Overcurrent (+) detection Ground Output Power supply Oscillator timing capacitor Soft-start and ON/OFF control RT FB IS (+) GND OUT VCC CT CS FA5314P(S)/FA5315P(S) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin symbol Description Oscillator timing resistor Feedback Overcurrent (­) detection Ground Output Power supply Oscillator timing capacitor Soft-start and ON/OFF control RT FB IS (­) GND OUT VCC CT CS 1 2.0max +0.1 5 ­0.0 0.20 s Features 8.2±0.3 5.3 FA531X series s Selection guide Type FA5310BP(S) FA5311BP(S) FA5314P(S) FA5315P(S) FA5316P(S) FA5317P(S) Max. duty cycle (typ.) 46% 70% 46% 70% 46% 70% UVLO (typ.) Polarity of overcurrent detection ON threshold OFF threshold + + ­ ­ + + 16.0V 16.0V 15.5V 15.5V 15.5V 15.5V 8.70V 8.70V 8.40V 8.40V 8.40V 8.40V Max. output current 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.0A 1.0A Application Forward type Flyback type Forward type Flyback type Forward type Flyback type s Absolute maximum ratings Item Supply voltage Output current FA5310/11/14/15 FA5316/17 Feedback terminal input voltage Overcurrent detection terminal input voltage CS terminal input current Total power dissipation (Ta=25°C) Operating temperature Junction temperature Storage temperature Symbol Rating 31 ±1.5 ±1.0 4 ­0.3 to +4 2 800 (DIP-8) ­30 to +85 125 ­40 to +150 *1 550 (SOP-8) *2 Unit V A V V mA mW °C °C °C s Recommended operating conditions Item Supply voltage Oscillator timing resistance FA5310/11 FA5314/15/16/17 Soft-start capacitor Oscillation frequency Symbol Min. 10 3.3 1 0.1 5 Max. 30 10 10 1 600 Unit V k VCC IO VFB VIS ICS Pd Topr Tj Tstg VCC RT CS fOSC µF kHz Notes: * 1 Derating factor Ta > 25°C : 8.0mW/°C (on PC board ) * 2 Derating factor Ta > 25
File name FA5317PS.pdf

FA531X series FA531X series Bipolar IC For Switching Power Supply Control s Dimensions, mm SOP-8 8 5 FA5310BP(S), FA5314P(S), FA5316P(S) FA5311BP(S), FA5315P(S), FA5317P(S) s Description The FA531X series are bipolar ICs for switching power supply control that can drive a power MOSFET. These ICs contain many functions in a small 8-pin package. With these ICs, a high-performance and compact power supply can be created because not many external discrete components are needed. 1 6.05 4 +0.1 ­0.05 · Drive circuit for connecting a power MOSFET · Wide operating frequency range (5 to 600kHz) · Pulse-by-pulse overcurrent limiting function · Overload cutoff function (Latch or non-protection mode selectable) · Output ON/OFF control function by external signal · Overvoltage cutoff function in latch mode · Undervoltage malfunction prevention function · Low standby current (90µA typical) · Exclusive choices by circuits (See selection guide on page 25) · 8-pin package (DIP/SOP) ° 0~10 0.4±0.1 1.27±0.2 0.6 DIP-8 8 5 s Applications · Switching power supply for general equipment 1 9.3 1.5 4 6.5 3.0min 4.5max 3.4 0.3 7.6 s Block diagram FA5310BP(S)/FA5311BP(S)/FA5316P(S)/FA5317P(S) 2.54±0.25 0.5±0.1 0~15 ° 0~1 5° Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin symbol Description Oscillator timing resistor Feedback Overcurrent (+) detection Ground Output Power supply Oscillator timing capacitor Soft-start and ON/OFF control RT FB IS (+) GND OUT VCC CT CS FA5314P(S)/FA5315P(S) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin symbol Description Oscillator timing resistor Feedback Overcurrent (­) detection Ground Output Power supply Oscillator timing capacitor Soft-start and ON/OFF control RT FB IS (­) GND OUT VCC CT CS 1 2.0max +0.1 5 ­0.0 0.20 s Features 8.2±0.3 5.3 FA531X series s Selection guide Type FA5310BP(S) FA5311BP(S) FA5314P(S) FA5315P(S) FA5316P(S) FA5317P(S) Max. duty cycle (typ.) 46% 70% 46% 70% 46% 70% UVLO (typ.) Polarity of overcurrent detection ON threshold OFF threshold + + ­ ­ + + 16.0V 16.0V 15.5V 15.5V 15.5V 15.5V 8.70V 8.70V 8.40V 8.40V 8.40V 8.40V Max. output current 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.0A 1.0A Application Forward type Flyback type Forward type Flyback type Forward type Flyback type s Absolute maximum ratings Item Supply voltage Output current FA5310/11/14/15 FA5316/17 Feedback terminal input voltage Overcurrent detection terminal input voltage CS terminal input current Total power dissipation (Ta=25°C) Operating temperature Junction temperature Storage temperature Symbol Rating 31 ±1.5 ±1.0 4 ­0.3 to +4 2 800 (DIP-8) ­30 to +85 125 ­40 to +150 *1 550 (SOP-8) *2 Unit V A V V mA mW °C °C °C s Recommended operating conditions Item Supply voltage Oscillator timing resistance FA5310/11 FA5314/15/16/17 Soft-start capacitor Oscillation frequency Symbol Min. 10 3.3 1 0.1 5 Max. 30 10 10 1 600 Unit V k VCC IO VFB VIS ICS Pd Topr Tj Tstg VCC RT CS fOSC µF kHz Notes: * 1 Derating factor Ta > 25°C : 8.0mW/°C (on PC board ) * 2 Derating factor Ta > 25
