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Found: 626
BushA816Dead3R86 ( 150ohm ) o/c14-09-04
BushA816Frame - Fold over & reduced height.Check 3VT13 ( BC287 )14-09-04
BushA816No sound or picture.3R86 ( 150ohm ) o/c.14-09-04
BushA816Reduced height & foldover.3VT13 ( BC287 )14-09-04
BushA823Frame - linearity poor - drifts.5C35 ( 250PUT )14-09-04
BushA823Frame Line Varies After Set Is Warmed UpCheck 5C3514-09-04
BushA823Sound - buzz/crack when warmed up.3C2 , 3C17 ( 50uf )14-09-04
BushA823AAFC Problems1VT514-09-04
BushA823ANo or Intermittent sound.Dry joint on 1Z7.14-09-04
BushA823AVInt on channel change.3C2 , 3C17 ( 50uf ) .14-09-04

BushA823AVTuning - AFC.1VT5.14-09-04
BushBC6004Blowing line o/p transistorD687 ( SKE4F1/10 ) , D688 ( BY223 ) , C688 ( 0.0013uf ) , R941 ( 100k )14-09-04
BushBC6004DeadBU326A T686 s/c, when replaced has slow tripping - tripler faulty14-09-04
BushBC6004TrippingD687 ( SKE4F1 ) Faulty Blows Up C835/6 If Left Tripping .14-09-04
BushBC6004Tripping - as Picture Comes OnCheck/Replace D956 ( sync/control PCB )14-09-04
BushBC6004Tripping - as Picture Comes OnAdjust P943 For 122v at R886.14-09-04
BushBC6004Tripping - intermittently.R943 ( 330k ) gone high.14-09-04
BushBC6111Tuning drift.Check/replace 9Z114-09-04
BushBC6318No or intermittent sound.Dry joint from 1Z7.14-09-04
BushBC6338Channel selector stuck on prog.ET6016 , 1R1106.14-09-04
BushBC6338Tuning - no channel change.ET6016 &/or 1R110614-09-04
BushBM6514 Ranger 2Hum bar & picture distorted.2x Diodes on right hand side from back ( BY133 type )14-09-04
BushBTV14Completely deadQ603 BC548C in psu14-09-04
BushBTV14TrippingDis pin 2 on conn on vcr panel from psu, if stops replace IC661 5v reg14-09-04
BushBTV17No functs - micro locks upMod kit from Alba pt no BTV17 - contains small panel with EEPROM - available from CHS14-09-04
BushBTV17No sound thro tuner - ok on pbackReprog EEPROM - details in vault also EEPROM kit available from SEME for ?814-09-04
BushBTV17No sound, no chan store, reverts to st/by aft 20 minsEeprom reqs reprog14-09-04
BushBTV17Pin code removalEnter any code 3 times until "protected" is displayed, now press 'Vol-' on TV and '7' on R/C14-09-04
BushBTV17St/by onlyMod kit pt no BTV17MODKIT consisting of small plug in pcb with instructs usually cures it14-09-04
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