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Found: 776
Matsui2180TTDead.STR , R502 ( 5.6 , 7W ) , R518 ( 1R ) , Q501/502 , R512 ( .47 ) , R505 ( 47 )14-09-04
Matsui2180TTDead.R503/R504 ( 150k ) , R516 ( 1.5R 1W ) prim of T101 , print LOP14-09-04
Matsui2180TTfield jitter & int collapsepin23 IC401 µPC1420CA varying in amplitude - SW601 leaky14-09-04
Matsui2180TTFrame cramping at top.IC501 chopper chip.14-09-04
Matsui2180TTGrey scale drift.Q801/2/3 ( 2SC4217 ) on CRT base leaky.14-09-04
Matsui2180TTInt going on & off.STR58041 intermittent o/c.14-09-04
Matsui2180TTInt or no colour.Drys on 4.433619MHz crystal X601.14-09-04
Matsui2180TTNo Frame.C462 ( 0.068u f ) , UPC1378H IC402 , drys on scan coil assm.14-09-04
Matsui2180TTNo pic - sound okA1 low at 200v & focus drifts off - CRT base skt was damp/arcing at focus conn14-09-04
Matsui2180TTUnsynchronised & jumbled colour.Check plugs/sockets from Tx PCB to main PCB.14-09-04

Matsui2180TT FSTDeadSTR5804114-09-04
Matsui2185Lack of widthHT correct at 110v; C428 1n2 2kv flyback tuning cap14-09-04
Matsui2185LOW WIDTH. HT 110VC428 1.2nF , 2KV14-09-04
Matsui2185Tripping - burn up on scan coilsUPC1488H FOPchip u/s, TA8659AN jungle IC u/s (CPC cheapest)14-09-04
Matsui219NO SOUNDQ404 LEAKY14-09-04
Matsui2190Blowing line transistor BU508DR TR604.IC1401 ( DPU2543 )14-09-04
Matsui2190Blue raster.R719 ( 18k 2w ) o/c.14-09-04
Matsui2190DeadR810 100R o/c in 12v supply to TDA4601 chip14-09-04
Matsui2190DeadCHECK STANDBY 5V AND 4A FUSE F802 ALSO CHECK D80714-09-04
Matsui2190DEAD - 140v OK , NO LINE DRIVED804 , TR80314-09-04
Matsui2190DEAD 2 HT VARIESR810 100R 2 C808 1uF 63v14-09-04
Matsui2190Dead - correct 140v HT at LOPTrNo line drive - no 24v supply to driver tr from Tr803 in psu; D804 ZPY24 24v zener s/c & Tr803 o/c - used TIP41C in lieu14-09-04
Matsui2190Dead - No 5v st/by supplyF802 4A fuse o/c, D807 s/c14-09-04
Matsui2190Dead - no standby LED.R807/8 ( 470k ) , Drys IC801 , TR801 ( BU ) , R815 ( 1R ) , Dry bt L805 , R82614-09-04
Matsui2190dead mains fuse o/cdegaussing positor faulty replace with 96009 type14-09-04
Matsui2190DEAD NO 24V RAILR810 100R , D804 SHORT , TR803 OPEN14-09-04
Matsui2190DEAD NO LINE DRIVETR803 OC D804 24v ZENER SC14-09-04
Matsui2190Dead with motorboating soundLOPTx u/s - s/c across pins 5-614-09-04
Matsui2190Excess brightnessR613 o/c in LOP stage14-09-04
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