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Found: 776
Matsui1436XSet int cuts out when cold.Drys T751 ( remove & resolder wire to legs.14-09-04
Matsui1436XTuning int lostcured by changing mico M34300-012SP - obtain from CPC using Alba part no (cheaper)14-09-04
Matsui1436XWhite line in centre of picture.Q751 ( 2SC1573A )14-09-04
Matsui1436XABright white raster at sw on gradually improving as set warmed up to a picTA8691N multi function chip14-09-04
Matsui1436XACuts out aft a couple of mins - ht presentX ray prot operating due to R492 5k6 hi res14-09-04
Matsui1436XADeadSt/by trfrmr o/c winding - pt no 55840060114-09-04
Matsui1436XADeadR652 390k o/c14-09-04
Matsui1436XADeadSt/by Trfmr o/c pri14-09-04
Matsui1436XADead - no relay operationFU211 160mA fuse in st/by relay control cct o/c14-09-04
Matsui1436XADead - won't start upReplaced R651 & 653 - C655 s/c & R652 o/c14-09-04

Matsui1436XAField collapseC706 dry14-09-04
Matsui1436XAField collapseCheck service switch14-09-04
Matsui1436XAField collapseDry joint C706 or R608 safety res o/c & change Q60114-09-04
Matsui1436XAField collapseR602 dry joint14-09-04
Matsui1436XAField jitterVR702 int14-09-04
Matsui1436XAField twitchVR702 in field timebase int14-09-04
Matsui1436XAGoes dark with folded line scan when heatedLOPTr leaky14-09-04
Matsui1436XAInt dark pic with no col or sound with flaringbrown glue (becoming conductive) on print side of the TA7698AP near pin 1 & 42 holding ceramic cap. Removing glue cleared fault 14-09-04
Matsui1436XAInt field or line problemsCheck rivets for being loose on presets14-09-04
Matsui1436XALine lock weakR491 47k14-09-04
Matsui1436XALine tearing after warm up periodHeating/cooling IC301 TA7698AP altered this - chip faulty14-09-04
Matsui1436XANo colour - may be intC318 2µ2 50v14-09-04
Matsui1436XANo greenR505 3k3 flashover prot res hi res14-09-04
Matsui1436XANo or low line driveCheck R756 0R5 in base LOPTr14-09-04
Matsui1436XANo pic - no line O/PLine dr trfrmr o/c14-09-04
Matsui1436XANo soundD601 1N4003 14v rect14-09-04
Matsui1436XAPic slowly darkens14-09-04
Matsui1436XAShocks received off set top aerialCheck rubber block glued to underside of pcb - becomes conductive14-09-04
Matsui1436XASmeary picDry joint R513 on crt base14-09-04
Matsui1436XASt/by onlySTK7348 s/c - also replace R653 1R5 2W; R659 1k 0.5w; R651 27R 2W; & C655 0µ47 50v14-09-04
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