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Intersil 40181 free download

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Model:40181 🔎
Original:CMOS 4xxx 🔎
Descr:4 Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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CD40181BMS December 1992 CMOS 4 Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit Description The CD40181BMS is a low power four bit parallel arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of providing 16 binary arithmetic operations on two four-bit words and 16 logical functions of two Boolean variables. The mode control input M selects logical (M = High) or arithmetic (M = Low) operation. The four select inputs (S0, S1, S2, and S3) select the desired logical or arithmetic functions, which include AND, OR, NAND, NOR and exclusive-OR and-NOR in the logic mode, and addition, subtraction, decrement, left-shift and straight transfer in the arithmetic mode, according to the truth table. The CD40181BMS operation may be interpreted with either active-low or active-high data at the A and B word inputs and the function outputs F, by using the appropriate truth table. The CD40181BMS contains logic for full look ahead carry operation for fast carry generation using the carry-generate and carry-propagate outputs G and P for the four bits of the CD40181BMS. Use of the CD40182BMS look-ahead carry generator in conjunction with multiple CD40181BMS's permits high speed arithmetic operations on long words. A ripple carry output Cn+4 is available for use in systems where speed is not of primary importance. Also included in the CD40181BMS is a comparator output A = B, which assumes a high level whenever the two four-bit input words A and B are equal and the device is in the subtract mode. In addition, relative magnitude information may be derived from the carry-in input Cn and ripple carryout output Cn+4 by placing the unit in the subtract mode and externally decoding using the information in Table B. The CD40181BMS is similar to industry types MC14581 and 74181. CD40181BMS ACTIVE-LOW DATA TOP VIEW Features ˇ High Voltage Type (20V Rating) ˇ Full Look Ahead Carry for Speed Operations on Long Words ˇ Generates 16 Logic Functions of Two Boolean Variables ˇ Generates 16 Arithmetic Functions of Two 4 Bit Binary Words ˇ A = B comparator Output Available ˇ Ripple Carry Input and Output Available ˇ Typical Addition Time 200ns at VDD = 10V ˇ 100% Tested for Quiescent Current at 20V ˇ 5V, 10V and 15V Parametric Ratings ˇ Maximum Input Current of 1ľA at 18V Over Full Package Temperature Range; 100nA at 18V and +25oC ˇ Noise Margin (Over Full Package/Temperature Range) - 1V at VDD = 5V - 2V at VDD = 10V - 2.5V at VDD = 15V ˇ Standardized Symmetrical Output Characteristics ˇ Meets All Requirements of JEDEC Tentative Standard No. 13B, "Standard Specifications for Description of `B' Series CMOS Devices" Applications ˇ Parallel Arithmetic Units ˇ Process Controllers ˇ Low Power Minicomputers Pinout The CD40181BMS is supplied in these 24-lead outline packages: Braze Seal DIP Ceramic Flatpack HNZ H4P B0 A0 S3 S2 S1 S0 Cn M F0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 24 VDD 23 A1 22 B1 21 A2 20 B2 19 A3 18 B3 17 G 16 Cn+4 15 P 14 A = B 13 F3 F1 10 F2 11 VSS 12 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follo

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