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File information:
File name:RCA_CTC210-211_01.rar
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Size:1464 kB
Model:D52130 🔎
Original:CTC211A 🔎
Descr:Large File 6 pare RAR Folder containing: Flow Charts, Tech Tips, Trouble Shooting Manuals, Updates, Module Training, and Symptom Fixes
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
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File name CCT210_211_Didgital_Generator_Module_TS_A36201370ACF3626E0339DFEEACC3626_25.pdf

31 Digital Generator Module Troubleshooting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check for +7.5 (J19305-13), -12V (J19305-14), and +12V (J19305-31) Check for clock and data on J19305-29, 30 Check for vertical and horizontal sync signals on J19305-16, 17 Check for convergence correction signals on J19305-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 If convergence correction signals are missing or not correct, replace Digital Generator Module 6. Proper signals indicate module is working.
File name CTC210-211_ScanRate_Convertor_TS_A2D9706F72F4182CE0339DFEEACC182C_25.pdf

52 Troubleshooting SRC (Scan Rate Converter) 1. Using a color bar signal generator set for channel 3 (NTSC). Tune the instrument to receive the color bar signal on channel 3. 2. Using an oscilloscope check J32201 pins 1, 3, and 5 for proper signal. 3. If correct signal proceed to step 5. 4. If signal missing troubleshoot the I/O board. 5. Check J32201 pins 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 for proper signal. (pin 9 and 10 aprox. +8V) (pin 11 aprox. +12V) (pin 12 = Data signal) (pin 13 = Clock signal) 6. Any voltage/signal missing or not correct on J32201 troubleshoot I/O board. 7. Bring up Guide menu see if Gemstar OSD is present on screen. 8. OSD present replace SRC module. 9. OSD not present check for sync signals on J32202 pins 9 and 10. 10.Signals missing replace SRC. 11.Signals present check for sync signals on J32501 pins 2 and 4. 12.Signals missing replace SRC. 13.Signals present check for Y Pr Pb on J32501 pins 8, 10, and 12. 14.Signals missing replace SRC. 15.Signals present troubleshoot I/O board.
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25 What is Anamorphic? In the television industry "Anamorphic" is the process of converting an original movie theater motion picture format (Wide Screen) to be viewed on a standard 4:3 screen. Most movies today use the 1.85:1 ratio or larger and the standard TV screen is 1.33:1 (4:3). Another way to look at anamorphic is the process of displaying a 16:9 (1.78:1) image on a 4:3 (1.33:1) display. "Anamorphic mode" or 16:9 mode as it is sometimes called, is accomplished by reducing the wide screen format to fit between the sides of the 4:3 display. To maintain the 16:9 aspect ratio of wide screen format, vertical size is reduced creating black bars at the top and bottom of the screen much like the common letterbox image. The difference between letterbox and anamorphic is that with letterbox much of the vertical resolution is lost in the black bars. In the graphics at the bottom, anamorphic mode (Left) shows all 540 vertical lines where letterbox (Right) only 360 lines are visible. The rest are used to create black bars. Notice that in the letterbox image the field of view is also reduced. Through use of the anamorphic process, the "wide screen" image will be displayed with little to no loss of the image on the 4:3 screen. Anamorphic mode should not be used on a picture that is already formatted for standard TV viewing (4:3). Doing so will distort the image. Anamorphic should only be used to view a signal formatted for 16:9. What this means is by using anamorphic mode a movie will be displayed on a standard 4:3 TV the way the director originally intended it to be displayed, provided it wasn't originally formatted for TV (4:3). 26 Motion Picture Formats Compared to Standard TV and HDTV Formats To review a bit of cinema and television history, most movies were and are filmed in what is referred to as "wide-screen" format. The Movie Industry uses this format because wide screen is closer to the human eyes' width and height perception. There are many so-called "wide-screen" formats currently in use by the Movie industry. Among the more popular are: 1.85 and 2.35; however, older movies were filmed in many screen ratios including: 1.33, 1.17, 1.375, 1.66, 1.75, 2.21, 2.40, 2.55, 2.59, and 2.76 (These ratios are more correctly written as "1.85:1...etc") Both standard NTSC and SDTV are 1.33:1 (4:3) with High Definition ATSC (16:9) at 1.78:1. Normal US movie screen standards have more or less settled on 1.85:1. There is little to no loss of picture information when converting the most common movie format, 1.85:1 to the HDTV format of 16:9 (1.78:1). Diode Modulator The diode modulator is used to correct the inner pin distortion associated with the flat faceplate of true flat tubes. Op-amp U24401provides gain and filtering for the WIDTH_REF line from the deflection SIP. This signal is comprised of a vertical rate parabola riding on a DC level that drives the pin output circuit. C24434 is the S-cap during the top and bottom of the vertical raster. At the ver
File name CTC210_211_Audio_A2D7DCD6CD54E2CCE0339DFEEACCE2CC_25.pdf

