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Found: 776
Matsui14R1 G1000Int pic & odd col effects17.7Mhz Xtal connected to pin 33 micro dry jointed or faulty14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000Line at twice normal freqCheck I?Cbus line for low res to chassis - can be caused by micro or txt chip14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000Loss of one colTr801/2/3 BC847 sm leaky on main pcb - also check R903/8/13 330R emitter bias resistors & Tr904 etc BF423 on crt base14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000Mains fuse blows intDegaussing therm R10014-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000Micro won't initialiseCorrosion on front tactile switches14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000No pic - Txt okC840 0µ1 connected to pin 2 IC800 leaky14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000Noise on sound at min vol settingIC400 if chip faulty - increase R556 in audio I/p coupling cct to combat it 14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000PSU pulsingR113 or R114 o/c or LOPTx14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000Sound missingNo LT supply to audio o/p chip - R550 fusible 4R7 feed res o/c14-09-04
Matsui14R1 G1000St/by onlyCheck D108 2v4 zener sm for o/c; often happens after failure of Tr10014-09-04

Matsui14R1 G1000Txt inoperative or int/frozenTr653 BC847 leaky, XT650 13.875Mhz Xtal dry joints14-09-04
Matsui14T1St/by onlyLOPTx SEME HR751114-09-04
Matsui14TR50 F seriesSound but no raster at sw on thens shuts down with LED flashing every 4 secsReplaceR909, R913, R922 180K on tube base, D901 6.2V zener, 100k or could be 180K on tube base, R404 270K on main board.14-09-04
Matsui14V1RDead - 2.5A fuse blackenedT665 (MJF18004C), IC630 (UC3842N), D663 (3.6v zener), CD656 (LL4148 smd diode) and CD656 (18v smd zener) were all S/C R661 (220R 1/2w) O/C. Cause was C669 1n 1400v dry joints14-09-04
Matsui14V1RWon't go fully into st/by - crt heaters stay lit etcPin 1 IC676 should drop to 1.2v in st/by - was staying at 10.7v. BC848 sm tr downstream from pin 1 was faulty though checked ok14-09-04
Matsui14V1T CUC7303Dead - Chopper FET s/cHT res cap 47µ 385v o/c14-09-04
Matsui14VR1Dead - PSU blownChopper tfmr, S2055 LOPTr & FOP chip14-09-04
Matsui1580DeadC818 1µ 50v; R811; C810 22µ 160v; C806 1000µ 16v; C808 1000µ 25v;R409 2k7; C410 100µ 16v14-09-04
Matsui1580Dead - F851 fuse shatteredQ801 BU508A s/c - caused by R808 270k o/c14-09-04
Matsui1580Dead - fuse F851 shattered.14-09-04
Matsui1580Int vision at switch on.IC TDA3562A must use TFK ( Telefunken ) type.14-09-04
Matsui1580No pic at sw on until A1's adjReplaced TDA3562A & change R513 from 180k to 68k & R515 from 120k to 150k14-09-04
Matsui1580TRIPPING , SUPPLY AT TP44 160vC818 1uF 50v14-09-04
Matsui1580Trips off with squeal - high HTC818 1µ 50v - once replaced HT normal at 112v14-09-04
Matsui1660No luminance.Q201 ( KTA562 ) &/or TA7698.14-09-04
Matsui1660 2060INT AUDIOREMOVE JA03 ON AUDIO PCB14-09-04
Matsui1810Nicam breakthrough on soundRemove CF 30114-09-04
Matsui1810Pic jitter after heated upC438 0µ02214-09-04
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