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Found: 182
GoldstarCI14A80FDead - chopper Tr BUZ90A s/cR821 150k o/c also replaced R802 680k; R819 130k; R806 120k - TDA4605-2 may have been damaged but wasn't14-09-04
GoldstarCI14A80F CI20A80F CI21A80FDead - Q801 chopper tr s/cReplace IC801 & check R821 150k & R806 120k14-09-04
GoldstarCI14A80F CI20A80F CI21A80FDead - R802 680k failedFit 1w version instead of ?w14-09-04
GoldstarCI14A80F CI20A80F CI21A80FNo tuning or tuner driftCheck Q18 - if no 33v check FR403 - if o/c fit 1R ?w14-09-04
GoldstarCI14E20F CI20E20F CI20A96FInt sound & col variationReplace IC01 & check Q06 for dry joints14-09-04
GoldstarCI20A50Field collapseFR718 3R3 o/c14-09-04
GoldstarCI20A80No picCheck FR406 26v fuse in fop stage14-09-04
GoldstarCI20C22F PC42BReverts to st/by after sec of sw onIC831 GL7812 12v reg o/c14-09-04
GoldstarCI20E20FTuning driftQ06 KTC3198V, ZD401 33v, D404 1N4148 in tuner & C415 220µ 16v, C414 47µ 50v, C418 10µ 50v in LOP stage14-09-04

GoldstarCI21A80 etcWon't come on from st/byMay be in child lock - use r/c to sw on14-09-04
GoldstarCI21A80FA PC31AGoes in/out of st/by - otherwise deadNo volts to HT rect D804 - L804 dry joints14-09-04
GoldstarCI21C22Fdeaddry joints in lop stage14-09-04
GoldstarCI21C22Fheight varies with audio contentHT smoothing cap 220µ 160v14-09-04
GoldstarCI21C22FRunning PSU on dummy loadground base of Q81214-09-04
GoldstarCI21C22FTrips at sw onLop tr leaky (reads ok out of cct)14-09-04
GoldstarCI4A80ADead - 4A fuse blackenedR821 150k hi res, BUZ90 Q801 chopper s/c & replace TDA4605-2 chopper chip14-09-04
GoldstarCI9902FSt/by onlyR761 2k7 hi res14-09-04
GoldstarCI9902FStuck in standby.R761 2k7 HIGH14-09-04
GoldstarCI990LTSt/by only - relay clicks at sw onHT low at 60v instead 115v - check C8075 33µ 160v14-09-04
GoldstarCIS4361No picture - sound okno crt htrs due to taernished pins on 4 pin connector by Loptx14-09-04
GoldstarCIS4361No picture.4 Pin connector by LOPT pins tarnished ( feed to heaters )14-09-04
GoldstarCIS4441Bright white raster - sound okReplaced R424/425 Ibeam res under loptx - - A1 setting VERY critical14-09-04
GoldstarCIS4441Brightness excessive with pic appearing only briefly at sw onCheck/replace resistors 680k on crt base14-09-04
GoldstarCIT 2172Xint start up, int no pic, int txtC811 47µ 25v, C812 100µ 16v,C808 1µ 50v, C813 100µ 16v remove glue, check relay14-09-04
GoldstarCIT 2190FNo sound.CHECK FOR MUTE STATE IC140114-09-04
GoldstarCIT2068FSt/by only - if mains sw held in snowy raster showsMicro IC701 pins 31 & 32 had no 10Mhz signal present - Xtal faulty14-09-04
GoldstarCIT2068FStuck in StBy - if switch held in set starts but oNo 10Mhz on pins 31 32 of micro as xtal us14-09-04
GoldstarCIT2162XInt loss of signalsTuning vots increases to 31v - bad conn on lead between tuner prescaler & tuning pcb14-09-04
GoldstarCIT2162XINT low gain or just snow tuning VOLTAGE AT 30vINT OC IN LEAD FROM PRESCALER TO TUNING PCB14-09-04
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