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Now downloading free:Pachislo Slot Machine

Pachislo Slot Machine free download

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File name:pachislo belly glass swap.pdf
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Mfg:Pachislo Slot Machine
Descr:Pachislo Slot Machines
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name pachislo belly glass swap.pdf PACHISLO BELLY GLASS ARTWORK You will need to remove the belly glass in order to change the fluorescent light behind it. This will also come in handy if you would like to change the artwork to personalize you own belly glass. You will need to remove the belly glass frame from the Pachislo machine to remove and change the fluorescent light behind it. There are exceptions (i.e. Rocabilly) but the belly glass frame on most Pachislos is held in with two clips on the inside of the machine. Open the door and look at the area underneath the coin mechanism. There will be two clips about 2" wide, one on the left and one on the right. Sometimes the clips are white and are easy to spot (Hanabi), and sometimes they are silver and blend into the reset of the machine. Hold the belly glass frame on the outside of the machine with one hand and press down and out on the clip nearest the coin mechanism. Now repeat the process on the clip nearest the power supply. Gently pull on the frame at the same time with your left hand. Change the fluorescent bulb as you would normally do. The frame will snap back into place when you are finished.

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