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Pachislo Slot Machine Pachislo free download

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File name:pachislo hopper repair.pdf
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Mfg:Pachislo Slot Machine
Model:Pachislo 🔎
Descr:Pachislo Hopper Repair
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File name pachislo hopper repair.pdf PACHISLO HOPPER REPAIR There are many different types of Pachislo hoppers. If your machine is setting off a hopper error code try the following before replacing the hopper: Remove the Hopper Unplug the hopper from the power supply. Some hoppers have no plug and have a built in connector that automatically connects to a receptor in the back of the machine. The hopper is on a metal track. The hopper may be a little difficult to slide out, but it WILL slide out. If it is difficult to slide out then give the right and left tracks a short spray of a silicone spray to loosen it up. Some hoppers also have a white plastic clip on the front which you will need to push down in order to remove the hopper. Check for Stuck Coins To check for obstructions you will need to separate the top section from the bottom section of the hopper. Hoppers have two pieces ­ the plastic top bin that receives the tokens and the bottom section that contains the wheel, motor, sensor and sensor arm. The top bin can be removed one of three ways depending upon your hopper. 1. By remove the four Phillips screws that hold the top onto the bottom. 2. By pulling out the two clips (usually yellow) on the two front corners, pulling the front of the hopper up and out to unhinge and remove the hopper. 3. Some machine, like the older Deru Deru, have two part hoppers where the top is separate from the bottom within the machine and is suspended below the reels. Once the top is removed you will see the wheel and the area where the coins are dispensed into the coin tray. Remove any obvious coins then turn the wheel manually. The wheel should turn clockwise by hand. If the wheel is not moving smoothly check to see if there are tokens stuck under the wheel. Check the Coin Chute With the top still off of the hopper, place a few coins into the wheel and turn it clockwise manually. When a token reaches the dispensing chute the hopper should grab the token and "Shoot" it out as if dispensing into the coin tray. If the coins are not being grabbed or if the coins are not being shot out with some force then turn the hopper over. Hoppers have sensors underneath. There are two springs that hold a small metal arm. When a coin is dispensed that arm will move between the two parts of the sensor, breaking a beam and sending a message to the machine that a coin has been dispensed. Try moving the arm by hand. If it does not move freely or does not snap back into its original position, then that may be your problem. Clean the sensor with a Q-tip, making sure to get all dust. Clean the top part of the chute as well. Spray a small amount of silicone spray onto the springs that hold the metal arm and onto the arm itself. Work the arm back and forth for a few minutes and you will feel the arm start to loosen and snap back after you move it through the sensor. Wipe off any excess silicone, place a few coins onto the wheel and manually move the wheel to send coins through the chute. If th

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