8 Audio Processing U32603 The IF processor takes the tuner IF signal and processes it, separating audio, video, and IF carrier. The separated audio is in wide band audio (WBA) and is sent to U31701 stereo decoder. U31701 The stereo decoder is IIC bus controlled and takes the WBA from the IF processor and detects mono or stereo signals and processes each channel (right and left). Secondary Audio Programing (SAP) is also decoded in U31701. The right channel is sent to audio switch U11401 and the left channel is sent to U11400. 9 U11400 / U11401 Right and Left channel audio switch switches between tuner audio and auxiliary audio inputs. U11800 The TVB or tone volume balance IC is IIC bus controlled that processes the right and left channel audio and passes it through the SRS processing. All volume, balance, and tone adjustments are done in the TVB. After SRS processing the TVB sends the audio to the audio outputs. 10 SRS (Sound Retrieval System) processing is accomplished by filtering, phase inversion and summing circuits of U11700, U11701, and U11702. When the SRS process is turned off, the gain and frequency response of both the sum and difference signals are flat. This renders normal stereo channels at the right and left audio outputs. U11901 /U 1902 Left and Right audio outputs are class D amplifiers that take the audio signals from the TVB (Right & Left) and amplify the signals. The amplified signals are then sent to the speakers.
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46 CTC210/211 Audio Troubleshooting Setup for audio troubleshooting: · AF generator set to 1KHz @ 1Vp-p · Oscilloscope · External amplifier and speakers with aux or tape input. No Audio any mode 1. Check audio outputs FIXED and VARIABLE for audio signal using oscilloscope or external amp and speakers. 2. Signal on FIXED out check U18100 and system control circuits. 3. Signal on VARIABLE out check U11900 and U11902 circuits and speaker switch (SW11900) 4. Check selected stereo output. 5. Connect AF generator to Digital TV audio inputs and select input source VGA2. 47 6. Check U11800-11, 15 for signal, no signal check generator and input circuit. 7. Check U11800-9, 19 for signal, no signal check U11800 and system control circuits. 8. Check U11800-7, 18 for signal, no signal check SRS circuit. 9. Check U11800-26, 27 for signal, no signal check U11800 and system control circuits. 10. Check U11800-3, 8 for 0Vdc (Speaker Mute) a high on either pin indicates speakers are muted. 11. Check mute circuits and system control. NOTE: At maximum volume, output from U11800 TVB is 900mv P-P. Signal levels that exceed 900mv P-P will damage the outputs. Tip: A problem in the AVR circuit can result in a reduction of volume. AVR Circuit Automatic Volume Reduction circuit is only active when volume is at or near max volume. The AVR circuit is protection that prevents over driving the outputs.
File name CTC210_211_Deflection_A2D7C1C0BF4F8A90E0339DFEEACC8A90_25.pdf

24 Deflection The Horizontal deflection circuit consists of Horizontal Scan, HV generator, and Horizontal drive. Deflection processing is done by U14350 horizontal and vertical processor located on the deflection SIP board. Horizontal and Vertical sync from the I/O board provide sync signals to U14350. A LLC (Line-Locked Clock) circuit consists of a PLL IC (U14351), filter, and external VCO. Horizontal and vertical drives are provided by U14350. The horizontal drive circuit consists of T14300, T14451, Q14451 and their supporting components. The horizontal drive transistor Q14451 drives the yoke and provides sync signal to U14711 horizontal processor. The horizontal processor drives the high voltage generator (Q14700/701) which drives the IHVT (T14700). Horizontal drive and High voltage generation are independent of each other and can operate independent of each other. U24800 (D/A converter) provides control to U14711, focus screen assembly and 1H switching. Vertical signal processing is contained in the Deflection Controller (U14350). U14350 generates the vertical ramp signal with vertical size, vertical DC, S-Correction, and linearity adjustments being made via I2C bus commands. The vertical output is a differential signal that is operated at the same DC bias current with overlaying saw tooth current. Both differential saw tooth waveforms are fed to the vertical output amplifier. The vertical output (U14501) is an integrated circuit containing the power amplifier, the flyback generator, and thermal protection DC coupled to the vertical yoke coils.
File name CTC210_211_Digital_Convergence_A362097FFFBFAAB0E0339DFEEACCAAB0_25.pdf