File name FETsCntr.pdf

. 1. (MOSFET - Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor). , 1930 , 20 . 50- , , , 70- . - . . , , , . 2. . , , . , , . , , . , , / . n+ 20-200 , . + p , n - . -, n + - (a) , . , . , , , + n n+ , , p p . - n - - n + . , (b) V- . - - , , n+ n+ p n . RDS(on), p . p-n (b) 2,2mV/°C, . 1 1 0.7%/°C 1%/°C, , , . - , , - , , , , . , . - 30% - . , , . 1. 1970- , . . V- (Trench ). , - , , . , . - . , , DC-DC . , , . , , , . Spice / Saber , , . , , . DRAIN DRAIN GATE GATE GATE DRAIN SOURSE SOURSE SOURSE (a) (b) (c) . 2 , , . , , . . 2 , , . . 2a , . , . 2 . 2b , . - ( ) - . , . - . . 2c . , . , . . ( 10 60 ) ( 20 200 ), . . 2, , , , , , , . , . , CGS CGD , , CDS . CGS , , . CGS - . , : C GD C GD,0 1 + K1 · VDS CDS , , : C DS C DS,0 1 + K 2 · VDS , , CISS , CRSS COSS : CGD = CRSS CGS = CISS - CRSS CDS = COSS - CRSS , CGD . , - . , : C GDeqv = (1 + g fs · R L ) · C GD CGD CDS , , , . , 3 . : CGD, ave = 2 · C RSS,spec · VDS,spec VDS,off VDS,spec VDS, off C OSS, ave = 2 · COSS,spec · - , RG,I. , , , , . , , , . , RG,I - . , 4, . , , VTH, . , +25° , 250. , . - - VTH, -7/°. (Logic Level MOSFET), VTH . , VTH . F. , , , , , . , gfs, : g fs = dI D dVGS , : I D = ( VGS - VTH ) · gfs VGS, : I VGS, Miller = VTH + D gfs , (LS) (LD), . , LS LD , . ( ), , , .. , , , , , . 4 3. , , . , ; . , , . . 3, - . , , ( ). IDC RGATE + V OUT - V DRV . 3 ID V DRV D .
File name first_scool.pdf

ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКАЯ (СИЛОВАЯ) ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА DC/DC ( ) , ..., « », ­ . , . ­ . . , , , , ... . ­ ­ , , , . ( .. ). . ­ , . , ! ­ ­ DC/DC . , , . ВНИМАНИЕ! В одной из частей своего повествования автор обязательно раскроет секреты схемотехники преобразователей, производимых группой компаний «Александер Электрик». А там есть что показать нового и интересного. Следите за выпусками журнала! Кстати, чтобы правильно рассматривать приводимый материал и логические построения, Вам обязательно понадобятся все выпуски журнала, покупайте! Библиографическая справка Где есть полезная информация по теории и практике преобразователей? Чьи фамилии нужно искать в библиографиях, в Интернете и т.д.? Прежде всего: Ю.И. Конев, Ю.К. Захаров, Ю.И. Драбович, Ф.И. Александров, Г.С. Найвельт, Л.Н. Шаров, В.А. Коссов, Ж.А. Мкртчан, В.С. Моин, Н.Н. Лаптев, Э.М. Ромаш, Г.Н. Гулякович, Л.Е. Смольников, С.Д. Додик, К.П. Полянин, Е.В. Машуков, А.Г. Поликарпов, В.И. Мелешин, Д.И. Панфилов, В.А. Колосов, В.Г. Костиков, В.А. Головацкий, А.В. Лукин, Б.С. Сергеев, Л.Р. Гутер, Ю.Н. Шуваев, И.С. Горянский, Б.В. Кабелев, Ю.Ф. Опадчий, а также А.А. Бас, А.С. Баскин, Г.А. Белов, О.К. Березин, В.П. Борисов, М.Я. Бочарников, А.П. Буденный, С.Г. Бузыкин, С.С. Букреев, В.С. Васильев, Г.М. Веденеев, Г.С. Векслер, И.А. Войтович, Б.А. Глебов, А.В. Горбач, В.В. Губанов, В.Д. Гулый, В.Г. Еременко, Г.П. Затикян, В.И. Иванов-Цыганов, Б.Н. Иванчук, А.Ф. Кадацкий, В.И. Кадель, В.А. Карелин, Ю.П. Кинеев, В.К. Кирсей, В.П. Климов, И.И. Колосков, Н.С. Комаров, И.А. Криштафович, В.В. Крючков, А.В. Куневич, В.И. Курашов, В.С. Левинзон, К.Б. Мазель, В.В. Макаров, Г.М. Малышков, А.Г. Мартиросов, В.П. Миловзоров, В.В. Мосин, А.К. Мусолин, C.М. Ненахов, И.Е. Никитин, И.С. Османов, В.И. Орехов, В.А. Охотников, В.М. Раинчик, Ю.К. Розанов, С.Д. Рудык, В.В. Сазонов, Е.Ф. Сергиенко, Н.Н. Соловьев, И.Н. Соловьев, И.В. Твердов, В.М. Титкин, В.Е. Турчанинов, В.М. Тюрин, Д.А. Шевцов, П.Н. Шевченко, А.К. Шидловский, В.А. Цишевский, Н.П. Узберг, В.И. Хандогин, Ч.И. Хусаинов, А.И. Юрченко, Н.Н. Юрченко. « ­ ...» ВВЕДЕНИЕ За последние 10 лет сильно изменилась элементная база DC/DC-пре- образователей, появились новые материалы. А главное ­ изменились представления о целесообразности использования тех или иных схем для получения заданных параметров. Исчезла категоричность, предписывающая использовать строго определенные структуры для конкретных типов источников электропитания. Возросло влияние экономических, рыночных факторов на выбор схемы преобразователя. Все это сделало возможным то, что еще вчера казалось парадоксальным и даже неправильным. Вот несколько примеров: 1. Однотактные преобразователи стали занимать нишу, традиционно отводившуюся для двухтактных преобразователей мощностью в единицы Вт ­ единицы кВт. 2. Благодаря использованию высокочастотных к
