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Descr: Samsung Dishwashers DMT400RHS Service Manuals Reference.pdf
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9. Reference 9. Reference 9-1. Model Number Naming Rules DMT 8 0 0 R H S D : Dishwasher 0 : 2010y R : R-pjt S : Stainless M : Machine 1 : 2011y B : Black T : 24" Tall Tub 2 : 2012y W : White 7,8 : Best 5,6 : Better 0 : Basic H : Hidden 3,4 : Good 1 : Ver. 1 F : Front 9-1 9. Reference 9-2. Terminology 1. Circulation Motor A motor that sucks the water remaining on the floor of the dishwasher and injects water using high pressure through the internal water passages to the top, middle and lower nozzles. 2. Drain Pump The pump that drains the polluted water from the dishwasher generated while the dishwasher is running. 3. Heater The heater is located on the water passages inside the dishwasher. It heats the flowing water to increase wash efficiency. 4. Vent Fan Drains high temperature moisture out of the dishwasher during the drying cycle (drying the dishes). 5. Flow Meter Measures the amount of supplied water by counting the pulses of the hall IC located at the next of the Inlet valve. 6. Distributor Located at the output end of the sump inside the dishwasher. It turns the flow of the water that goes to the bottom part of the dishwasher on or off. 7. Dispenser The location where the detergent and rinse aids are stored so they can be used by the dishwasher. The dispenser automatically supplies detergent and rinse aids to the inside of the dishwasher when they are needed. 8. Tub Assy An internal case made of stainless steel that makes up the basic framework of the dishwasher. 9. Sump Assy The place inside the dishwasher where water is collected. The injected water gathers here after circulation. The sump Assy is connected to the circulation motor, drain pump, and distributor motor. 10. Tub Front Assy An internal case made of stainless steel that makes up the internal part of the front door. 11. Base Assy A plastic part that makes up the basic bottom framework. 12. Basket Assy The upper and lower racks where dishes can be loaded. 13. Top/Middle/Lower Nozzles Washes dishes by rotating and injecting the supplied water through the water passages at high pressure. 14. Case Brake A passage that adjusts the air pressure by connecting the pressure of the inside air which is expanded at high temperature during the wash and rinse cycles and the outside air pressure. 15. Door Lock Switch Detects whether the door of

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