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Found: 1049
PanasonicTC381GRaster - bright - set tripping.Grid-cathode short in 320BTB22 tube.14-09-04
PanasonicTC481INT LOSS SIGNALSR545 DRY14-09-04
PanasonicTC486Line hold drift.C505 ( 1u f )14-09-04
PanasonicTC800GFrame collapse.C407 ( 3.3uF , 16v ) tantalum.14-09-04
PanasonicTC862GLine hold drift.C505 ( 1u f )14-09-04
PanasonicTX-21GV1CNo picture, no sound, flickering light on two indicators("Power"-green, "Timer Rec"-Orange"), continous Clicking sound. The problem occured after a short power cut in my house. replace c840 in psu 47mfd 25v03-01-06
PanasonicTX143T Z375 ChassisTripping - st/by led flashingLOPTx14-09-04
PanasonicTX14B3T Z375 chassisField collapse noticed when A1s advancedIC301 TDA8456 - also do following mod - change C309 to 22µ 100v, add 0µ01 across R310 & fit 2R2 1w in place of jumper R42014-09-04
PanasonicTX14B4TNo signals found when tuningEarom replacement IC702 24C14 & mod kit fitted14-09-04
PanasonicTX14GV1Dead with mains relay clicking continuously.Replace 47uF 25V (C840) in standby supply circuit.14-09-04

PanasonicTX14GV1No pic - int comes on with bang - sound okInvisible crack in print at LOPTr coll14-09-04
PanasonicTX14GV1text lines on the topEAROM IC703 FAULTY, PART NO. AT24C0810PC14-09-04
PanasonicTX14GV1 Daewoo CP421Relay clicking No sound or visionCheck C840 47mfd and I807 TOP210PFI 14-09-04
PanasonicTX14GV1 Z421VInt reverts to st/byReplace TOP210PFI standby control chip (I807) and I.R. Receiver module (IQ0114-09-04
PanasonicTX14GV1LLocking upThe official remedy for this fault from Panasonic is to replace both the main microprocessor (I701) and the EAROM (I703). The new part numbers for these are:- I701 MS5457CU1, I703 X24C-14GV114-09-04
PanasonicTX14JT1BBC1 lost on chan 1 but would retain it on another chanEEPROM IC1205 pt no X24S11-1MAZ14-09-04
PanasonicTX14S3TDead - if replacing STR chopper chipEnsure replacement has "A" suffix14-09-04
PanasonicTX15MTDead - no powerReplace the following; C808 10uF 50V, C807 180uF 400V, R811 0R39, Q801 2SD965-R, Q802 2SD965-R, R815 5R6, R823 47R, C551 0.47uF 160V. C551 will also cause no pic if psu is OK. 14-09-04
PanasonicTX2151Dead apart from low tweating noiseHT ok but LTs low - Q803 s/c 2SD127214-09-04
PanasonicTX2151TdeadCHECK R802 180K, R818 150K14-09-04
PanasonicTX2151TField - partial collapse33v tuning reg IC012 s/c14-09-04
PanasonicTX21GV1 Z421VNo R/C aft 2 hrsReplace IR sensor KRT30 from type 36 to 3F14-09-04
PanasonicTX21MDPixelationVDP IC - available as a kit from SEME14-09-04
PanasonicTX21MDRGB lines at top of screen16v zener s/c14-09-04
PanasonicTX21MD1Col line at top of picCheck TDA8175) + D456 16v zener (MA2160B) + C456 (220uF 50v) and/or the "mod kit".14-09-04
PanasonicTX21MD1Field bounceReplace EROM IC1203 part number X24C0803AF, if fault still present then replace EPROM part number 27C010-800SA14-09-04
PanasonicTX21MD1Int reverts to st/byEAROM 8 legged device but replacement will only work properly with latest version of software ic14-09-04
PanasonicTX21MD1No sound or pic - tapping tuner may briefly curesm resistors x 2 820R in tuner dry joints or fell off!14-09-04
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