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Found: 626
Bush2872NTX 11AK19Tuning variesR505 tracking to pcb14-09-04
Bush2872NTX 11AK19-E3DeadR870n 0R22 in psu o/c due to C833 arcing against chopper Tr heatsink14-09-04
Bush2872NTX 11AK19ESDead - LED flickers low greenNo 5v supply as R867 0R33 o/c14-09-04
Bush2874NTXSt/by only with 15v at coll of LOPTrRemoving EEPROM got set started & ok when refitted - R/C sensor on front panel faulty14-09-04
Bush2876NTXE-W faultyDry joints L65214-09-04
Bush2876NTX 11AK12-9No soundDry joints P130314-09-04
Bush2876NTX 11AK19E3Blank raster with 2 blue, 2 green, then 2 red, thin horizontal lines, approx. one third down screenR 704, 100R o/c. Supply to pin 6 of frame I/C TDA 8351 caused by bad joint on L60214-09-04
Bush2877NTXDead with chopper tr s/cReplace chopper Q802 MTP6N60E pt no 30001386 & D824 s/c pt no 3000131914-09-04
Bush2877NTXRemote cont int or not workingDry joints PL502 ribbon cable on main pcb from front control pcb14-09-04
Bush2879NTXNo sound or picture , eht , heaters , anode , volts ok sound output working.R406 was reading 26M because ZD422 12volt zener diode was shorted.14-09-04

Bush2890DField collapseR704 100R, C702 100µ 63v & IC701 TDA835114-09-04
Bush2890DInt width & E/WDry joint T602 next to LOPTx14-09-04
Bush2890DSt/by LED flashes greenR879 4k7 hi res14-09-04
Bush2897No tuning above Chan 30replace cap across 33v zener - goes leaky14-09-04
Bush28ZFK WST66Dead set. TP2 (FET) Blown and also diode in bridge rectifier cct.Fit new FET(I fitted a BUZ91 type instead of a P4NA80FI) and IN4007 diode in bridge cct14-09-04
Bush28ZKF Orion 4400Dead with faulty on/off swDry joints also LOPTr S2000AF s/c & LOPTx from SEME LOPTX1277 at ?18.95 Part S065621409 14-09-04
Bush28ZKFWST66Blank rasterCheck TP6 BD441 5v reg, dry joints chopper trfmr14-09-04
Bush2914No chan storeNo 33v to memory chip IV02 - D405 s/c & 47R feed res o/c14-09-04
Bush2914Red excessR919 680k in RGB o/p o/c14-09-04
Bush2914Squealing from chopper tfmr - sound/pic okCheck sync winding on lopt for wrongly fitted after loptx change14-09-04
Bush2920Tno pic sound ok - blank rasterno line drive - secondary of line drive tfmr o/c (dirty pins)14-09-04
Bush3114Dead HT pulses on & off when mains sw held inIC401 TA8808N 64pin chip was faulty14-09-04
Bush3114ASt/by onlyR502 330k o/c14-09-04
Bush3463NTX 4400No sound/pic - no 5vTP6 BD44114-09-04
Bush3472NTXSt/by light blinks onlyLOPTr S2000A s/c & LOPTx insulation breakdown - CHS order code FBT4056414-09-04
Bush3472NTX 4400No pic - blank rasterTP6 BD441 in +5v supply14-09-04
Bush3472NTX Pro 4400No pic or OSD - only blank rasterCheck TP6 BD441 in 5v supply & DC4 1N4148 in BCL cct leaky between LOPTx & Scart. Check volts pin 22 TDA8843, (no higher than +3V) - > +3.6V then IC would disable RGB o/p to prevent crt burn.14-09-04
Bush6690 VestecNo vol/chan change or menu functions in analogue functions. Digi tuner works OKReset remote handset by pressing Left/Right/ Down cursor keys & No 1 button together and holding for 5 secs. Note if fault does not clear suspect micro IC.14-09-04
Bush6690D (IDTV)No vol/menu/chan change in normal modereset remote unit by pressing left , right, down[cursor keys]and the number one key at the same time for 5 seconds then release.[should this fail to resolve problems similar to above then micro suspect]14-09-04
Bush6690D 11AK19No pic except for line across top of pic - sound okrest of screen blank unless A1 advanced - RGB O/P IC14-09-04
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