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Found: 626
BushT20Frame - int field collapse.Dry joint on pin 12 of plug 4Z2.14-09-04
BushT20Frame - reduced.Noisy height control.14-09-04
BushT20Frame - reduced.4VT8 , 4VT10.14-09-04
BushT20Frame collapse.4R9 o/c , 4R4 ( 1k ) high due to poor contact of frame Tx's14-09-04
BushT20Frame collapse.4VT1 , 4VT214-09-04
BushT20Height almost double.4RV514-09-04
BushT20Height reducedCheck 4VT8 , 4VT10 & height control.14-09-04
BushT20Int colour.Check connections 4C24.14-09-04
BushT20Line O/P stage dead.5R8 o/c.14-09-04
BushT20No colour - with top shaded.3D1 ( BA317 ) s/c.14-09-04

BushT20No line.5R8 o/c.14-09-04
BushT20No raster - sound Ok.4VT3 , 4VT4.14-09-04
BushT20No soundIC TBA1205B.14-09-04
BushT20Picture pulsating.7C5 ( 47uf ) but checks ok.14-09-04
BushT20Reduced width.5L1 , 5C15 1u f s/c ) , 4R69 ( 82k )14-09-04
BushT20Shutdown - switching off after second or so.Tripler.14-09-04
BushT20Startup - int when cold.5D5 ( 1N4148 ) on trip sub PCB s/c.14-09-04
BushT20Tripler - blowing.Check 5R13 ( 330k )14-09-04
BushT20Tripping - at switch on.Check 7R11 ( 220 ) for o/c.14-09-04
BushT20Tripping - intermittent tripping.Check 5RV1 , 5D1 , 5R13 , 5D2.14-09-04
BushT20Tripping - random tripping.5R13 ( 330R ) o/c , 5RV1 , 5D1 , 5D214-09-04
BushT20Tripping.7R11 ( 220R ) o/c14-09-04
BushT20Whistle.Dry joints on connector Z1.14-09-04
BushT20Width excessive & poor EW.S/C turns in 5L2.14-09-04
BushT20/22Remote - hand set faulty.See Tv mag.14-09-04
BushT20AFrame - no frame.4VT1 , 4VT214-09-04
BushT22Dead - blowing BU208.Dry joint on line drive TX 5T1 pin 3.14-09-04
BushT22Dead.5R3 ( 1r8 ) , check PL472/2.14-09-04
BushT22Dead.1uf , BU208 , 5R3 ( 1r8 ) o/c connection at 472/214-09-04
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