File name Flyback-R01.pdf

() 2005, 2006 .1 46 . 1. ( , Flyback, ) . , . , . . . , , ­ . , , ( Forward, ) , , . - , . , , . «» 12 2. , - (, ) - UC3842 ­ UC3845. , , ­ . «» . , UC3844, TOP ­ Switch Power Integration, . 2. , ­ , . , ­ . 30-50 . : . ­ , , . , , () 2005, 2006 .2 46 . , 5 10 17, . , Low-ESR WG Jamicon 3 . , . 50- , 24 2, 3,5, (, WG 1000uF*50V 12,540 2,48 100 +105°). , , , . , . , . . , , , -, , , -, . . -, , , . -, . , 50- 24, 85% . (Active Clamp Forward) 92%. ­ 8,8, ­ 4,3 ­ ! , . . « ». , . , , , . , 5 10, 12 0,1 24, 20, . , , . , , 150-200 ( ), , 30 . . DC-DC , . -, ( ) , , -, DCDC . , , - () 2005, 2006 .3 46 . DC-DC , . . ­ . , 1206 22uF 6,3V 5 300, $0.2. , ESR, , . DC-DC 5 1, 350, 1206 22uFx6.3V 40mV ­40° +100°. , DC-DC , DC-DC 15-20. , , DC-DC , . ­ , . , , . 1. T1 + V IN I pri in Rcl Ccl N1 Dcl N2 V sec Cout Vout I cout I sec Dout + V gs Q1 V ds .1 . 1 , . 2 ­ . ­ (discontinuous). , () 2005, 2006 .4 46 , V gs . (continuous) , I pri . Vds(max.) . (V in + V refl. ) f, T=1/f. (t0-t1) ­ Q1 ( ) V ds tON, (Duty Circle, D) D = tON/T. I sec (t0-t1). t0 , U out . , ­ , V sec Q1 V in(refl.) . (I sec - I out ) . Icout I out , t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 , . 2 . . , /. LPRI , ­ . ­ ( ) , . POUT, : A= POUT , f - (), f ­ . () 2005, 2006 .5 46 L I PRI , , 2 : 2 , : A = I= 2*A 2 * POUT = L PRI * f * L PRI , , dI U = L . dt , ­ (, ). ­ . : I RMS = I PRI * D 3 , : PDC = I 2 * R DS , RDS ­ . RMS ­ . . DOUT . N1 , N1 ­ N2, K = , N2 DOUT : VDOUT = VIN + (VOUT + VD ) , VD ­ . K ­ ­ , , ­ . (t1-t2). , IPRI ,
File name hpc-360-302.pdf

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KSC5027 KSC5027 High Voltage and High Reliability · High Speed Switching · Wide SOA 1 TO-220 2.Collector 3.Emitter 1.Base NPN Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCBO VCEO VEBO IC ICP IB PC TJ TSTG Parameter Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage Collector Current (DC) Collector Current (Pulse) Base Current Collector Dissipation ( TC=25°C) Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Value 1100 800 7 3 10 1.5 50 150 - 55 ~ 150 Units V V V A A A W °C °C Electrical Characteristics TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol BVCBO BVCEO BVEBO VCEX(sus) ICBO IEBO hFE1 hFE2 VCE(sat) VBE(sat) Cob fT tON tSTG tF Parameter Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage Collector Cut-off Current Emitter Cut-off Current DC Current Gain Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage Output Capacitance Current Gain Bandwidth Product Turn ON Time Storage Time Fall Time Test Condition IC = 1mA, IE = 0 IC = 5mA, IB = 0 IE = 1mA, IC = 0 IC = 1.5A, IB1 = -IB2 = 0.3A L = 2mH, Clamped VCB = 800V, IE = 0 VEB = 5V, IC = 0 VCE = 5V, IC = 0.2A VCE = 5V, IC = 1A IC = 1.5A, IB = 0.3A IC = 1.5A, IB = 0.3A VCB = 10V, IE = 0, f = 1MHz VCE = 10V, IC = 0.2A VCC = 400V IC = 5IB1 = -2.5IB2 = 2A RL = 200 60 15 0.5 3 0.3 10 8 Min. 1100 800 7 800 10 10 40 2 1.5 V V pF MHz µs µs µs Typ. Max. Units V V V V µA µA hFE Classification Classification hFE1 N 10 ~ 20 R 15 ~ 30 O 20 ~ 40 ©2001 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Rev. A1, June 2001 KSC5027 Typical Characteristics 4.0 3.6 1000 VCE = 5V IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hFE, DC CURRENT GAIN 100 IB IB IB IB = 250mA = 200mA = 150mA = 100mA IB = 80mA IB = 60mA IB = 50mA IB = 40mA IB = 30mA IB = 20mA IB = 10mA IB = 0 9 10 10 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 VCE[V], COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT Figure 1. Static Characteristic Figure 2. DC current Gain VBE(sat), VCE(sat)[V], SATURATION VOLTAGE 10 4.0 IC = 5 IB 3.5 VCE = 5V IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT 1 10 3.0 1 V BE(sat) 2.5 2.0 0.1 V CE(sat) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT VBE[V], BASE-EMITTER VOLTAGE Figure 3. Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Figure 4. Base-Emitter On Voltage 10 100 tSTG VCC = 400V 5.IB1 = -2.5.IB2 = IC ICMAX.(Pulse) IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT 10 tON, tSTG, tF [µ s], TIME ICMAX(Continuous) 1 m 10 10 1 1m s 0µ tON tF DC s s 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.1 1E-3 1 10 1 10 100 1000 10000 IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT VCE[V], COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE Figure 5. Switching Time Figure 6. Safe Operating Area ©2001 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Rev. A1, June 2001 KSC5027 Typical Characteristics (Continued) 100 80 IB2 = -0.3A 70 IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT PC[W], POWER DISSIPATION 10 60
File name microlab_350w.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 D D VCC+ 1D4 1R2 270K D101 FR107 T1 C1C1 1R3 220 104/50V 1C2 104/50V IC4 LTV817 1R6 100K D102 IN4148 1R8 47E 4148 1R1 270K D105 FR104 HER204 L10 62UH 5vsB.out 1R12 150E C 1R13 510E 1000UF/160V Te C D1D3 to.5vsb-2 C14 47UF/50V 1R11 15K 1C7 104/50V 1Q2 2SC5027 KA431 1R11 2.7K 1R14 100E 1C3 103/1KV 2SC5344Y 1Q1 1D7 4148/ST B 1R14 1.5K 1R4 1K 1C4 1R13 2.5K B 1UF/50V 1C6 1R7 1.5E VCC- A Title Size B Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 23-Dec-2003 Sheet of C:\Documents and Settings\WANGZHAO.ERP.001\\5400M-1.DDB Drawn By: 6 Number Revision A PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version 1 2 C9 105K/250V 3 4 R30 4.7E ST1020 D23 D28 5 104/50V C21 L1 106-26 + 6 +12v.OUT 1UH L5 + 1 BD1-BD4 .47/275VAC C3 TH1 054 F1 5A/250V 222/275VAC CX1 .01 LF1 CX2 RV 1M C4 3 4 2 C5 220UF/200V SW1 5A/250V C6 220UF/200V R1 150K R2 150K D5 FR107 R3 2.7K E13007/F Q1 R5 1E 4.7E D9 4148 D10 4148 R31 FR107 D21 ST/2045D24 R35 C8 10/50V C21 T1 D25 FR104 L1 D20 L1 106-26 C28 FR107 L6 C27 + C24 C29 220/16V 220UF/16V D 1UH +5v.out C24 R33 27E R32 470E L4 FR105 D22 L3 34 34UH + + D + 2200/10V 2000UF/10V D6 FR107 R61E D7 4148 C7 D8 4148 L8 D26 FR104 50UH 106-26 L1 106-26 D27 FR105 -12v.out -5v.out C22 200/16V + E13007/F R7 2.7K Q2 C23 220/16V 10/50V T2 + D28 SBL2040 L2 62UH + L7 1/UH C31 2200/10 3.3v.out R43 R38 R41 10E 10E R39 1.2K 2.65K R42 27E C30 2200/10V + C 3 R51 1K R53 100E D50 4148 R55 47K R? 14 13 R72 1M 12 11 10 B R52 100K 9 8 R71 15K C45 103/50v R70 18K R50 270K C40 1/50v R63 27K 150K R69 D54 4148 D56 4148 ZD4 4.7V PS--ON R66 1.2K ZD3 13V ZD1 3.2V to.+5v 4 D55 4148 339/ST 6 7 R73 R25 3.9K 5.6K R59 10K + D29 4148 R54 47K D51 4148 C41 1/50V R58 1 2 3 D53 4148 4 5 R? RES2 R? RES2 R61 15K R26 27K R27 560K R28 1M 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 R15 2.7K R19 2.7K R18 4.7K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R10 24K R11 5.6K R12 47K R16 2.7k VR1 102/T R62 33K R57 27K C42 4.7UF 5.1K R56 D15 4148 D17 FR05 C44 103/50V D52 4148 1K R9 1.5K D16 4148 D13 4148 Q12 C945 R8 100 D21 4148 Q3 C945 D11 4148 Q4 C945 Q5 C11 1UF/50V + D14 4148 D30 IN4148 A928A R36 100E C C29 C224 R40 2.7K C32 R39 1.2K PG.OUT IC4 KA431 + 0.22UF/50V TO.5VSB-2 B R17 4.7k IC1 KA7500B C13 102/50v R13 33k R14 47K R15 16k 102/50VC12 1UF/50V C46 R21 47K R22 100K R23 R24 27K 1M R20 1K C7 47UF/50V C47 103 A R67 1.8K R68 1.5K D57 4148 to.+12v to.+3.3v to.--12v to.--5v Title Size B Date: File: 5 23-Dec-2003 Sheet of C:\Documents and Settings\WANGZHAO.ERP.001\\5400M-2.ddb Drawn By: 6 Number Revision A 1 2 3 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version
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1 2 C9 205K/250V 3 4 ST1020 D10A 5 L1 106-26 + 6 +12v.OUT + BD1-BD4 .47/275VAC C3 TH1 054 F1 5A/250V 222/275VAC CX1 .01 LF1 CX2 RV 1M 4 2 C7 470UF/200V SW1 C4 3 5A/250V C8 470UF/200V R3B 220K R3A 220K D1 FR107 R9 2.7K 2S2625 Q1 R6 2.2E R5 51E 1UH L5 1 R7A 4.7E D3A 4148 D3 4148 C21 104/50V R30 4.7E FR152 D12 ST/3040D11A L1 106-26 L6 C27 + C24 C29 220/16V 220UF/16V D R6A 2.2E 1UH +5v.out C24 R33 27E R32 470E L4 FR105 D22 34UH + + D + C8 C10 102/1KV 10/50V T1 C22 103 R23 4.7E D10B FR152 2200/10V L1 106-26 2000UF/10V -12v.out -5v.out D2 FR107 2S2625 Q2 R7 2.7K R8A 2.2E R8 2.2E C710/50V + L8 R9A 4.7E D3A 4148 T2 D3 4148 50UH D15A SBL2040 KA7905 IC6 C32 10/50V + C23 220/16V L2 62UH + L7 1/UH C25 2200/10 R43A 10E + 3.3v.out R29 10E 2200/10V C26 C PG.OUT 1UF/50V C42 3 R62 1K R37 22E