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Now downloading free:Pachislo Slot Machine Pachislo

Pachislo Slot Machine Pachislo free download

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File name:pachislo volume control installation.pdf
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Size:300 kB
Mfg:Pachislo Slot Machine
Model:Pachislo 🔎
Descr:Pachislo Volume Control Installation
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name pachislo volume control installation.pdf PACHISLO VOLUME CONTROL INSTALLATION Several models of Pachislo Slot Machines either have no volume control or the volume control is not working. The solution is to install your own volume control... and it is an easy and inexpensive process. Purchase a volume control, either a single volume control for a single speaker or a duel volume control for two speakers. Remove the speaker covers if necessary. Follow the speaker wire from each speaker until you find the easiest work area or the area with the most excess wire. There are two wires coming from each speaker. You will be snipping only ONE WIRE and it does not matter which wire. The volume control will be inserted BETWEEN the two ends of the snipped wire. For a single volume control, snip one wire from the speaker and strip the rubber from 1/4"-1/2" off both ends of the wire. For a duel volume control do this for one wire from each speaker. Twist one end of the volume control wire together with one of the cut ends of the speaker wire. Twist the other end of the cut speaker wire to the other wire coming from the volume control. Cover the exposed wire with electrical tape. Tape all lose wires together. Find a place to tuck the excess wire. Adhere the control to the inside of the machine with double sided tape. More information available EVERYTHING PACHISLO at in the Manual

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