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Found: 106
Beko10214Goes off & on intTA914 Off button on front panel - can substitute TA912 AV button if not used14-09-04
Beko10214PICTURE SHIFTED DOWNR725 150k14-09-04
Beko11.1DeadR101 4R7 safety res in line dr feed o/c due to line dr tfmr having shorted turns (pri winding should read 4R2) pt no BE05170914-09-04
Beko11.1E/W faulty & int blows LOPTrC140 22nF across E/W mod diode14-09-04
Beko11214TInt no pic - sound okthyristor T701 ESM740 goes o/c intermittently ESM740 no longer available, use TR03-400T and add a 47 Ohm 0.5W resistor from gate to ground.14-09-04
Beko11214TInt no pic - sound okT701 thy ESM740 goes o/c int - NLA -- use a TR03-400T & add 47R ?w resistor from gate to ground 14-09-04
Beko11221TDeadpsu working - no line drive - line dr tfmr 14-09-04
Beko116328NXBlank grey raster with white line at topR815 22R in 16v supply o/c as C712 4µ7 hi esr also C811 220µ hi esr (16v supply line had risen to 29v)14-09-04
Beko11AK08Dead aft thunderstorm1N4148 diode measured about 460KOhms both ways14-09-04
Beko1220TField linR725 150k dry joint14-09-04

Beko12220Blank screen with buzzing & Thy overheatsR725 hi res14-09-04
Beko12220Col intDec panel plugs int14-09-04
Beko12220Int pic/sound - disappears with flashing on screen and noise thro speakerXtal Q701 in front of IC70114-09-04
Beko12220Top ? of screen lit, rest blankedR717 1M o/c also check R722 1M14-09-04
Beko12220Top quarter of screen lit & blank - rest blackR717 1M o/c - connected to pin 5 TEA2029 also check R722 in series 1M14-09-04
Beko12220Trips off at sw on - HT = 125v on bulbD801 BY299 s/c - LOPTX could be the cause14-09-04
Beko12220 10.2Front cont int don't workCheck momentary contacts on mains sw14-09-04
Beko12220NXStatus info perm/semi perm displayedQ2 17.47 Mhz Xtal on audio pcb drifting14-09-04
Beko12220NXThe status information appeared on the scrcen at rThe cause of the fault was on the audio panel , where the 17.47MHz crystal Q2 was drifting when warm.§14-09-04
Beko12220TDead 55v HTD111 FR30-02 S/C, U4 supply diode14-09-04
Beko14212Tuning driftsC458 100nF sm near tuner or C460 breaking down (in parallel with C457 - not shown on diag) 0µ47 63v14-09-04
Beko15221NXPic fadesD1209 on crt base leaky14-09-04
Beko15225Pic shifted verticallyFor up check R717, R722 1M; for down check R725 150k14-09-04
Beko15225NXBrightness varies aft LOPTx replacementR1237 1k2 1w o/c in A1 feed14-09-04
Beko15225NXDead - fuse blowsT101 s/c - replace T101 BUZ90AF & TDA460514-09-04
Beko15225NXDead?D801 BY299 s/c14-09-04
Beko15225NXoff burning smellL507 dry joint14-09-04
Beko15225NXPic shifted to bottomR725 150k hi res14-09-04
Beko15225NXTrips at sw on with loud crackLopt arcing between A1/Focus controls - replace loptx14-09-04
Beko15325NKSt/by only s/c line dr tr TR801 BC635Due to Field drive int o/p from TEA2029C (faulty?)14-09-04
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