R37A 22E D16 4148 R8 100 D21 4148 Q8 C945 R9 1.5K D16 4148 D26 4148 D11 4148 Q28 C945 R41 39E Q5 C37 4.7UF/50V + D27 4148 D17 IN4148 A928A IC4 KA431 R32 10E R31 100E C28 4.7UF/50V C R77 330K R68 4.7K 13 R64 15K D30 4148 11 Q11 A733 B D33 4148 10 R69 33K 9 8 R67 4.7K 339/ST 6 7 4 12 2 3 R? 14 1 R76 7.5K D22 IN418 3.3VS + R34 845EK R65 4.7K R38 22E C28A C104 R35 2.4K R74 1M R75 27K R39 4.7 C36 22UF/50V D17 FR05 5 R79 12K TO.5VSB-2 R43 2.7K R42 2.7K R46 2.7K 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R40 1K R61 150E R47 2.7k C38 102/50v R81 27k R14 47K R45 16k 103/50VC39 R59 1.2K R57 R60 1.2K 1K B R48 51K VR1 101/T D23 IN4148 R72 56K C43 104 C45 103/50v IC1 KA7500B + R63 4.7K Q10 A733 R69 150K PS--ON C46 104 C40 R80 15K R71 220K R50 56K R20 1K C40 4.7UF/50V C7 47UF/50V C41 103 R16 47E A D18 4148 1/50v D32 4148 R70 12K C44 224 R56 5.6K 1 2 3 D56 4148 to.--5v R54 1.5K D18A4148 to.--12v to.+5v 1KR54A D19 4148 to.+12v ZD3 13V 4 5 3.2V ZD1 to.+3.3v Size B Date: File: 13-Aug-2004 Sheet of C:\DOCUME~1\WANGZH~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\5400X-2.ddb Drawn By: 6 Number Revision Title A R62 1.2K D23 4148 ZD4 4.7V PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version 1 2 3 4 5 6 D D VCC+ D8 to.5vsb-2 R10A 220K D101 FR107 C C16 102/50V 14C2 104/50V IC4 LTV817 D6 IN4148 C13 103/1KV D4 T1 4148 R10B 220K R11 39K R18 47E R16 56E D9 FR104 SR560 C17 102/1KV C C21 47UF/50V L9 62UH 5vsB.out R17 51E R19 220E R22 3.9K C20 104/50V R20 2.6K R11A 120E R15 220 Q3 2SC5027 1000UF/10V C18 C19 1000UF/10V KA431 R21 2.5K R13 1K B 1Q1 2SC5344Y B 104/100v C15 R12 1.5E VCC- A Title Size B Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 13-Aug-2004 Sheet of C:\DOCUME~1\WANGZH~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\5400X-1.DDB Drawn By: 6 Number Revision A PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version
File name PM-230W.pdf

Power Supply ATX 12V 1.3 Version PM Series-150/180/200 SERIAL Series-ATA Connector Features Specification 6 outputs (+/-12V, +/-5V, +3.3V, 5VSB) Efficiency > 65% (max. load) Low acoustic noise Hold Time > 17ms (max. load) High reliability Rise Time < 20ms (max. load) Remote On / Off Short Protection All outputs Built-in EMI filter Overvoltage Protection +5V, +12V, +3.3V Cables Input P4 Cable 24 pin ATX 12V Voltage Range 90 ~ 135 / 180 ~ 264VAC (slide switch) (STD) Connector (Optional) Frequency Range 47 ~ 63 Hz Environment 0 0 Operation Temp. 10 C ~ 50 C 0 0 Storage Temp. -20 C ~ +60 C Serial ATA Cable +5V DC Jack Storage altitude sea level to 50000ft (Optional) +12V DC Jack (Optional) Operating & Storage 10% ~ 95%RH humidity Operating altitude sea level to 10000ft
File name ps222s.pdf

PS222S Version Issue Date File Name Total Pages : A.001 : 2003/09/04 : SP-PS222S-A.001.doc : 13 3-Channel Secondary Monitoring IC With Over-Current Protection And an Additional 12V OCP Channel 9 7 1 SILICON TOUCH TECHNOLOGY INC. 9-7F-1, Prosperity Road I, Science Based Industrial Park, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C. Fax886-3-5645626 Tel886-3-5645656 PS222S PS222S 3-Channel Secondary Monitoring IC With Over-Current Protection And an Additional 12V OCP Channel General Description PS222S is specially designed for switching power supply system. Four important functions of PS222S are the following: over-voltage protection, over-current protection, under-voltage protection and power good signal generating. OVP/UVP (Over-Voltage/Under-Voltage Protection) monitors 3.3V, 5V and 12V to protect our power supply. FPO/ goes to high when one of these supply voltages exceeds their normal operation voltage range. OCP (Over Current Protection) monitors IS33, IS5, IS12 input current sense. Composed of "Iref" and "protection current range resistor", an adjustable over-current condition helps users design OCP easily. An additional OCP channel helps users monitor another 12V rail output current. Power good signal generating can notify personal computer when power supply is ready or power supply is going to shutdown, therefore it can provide a reliable power supply environment. Features · · · · · · · · · · Over/Under-voltage protection and lock out Over-current protection and lock out Fault protection output with open drain output stage Open drain power good output signal for power good input