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Found: 1049
PanasonicMX-1Volume will not varyCXA2021S sound proc chip14-09-04
PanasonicSX4Blank raster with sound okG2 & focus volts low due to short on crt - cleared by discharging cap across the focus/G2 pins tehn still no pic Q390 on crt base leaky (not shown on diag)14-09-04
PanasonicT14S3TPoor/rolling pic - vid invertedReplacing IC601 made no difference - IC1205 EEPROM faulty14-09-04
PanasonicT262GANo soundAudio o/p tr 251 on main pcb o/c b-e - used TIP41C in lieu14-09-04
PanasonicTC-20L3TI had panasonic Tv TC-20L3T , it have no picture & no sound, but when it is On there is a shrrrrr..... sound inside the Tv. There is power and power led is normal. But no picture and no sound just shrrr.. sound inside. I checked the horizontal transistorAll the voltage in the power suply are ok? You trouble sounds like the power supply capacitors does not work.23-06-05
PanasonicTC-20P1I have this panasonic tv which is stuck in standby...the HOT and the power regulator is still in good condition... the remote still works... when you press the power button, you'll hear a click from the relay but no oscillation on the flyback... No High vim not so familiar witd this model but try thisif there is an error corrector in the power supply circuit check for risistor w/c is off value or try to checked all the risistor and signal doide on the power supply and what no. is the regulator to be precise so i can pin point the problem23-06-05
PanasonicTC-20P1I have this panasonic tv which is stuck in standby...the HOT and the power regulator is still in good condition... the remote still works... when you press the power button, you'll hear a click from the relay but no oscillation on the flyback... No High vJust two things: The Horizontal Vcc on IC jungle is ok? (find in schematic) The XPR on the IC jungle is the same like schematic? 23-06-05
PanasonicTC-29GH12HAnother more than 10 year old 29" TV. The picture is getting REDdish. Even for white color. Try to lower the saturation but sure it is not a color setting problem. On the crt board you have 3 drives. Red, green, and blue. Check the voltage on each transistor. You might have an open b+ to a transistor or a bad driver.26-09-05
PanasonicTC1453Rringing effect on screenR451 330R ACROSS SCAN COILS14-09-04
PanasonicTC1453Rstuck in stbyREPLACE EEPROM IC1205 (PART NO. XL24D02PAA1)14-09-04

PanasonicTC1483Rline stage won't startup propertlyLOPTX (50H0000177, SAME AS GOODMANS 1425RS)14-09-04
PanasonicTC1785 Z3Dead aft 5 minsSTR50103A-M (use Pan spec version - others won't work properly)14-09-04
PanasonicTC195 Z3 ChassisAt sw on led blinks once onlythen dead, if powered up with mains sw on led lit permD811 opto faulty. To check, s/c pri pins of oto coupler when it should then work ok. On normal operation you have 1,2Volts on the secondary side pins, that drop to 0,6V on standby. 14-09-04
PanasonicTC1S3RNo colourmemory IC , part number XL24C02P-BAA position IC120514-09-04
PanasonicTC1S3RTo enter service modeSelect programme 60,( It helps if you tune in to a channel first) & set sharpness to MIN. Press Off Timer button on R/C & at same time press /(down) button on set, this will place TV into service mode. Press the / / / buttons to step up / down through the functions. Press the + / - buttons to alter the function values. Press the store button after each adjustment has been made to the required values. To Exit service mode press the normalisation button. 14-09-04
PanasonicTC2031offR811 & R817 (1R) in psu o/c14-09-04
PanasonicTC2110No picture.LOP transistor reads s/c in but ok out - LOPTX faulty.14-09-04
PanasonicTC2110SET WON'T GO OR GOES OFF AFTER 20minsMAINS TX OC14-09-04
PanasonicTC2151RdeadCHECK R802 180K, R818 150K14-09-04
PanasonicTC2175No Colour.470u f 16v by Decoder IC.14-09-04
PanasonicTC2195 Z3Dead but whinesR556 1A cct prot o/c, T531 line dr trfmr dry joints, LOPTr 2SD1439 leaky NOTE LOPTx may test faulty on LOPT tester but may not be - as I found out14-09-04
PanasonicTC2201 PIU-S1CFrame int collapse.Drys on transistors 454/455.14-09-04
PanasonicTC2201 PIU-S1CTripping pulsating sound , EHT & frame collapseReplace C816 ( 220uf ) , C813 ( 1uf ) , C1029 ( 10uf ) D809 , D81914-09-04
PanasonicTC225Field collapseDry joints Q40314-09-04
PanasonicTC297NPFlyback lines - lack of definition.C356 ( 1u f ) on CRT base.14-09-04
PanasonicTC29V50R MX2DeadR833 (22E) emitter resistor to Q802 in power supply14-09-04
PanasonicTC361Tripping from cold.D552 in parallel with scan thyristor.14-09-04
PanasonicTC381GBlack area at bottom right-hand side.C857 ( 0.47u f ) bipolar.14-09-04
PanasonicTC381GDead - gives one trip at sw onHT ok; LOPTx u/s14-09-04
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