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Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits > Intersil > ( there are 19 files in this category )

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ICL7106 Intersil ICL7106 ICL7106S ICL7107 ICL7107S LCD / LED display A/D converters
ICL7106 Intersil
ICL7116 Intersil ICL7116 , ICL7117 3 1/2 digit LCD / LED display A/D converter with display hold
ICL7116 Intersil
ICM7217 Intersil 4-digit LED display programmable up/down counter
ICM7217 Intersil
ICL7650 Intersil 2MHz super chopper - stabilized operational amplifier
ICL7650 Intersil
ca3162 intersil conversor A/D para display de 3 segmentos.(par casado com ca3161)
ca3162 intersil
4504 Intersil CMOS Hex Voltage Level Shifter for
TTL-to-CMOS or CMOS-to-CMOS Operation
4504 Intersil
4518 Intersil Dual BCD Up Counter
4518 Intersil
ILC7660 Intersil ILC7660 ILC7660A CMOS voltage converters
ILC7660 Intersil
ca3161 intersil BCD para 7 segmentos
ca3161 intersil
ICL7621 Intersil ICL7621 ICL7641 ICL7642 dual / quad low power CMOS operational amplifiers
ICL7621 Intersil
4556 Intersil Dual Binary to 1 of 4
4556 Intersil
40109 Intersil CMOS Quad Low-to-High Voltage Level Shifter
40109 Intersil
ILC7662 Intersil CMOS voltage converter
ILC7662 Intersil
40182 Intersil Look-Ahead Carry Generator
40182 Intersil
40101 Intersil CMOS 9-Bit Parity Generator/Checker
40101 Intersil
4076 Intersil CMOS 4 -Bit D-Type Registers
4076 Intersil
40181 Intersil 4 Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit
40181 Intersil
ICL7660 Intersil Voltage converter
ICL7660 Intersil

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