Built-in 300mS power good delay AC on 75mS delay for UV/OC protection 38mS PSON/ control de-bounce 73uS de-bounce for noise immunity Wide power supply range (4.2V~16V) Special care for AC power off 3-Channel Secondary Monitoring IC VersionA.001 -1- PS222S Block Diagram Vcc / VSx FPO/ VS12 155K VCCI 73uS De-bounce 12 UV S Q R 1M 9K Vref VCCI delay 12 OV H : 4mS L : 4.5uS VCCI 16K Vref VCC 30K 2K VS5 58K VCCI 38mS De-bounce PSON/ 1.25V 4.5V 90K 5 UV 13.5K Vref VCCI 5 OV 18.5K Vref delay H : 75mS L : 4.5uS 1 0 VCCI 1.13V VCCI VS33 38.5K VCCI PGI 0.63V R Q S VCCI 3.3 UV 23.5K Vref VCCI 1.25V 3.3 OV 28K Vref 1M VCCI VCCI PGO Vcc OC delay 73uS De-bounce H : 300mS L : 4.5uS ISX Step Down to near 2.5V Iref X 8 VCCI IS12 Step Down to near 2.5V Iref X 8 VCCI 12 OC delay Power On Reset 5 OC H : 20mS L : 4.5uS Internal Power POR Constant Current Source Iref RI IS5 Step Down to near 2.5V Iref X 8 VCCI VCCI = 4V IS33 Step Down to near 2.5V Iref X 8 3.3 OC Band-Gap Reference Vref 1.25V Clock Generator CLK GND 3-Channel Secondary Monitoring IC VersionA.001 -2- PS222S Timing Chart Vcc PSON/ FPO/ PGI VSx VS12 VS5 VS33 ISx IS12 IS5 IS33 PGO Td1 Td2 AC turn on UVP/OVP/OCP protect Tb1 Td3 PSON/ turn on PSON/ turn off PSON/ turn on AC turn off VPGI 1.25V 1.13V 0.63V Td1 Td2 OVP OVP/UVP/OCP OVP 3-Channel Second
File name readme.txt

Итак, сегодня поговорим о том, как нахаляву получить отличное зарядное устройство (ЗУ) для автомобильных 12В аккумуляторов. Понадобятся: левокитайский АТХ БП ($5 за живой и $1 - за дохлый), паяльник, резистор 0.47-0.82 Ом/5-10Вт, метровый кусок крепкого "акустического" провода, пара клешней- терминалов и мультиметр. Схема переделки- на рисунке. Что нужно сделать с БП: 1) выдираем ВСЕ провода, выходящие за пределы корпуса БП. Для удобства можно оставить ~10см куски черного (2 шт.), желтого (1 шт.) и зеленого (1 шт.) проводов. Зачем?- см. схему ;) 2) удаляем по вторичной стороне выпрямители и электролиты по +5, -5 и -12В. Так же выдираем за ненадобностью все, что относилось к +3.3В цепи. 3) выпаиваем и перематываем многообмоточный дроссель: на этом же колечке без зазрения совести можно намотать 40 витков лакированым проводом ~1 кв.мм., что не позволит ему влететь в насыщение даже при 7А зарядном токе. Полученный дроссель ставим обратно вместо бывшей +12В секции многообмоточного дросселя. В принципе, п. 3 делать необязательно, но если не лениво- лучше сделать ;) 4) Подключаем снаружи кнопку к черному и зеленому проводу. Тоже необязательно- можно их просто соединить между собой и вкл/выкл делать клавишей на удлинителе. 5) В разрыв второго черного провода ставим мощный резистор (см. выше) и с него снимаем ООС по току (см. схему). Внимание, резистор может сильно нагреваться в работе, так что размещаем его поближе к пропеллеру внутри БП. 6) Ищем на печатной плате БП резистор между 1-й ногой TL494/KA7500 и бывшим +12В выходом (обычно- порядка 100-300кОм, не помню уже). При неподсоединенном аккумуляторе подбираем этот резистор таким, что- бы на выходе было около +16В, в дальнейшем откалибруем поточнее. 7) К черному (-) и желтому (+) проводам припаиваем кусок акустического провода с клешнями, не перепутайте полярность! 8) Подсоединяем более- менее заряженный аккумулятор с нормальной плотностью электролита и подбираем описанный в п.6 резистор так, что бы на клемах было +14.2В. После нескольких часов зарядки (100% заряд аккуму) напряжение на клемах не должно превышать +15В! Ну, вот и все. Номинал резистора- датчика тока считаем из закона Ома, контрольное напряжение указано на схеме. Для 40-60Ач аккумуляторов рекомендую I=4-5А, для тракторных 90-100Ач можно зарядный ток поднять до 6-7А. Выше 7А не рекомендую, т.к. в типичном левокитайском БП выпрямитель собран на сдвоенных 3А диодах.. Если опасаетесь, что пропеллер сдохнет при подаче на него 16В вместо 12, можно в разрыв любого из его проводов включить резистор 22-47 Ом/0,5-1 Вт (заодно шуметь меньше будет). Ах, да, по бывшему +12В выходу (а ныне- цепи заряда) надо бы заменить электролит, вместо бывшего 1000-2200uF/16В поставить 1000-4700uF/25-63В (если перематывали дроссель, то можно съекономить и поставить 470uF/50В). Вышеописаная конструкция собирается за вечер, еще несколько часов потребуются на тестирование и окончательную подстройку. Если для вас это сложно- купите готовую зарядку, импул
