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Now downloading free:IBM SC20-1637-3 A Guide to PL I for FORTRAN Users May68

IBM SC20-1637-3 A Guide to PL I for FORTRAN Users May68 free download

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File name:SC20-1637-3_A_Guide_to_PL_I_for_FORTRAN_Users_May68.pdf
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Model:SC20-1637-3 A Guide to PL I for FORTRAN Users May68 🔎
Original:SC20-1637-3 A Guide to PL I for FORTRAN Users May68 🔎
Descr: IBM 360 pli SC20-1637-3_A_Guide_to_PL_I_for_FORTRAN_Users_May68.pdf
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File name SC20-1637-3_A_Guide_to_PL_I_for_FORTRAN_Users_May68.pdf

- - . . -. - - - - _... - ---- - ------ - . . -..-.- ~-- ==-=~= A Guide to PL/I for FORTRAN Users Student Text --.- - ---- - - --- - --- - A Guide to PL/I for - --- -- - - - - _.- --- --- FORTRAN Users -. - Student Text Preface This manual is an introductory guide to PL/I written especially for those who have a working knowledge of FORTRAN II or IV. No particulaI: machine imple- mentation of FORTRAN or PL/I has been assumed. Part 1 gives a broad survey of PLjI. A sample pro- gram illustrating some of the principal features of the language is explained siep by siep. Part 2 gives sufficient detail for the user to be able to write a straightforward program for himself. It is not a rigorous exposition. Examples have been used to clarify the text. The terminology used is intended to be that which is familiar to a FORTRAN user. U~_L ') ...1~~~._:L~~ ____ ~_L~ __ L C~_:l:~_ L~ DAUTU A 1\.T ~ eli l V UC;;:'\..:llUC;:' \":Ul1\,,:C;l)l~ HUl lctlHlUctl lU V.Ll.L .Llrl.l ~ ~. users, although some of them are familiar to those who know COBOL or ALGOL. Where references to COBOL or ALGOL will help readers who know these languages, the reference is made, but the explanation is also given in full for those \vho do not. This guide does not attempt to cover all the features of the language. Many facilities have not been men- tioned at all, and some of the statements and features have not been explained in full detail. Other related publications are "A PL/I Primer," Form C28-6808, "A Guide to PL/I for Commercial Program- mers," Form C20-1651, and IBM System/360; PL/I Reference l\,fanual, Form C28-8201. Major Revision (May 1968) Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM Corporation, DPD Education Development - Publications Services. Education Center. South Road. Poughkeepsie. New York 12602.

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