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Found: 182
GoldstarCIT4175St/by only - dead when sw onNo line drive - D812 1N4003 o/c14-09-04
GoldstarCIT4785Dark pic with field non linC820 HT cap 10µ 160v14-09-04
GoldstarCIT4785Field collapse40v wform at pin 2 of LA7830 chip - check C305 100µ 16v14-09-04
GOLDSTARCIT4785Int deaddry joints chopper chip (looked ok) & check other dries in psu14-09-04
GoldstarCIT4785Int no sound/pic/field collapse - display stuck on "0"; no r/c or front controlsint s/c on 12v line - P101 pin 11 s/c to adj pin14-09-04
GoldstarCIT610SSt/by only with squealC830 220µ 25v o/c, R808 270k replaced as a precaution, C818 1µ 50v o/c, C802 100µ 25v hi esr, R811 1R ?w o/c14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9172Dead - click from speaker at switch off.FR817 ( 5.6R ) o/c.14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9172Dead - fuse blown.Q801 ( 2SD1878 ) s/c , IC801 ( TDA4601 ) faulty , R811 ( 120k ) o/c.14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9172Frame collapse.IC401 ( TDA8214A )14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9172Height slowly decreases from switch on.FR718 high at 26R14-09-04

GoldstarCIT9172Int pic - sound okDry joints fop chip IC40114-09-04
GoldstarCIT9172No frame.IC401 ( TDA8214A )14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9172Will not tune in - snowy raster.R821 ( 6.8k ) o/c.14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9325No pic, sound & EHT OK & Not field collapseIf when connecting an RGB o/p tr coll to chassis via 10k res the pic returns until sw off, change TDA3562A col dec chip14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9508Dark pic, lack of height & field non linC820 10µ 160v14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9508Dead, relay clicks at sw on but no line driveFR802 1R fusible in 22v supply o/c for no apparent reason14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9508Int dark or no picInt A1 control14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9508No picture or int dark pictureA1 control on lopt int oc14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9508Pic fades out due to loss of crt heatersDry joints P451 crt htr supply on main pcb14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9902 PC04Field faultD301(1N4007 used)14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9902FDeadNo 110v to lop stage - D803S dry jointed in mains bridge rect cct14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9902FNot starting , HT low.C807S OC 33uF.14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9902FSt/by onlyOsc feed to IC701 X701 10Mhz Xtal u/s14-09-04
GoldstarCIT9902FWon't come on unless sw to st/by firstStart up supply low due to D401 hi res14-09-04
GoldstarCT20A80ADead - relay clicks & LED dims at sw onDry joint L804 PSU sec near Trfmr14-09-04
GoldstarCY14A86Shuts down aft 30 minsSw mode Trfmr had cracked core causing drive chip to overheat14-09-04
GoldstarKBV-9012E TV/VCR ComboWhite raster with retrace lines, the set switches off after a while. L901 (in series with +180V supply to RGB trs) oc, the +180V winding of Loptx delivers 300V!! (Di&smooth.Cap OK)Replace C820 10uF/160V cap. Note that +180V supply delivers 300V, while +B and all other voltages are normal. Seems to be a weird LOPTx fault, but it was C820 instead.14-09-04
GoldstarKBV-9012E TV/VCR ComboWhite raster with retrace lines, the set switches off after a while. L901 (in series with +180V supply to RGB trs) oc, the +180V winding of Loptx delivers 300V!! (Di&smooth.Cap OK)Replace C820 10uF/160V cap. Note that +180V supply delivers 300V, while +B and all other voltages are normal. Seems to be a weird LOPTx fault, but it was C820 instead. C820 IS NOT the smoothing cap for +180V.14-09-04
GoldstarKI14U71Tuning impossible9v supply at pin 13 of psu sec very low - F853 safety fuse high res14-09-04
GoldstarKI14V38No pic, no OSD, sound okSDA bus is low because of leaky zener ZD502 5.1V14-09-04
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