File name SB3035PT.pdf

W TE PO WE R SEM IC O ND UC TO R S SB3030PT ­ SB3060PT 30A SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIER Features ! ! ! ! ! ! Schottky Barrier Chip Guard Ring for Transient Protection High Current Capability, Low Forward Low Reverse Leakage Current High Surge Current Capability Plastic Material has UL Flammability Classification 94V-O H TO-3P Dim A B C D E G H J K L M N P R S Min Max 3.20 3.50 4.59 5.16 20.80 21.30 19.70 20.20 2.10 2.40 0.51 0.76 15.90 16.40 1.70 2.70 3.10 Ш 3.30 Ш 3.50 4.51 5.20 5.70 1.12 1.22 2.90 3.30 11.70 12.80 4.30 Typical All Dimensions in mm S R PIN1 2 3 J K P N M A B L Mechanical Data ! ! ! ! ! ! Case: Molded Plastic Terminals: Plated Leads Solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026 Polarity: As Marked on Body Weight: 5.6 grams (approx.) Mounting Position: Any Marking: Type Number C PIN 1 PIN 3 + Case PIN 2 G D E Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics Single Phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%. @TA=25°C unless otherwise specified Characteristic Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage RMS Reverse Voltage Average Rectified Output Current @TC = 95°C Symbol VRRM VRWM VR VR(RMS) IO IFSM VFM IRM Cj RJC Tj, TSTG SB SB SB SB SB SB 3030PT 3035PT 3040PT 3045PT 3050PT 3060PT 30 21 35 24.5 40 28 30 275 0.55 1.0 75 1100 2.0 -65 to +150 0.70 45 31.5 50 35 60 42 Unit V V A A V mA pF K/W °C Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3ms Single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC Method) Forward Voltage Peak Reverse Current At Rated DC Blocking Voltage Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 1) Typical Thermal Resistance Junction to Case (Note 2) Operating and Storage Temperature Range @IF = 15A @TA = 25°C @TA = 100°C Note: 1. Measured at 1.0 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V D.C. 2. Thermal resistance junction to case mounted on heatsink. SB3030PT ­ SB3060PT 1 of 3 © 2002 Won-Top Electronics IF, INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD CURRENT (A) 30 I(AV), AVERAGE RECTIFIED CURRENT (A) 100 SB3030PT - SB3045PT 24 10 SB3050PT - SB3060PT 18 12 1.0 6 0 0 100 50 TC, CASE TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 1 Forward Derating Curve 150 Tj = 25°C Pulse width = 300 µs 2% duty cycle 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 VF, INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) Fig. 2 Typical Fwd Characteristics per Element IFSM, PEAK FORWARD SURGE CURRENT (A) 300 Cj, JUNCTION CAPACITANCE (pF) 8.3 ms single half-sine-wave JEDEC method 4000 Tj = 25°C f = 1MHz 250 200 1000 150 100 50 100 0 10 100 NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60 Hz Fig. 3 Max Non-Repetitive Peak Fwd Surge Current 1 0.1 1.0 10 100 VR, REVERSE VOLTAGE (V) Fig. 4 Typical Junction Capacitance per Element IR, INSTANTANEOUS REVERSE CURRENT (A) 100 TC = 100°C 10 TC = 75°C 1.0 TC = 25°C 0.1 0.01 120 40 80 PERCENT OF PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE (%) Fig. 5 Typical Reverse Characteristics per Element 0 SB3030PT ­ SB3060PT 2 of 3 © 2002 Won-Top Electronics ORDERING INFORMATION Product No. SB3030PT SB3035PT SB3040PT SB3045
File name tl494.pdf TL494 PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074E ­ JANUARY 1983 ­ REVISED FEBRUARY 2005 FEATURES · · · · · · · Complete PWM Power-Control Circuitry Uncommitted Outputs for 200-mA Sink or Source Current Output Control Selects Single-Ended or Push-Pull Operation Internal Circuitry Prohibits Double Pulse at Either Output Variable Dead Time Provides Control Over Total Range Internal Regulator Provides a Stable 5-V Reference Supply With 5% Tolerance Circuit Architecture Allows Easy Synchronization D, DB, N, NS, OR PW PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 1IN+ 1IN- FEEDBACK DTC CT RT GND C1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2IN+ 2IN- REF OUTPUT CTRL VCC C2 E2 E1 DESCRIPTION The TL494 incorporates all the functions required in the construction of a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) control circuit on a single chip. Designed primarily for power-supply control, this device offers the flexibility to tailor the power-supply control circuitry to a specific application. The TL494 contains two error amplifiers, an