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Intersil ICL7621 free download

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Model:ICL7621 🔎
Original:ICL7621 🔎
Descr:ICL7621 ICL7641 ICL7642 dual / quad low power CMOS operational amplifiers
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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ICL7621, ICL7641, ICL7642 Data Sheet April 1999 File Number 3403.3 Dual/Quad, Low Power CMOS Operational Amplifiers The ICL761X/762X/764X series is a family of monolithic CMOS operational amplifiers. These devices provide the designer with high performance operation at low supply voltages and selectable quiescent currents. They are an ideal design tool when ultra low input current and low power dissipation are desired. The basic amplifier will operate at supply voltages ranging from ±1V to ±8V, and may be operated from a single Lithium cell. The output swing ranges to within a few millivolts of the supply voltages. The quiescent supply current of these amplifiers is set to 3 different ranges at the factory. Both amps of the dual ICL7621 are set to an IQ of 100µA, while each amplifier of the quad ICL7641 and ICL7642 are set to an IQ of 1mA and 10µA respectively. This results in power consumption as low as 20µW per amplifier. Of particular significance is the extremely low (1pA) input current, input noise current of 0.01pA/Hz, and 1012 input impedance. These features optimize performance in very high source impedance applications. The inputs are internally protected. Outputs are fully protected against short circuits to ground or to either supply. AC performance is excellent, with a slew rate of 1.6V/µs, and unity gain bandwidth of 1MHz at IQ = 1mA. Because of the low power dissipation, junction temperature rise and drift are quite low. Applications utilizing these features may include stable instruments, extended life designs, or high density packages. Features · Wide Operating Voltage Range . . . . . . . . . . . ±1V to ±8V · High Input Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1012 · Input Current Lower Than BIFETs . . . . . . . . . . . 1pA (Typ) · Output Voltage Swing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V+ and V· Available as Duals and Quads (Refer to ICL7611 for Singles) · Low Power Replacement for Many Standard Op Amps Applications · Portable Instruments · Telephone Headsets · Hearing Aid/Microphone Amplifiers · Meter Amplifiers · Medical Instruments · High Impedance Buffers Pinouts OUTA -INA +INA V- ICL7621 (PDIP, SOIC) TOP VIEW 1 + 2 3 4 8 V+ OUTB -INB +INB - 7 - 6 5 ICL7621 (METAL CAN) TOP VIEW V+ 8 OUTA 2 1 7 OUTB 6 -INB + Ordering Information TEMP. PART NUMBER RANGE (oC) PACKAGE ICL7621ACPA 0 to 70 8 Ld PDIP A Grade - IQ = 100µA ICL7621BCPA 0 to 70 8 Ld PDIP B Grade - IQ = 100µA ICL7621DCPA 0 to 70 8 Ld PDIP D Grade - IQ = 100µA ICL7621AMTV -55 to 125 8 Pin Metal Can A Grade - IQ = 100µA ICL7621DCBA 0 to 70 8 Ld SOIC D Grade - IQ = 100µA ICL7621DCBA-T 0 to 70 8 Ld SOIC - D Grade Tape and Reel IQ = 100µA ICL7641ECPD 0 to 70 14 Ld PDIP - E Grade IQ = 1mA ICL7642ECPD 0 to 70 14 Ld PDIP - E Grade IQ = 10µA PKG. NO. E8.3 E8.3 E8.3 T8.C M8.15 M8.15 -INA +INA 3 4 V- ICL7641 (PDIP), ICL7642 (PDIP) TOP VIEW OUTA 1 14 OUTD 13 -IND 12 +IND 11 V10 +INC +INA 3 V+ 4 -INB 6 E14.3 OUTB 7 1 CAUTION: These devices are

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