on-chip adjustable oscillator, a dead-time control (DTC) comparator, a pulse-steering control flip-flop, a 5-V, 5%-precision regulator, and output-control circuits. The error amplifiers exhibit a common-mode voltage range from ­0.3 V to VCC ­ 2 V. The dead-time control comparator has a fixed offset that provides approximately 5% dead time. The on-chip oscillator can be bypassed by terminating RT to the reference output and providing a sawtooth input to CT, or it can drive the common circuits in synchronous multiple-rail power supplies. The uncommitted output transistors provide either common-emitter or emitter-follower output capability. The TL494 provides for push-pull or single-ended output operation, which can be selected through the output-control function. The architecture of this device prohibits the possibility of either output being pulsed twice during push-pull operation. The TL494C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The TL494I is characterized for operation from ­40°C to 85°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGED DEVICES (1) TA SMALL OUTLINE (D) TL494CD TL494ID PLASTIC DIP (N) TL494CN TL494IN SMALL OUTLINE (NS) TL494CNS -- SHRINK SMALL OUTLINE (DB) TL494CDB -- THIN SHRINK SMALL OUTLINE (PW) TL494CPW -- 0°C to 70°C ­40°C to 85°C (1) The D, DB, NS, and PW packages are available taped and reeled. Add the suffix R to device type (e.g., TL494CDR). Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 1983­2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated TL494 PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074E ­ JANUARY 1983 ­ REVISED F
File name TPS3510P.pdf

TPS3510,TPS3511 PC POWER SUPPLY SUPERVISORS SLVS312A ­ JULY 2000 ­ REVISED DECEMBER 2002 D Overvoltage Protection and Lockout for D D D D D D D D D 12 V, 5 V, 3.3 V Undervoltage Protection and Lockout for 5 V and 3.3 V Fault Protection Output With Open-Drain Output Stage Open-Drain Power Good Output Signal for Power Good Input, 3.3 V and 5 V Power Good Delay; 300-ms TPS3510, 150-ms TPS3511 75-ms Delay for 5-V and 3.3-V Power Supply Short-Circuit Turnon Protection 2.3-ms PSON Control to FPO Turnoff Delay 38-ms PSON Control Debounce 73-µs Width Noise Deglitches Wide Supply Voltage Range From 4 V to 15 V PGI GND FPO PSON D OR P PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 PGO VDD VS5 VS33 description The TPS3510/1 is designed to minimize external components of personal-computer switching power supply systems. It provides protection circuits, power good indicator, fault protection output (FPO) and PSON control. Overvoltage protection (OVP) monitors 3.3 V, 5 V, and 12 V (12-V signal detects via VDD pin). Undervoltage protection (UVP) monitors 3.3 V and 5 V. When an OV or UV condition is detected, the power good output (PGO) is set to low and FPO is latched high. PSON from low to high resets the protection latch. UVP function is enabled 75 ms after PSON is set low and debounced. Furthermore, there is a 2.3-ms delay (and an additional 38-ms debounce) at turnoff. There is no delay during turnon. Power good feature monitors PGI, 3.3 V and 5 V and issues a power good signal when the output is ready. The TPS3510/1 is characterized for operation from ­40°C to 85°C. typical application 5 VSB PGI PGO 12 V 1 8 PGO PGI 2 7 VDD GND 3 6 VS5 FPO 4 5 PSON VS33 0.5 V Drop VSB 5V 3.3 V PSON (From Motherboard) Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright 2002, Texas Instruments Incorporated POST OFFICE BOX 655303 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1 TPS3510,TPS3511 PC POWER SUPPLY SUPERVISORS SLVS312A ­ JULY 2000 ­ REVISED DECEMBER 2002 FUNCTION TABLE PGI <0.95 V <0.95 V <0.95 V 0.95 V 1.15 V PGI > 1.15 V PGI > 1.15 V x PSON L L L L L L L L L H UV CONDITION (3.3 V OR 5 V) no no yes no no yes no no yes x OV CONDITION (3.3 V, 5 V, OR 12 V) no yes no no yes no no yes no x FPO L H L L H H L H H H PGO L L L L L L H L L L x = don't care FPO = L means: fault IS NOT latched FPO = H means: fault IS latched PGO = L means: fault PGO = H means: NO fault 2 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TPS3510,TPS3511 PC POWER SUPPLY SUPERVISORS SLVS312A ­ JULY 2000 ­ REVISED DECEMBER 2002 functional block diagram VDD 12 V
File name WT7514LV130_datasheet.pdf

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