28 Digital Convergence The effects of the Earths magnetic field change with the placement of the TV and cause picture distortions. These distortions are automatically corrected using a microprocessor and data from optical sensors positioned around the outer edge of the screen. This process is called digital convergence. The digital convergence system generates six drive signals that correct geometry of the image created by the three picture tubes. This is accomplished by a matrix of thirteen vertical points and sixteen horizontal that are assigned a digital value that is stored in nonvolatile memory. Each of these data points can be individually changed. The digital information is converted to six analog signals that drive the convergence amplifiers. The amplified signals are used to drive the convergence yokes. Sensor Locations 29 There are customer menu adjustments and service adjustments. A video test pattern is generated by the digital convergence to aid in converging the set. The use of Chipper Check will speed up the alignment process in the event of major component failure. There has been little to no change in the digital convergence since the MMC102. The CTC211 uses the same digital convergence processing and sensor arrangement as the MMC102. The major difference in the CTC211 is the reduction of scan modes. There are only two scan modes in the CTC211, 2H and 2.14H. The sensor position and access is the same as in the DTV307 and MMC102. The speed of sensor detection has increased over the MMC102 but the process is the same. These sensors can only be seen from the back side of the screen. The digital convergence system generates six drive signals that correct geometry of the image created by the three picture tubes. This is accomplished by a matrix of thirteen vertical points and sixteen horizontal that are assigned a digital value that is stored in nonvolatile memory. Each of these data points can be individually changed. The digital information is converted to six analog signals that drive the convergence amplifiers. The amplified signals are used to drive the convergence yokes. 30 A video test pattern is generated by the digital convergence to aid in converging the set. There are customer menu adjustments and service adjustments. The use of Chipper Check will speed up the alignment process in the event of major component failure. Digital Generator Module (DGM) The CTC211 uses a Digital Generator Module (DGM) for convergence correction and auto convergence. Inside the DGM are five EEPROMS, Convergence Micro and a Digicon IC. U502 is the convergence micro. The purpose of U502 is calculating convergence correction based on information from the optical sensors. The convergence micro controls the Digicon and the EEPROMs. U501 (Digicon) generates the convergence correction signals that are fed out to the convergence amplifiers. Data stored in the EEPROMs is used for alignment information for the different scan modes. U510, 11, 12, and
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34 Digital Convergence Power Supply Overview The digital convergence power supply utilized in the CTC211 chassis is a switch mode supply. The on/off signal for the supply is the +12Vr (run) supply from the main chassis. Raw B+ from the chassis is applied to the output transistor Q701. The oscillator Q702/703 drives Q701. The output from Q701 is coupled through T702. There are four (4) primary convergence power supplies, +20V, -45V, ­20V and +7.5V. The +20V is used as the feedback reference voltage for regulation (via Q713). The regulator / reference signal is applied to the opto-isolator (U702) whose output is applied to the osc/driver circuit which in turn controls the duty cycle of the power supply. The opto-isolator is used to isolate hot from cold ground on the input side. The transformer T702 provides this isolation on output side. The ­20V and +7.5V supplies along with the +12Vr are routed directly to the Digital Generator circuit board where other supplies are developed. Troubleshooting the DigiCon Power Supply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check for Raw B+ (J19700-1) Check for +12VrIO @ JW19365 (11, TT) convergence board Check On/Off circuit (Q705 thru Q709) Check Power Supplies on Convergence PCB If no power supplies are active, disconnect the convergence yokes (J19310 and J19311) to unload the supply. 6. Repeat step 4, if power supply came up troubleshoot convergence output stage. 7. Check active components Convergence PCB NOTE: All components & TP's are 19000 series unless otherwise indicated. DigGen PCB 3.3 Reg U505 +3.3VDigg +6.8VDigg +12VrDigg +5VrDigg -12VDigg CR12503 +12VrIO (from main run supply) TP JW365 Conv Pwr Supply ON/OFF Q705/6/7/8/9 L/C/R CR12506 CR12504 120VAC Line In F200 RAW B+ CR201 TP Q701-D TP14201 ~ 160VDC ~ -20V CONV -20V CONV TP JW705 TP JW709 TP Q701-G OptoIsolator U702 Osc/ Driver Q702/3 Power Output Q701 Output Pwr Trans T702 - 45V CONV - 45V CONV +20V CONV TP JW379 Ref U701 Feedback Reg/Ref Q713 +20V CONV +20V Conv Feedback TP JW707
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30 A video test pattern is generated by the digital convergence to aid in converging the set. There are customer menu adjustments and service adjustments. The use of Chipper Check will speed up the alignment process in the event of major component failure. Digital Generator Module (DGM) The CTC211 uses a Digital Generator Module (DGM) for convergence correction and auto convergence. Inside the DGM are five EEPROMS, Convergence Micro and a Digicon IC. U502 is the convergence micro. The purpose of U502 is calculating convergence correction based on information from the optical sensors. The convergence micro controls the Digicon and the EEPROMs. U501 (Digicon) generates the convergence correction signals that are fed out to the convergence amplifiers. Data stored in the EEPROMs is used for alignment information for the different scan modes. U510, 11, 12, and 13 are mode EEPROMs. U509 is the factory reference EEPROM. Two buffer ICs (U503 and 504) buffer the output from the Digicon IC to the output amplifiers.
File name CTC210_211_Diode_Modulator_A2D7B8F7C6A2DA84E0339DFEEACCDA84_25.pdf

26 Motion Picture Formats Compared to Standard TV and HDTV Formats To review a bit of cinema and television history, most movies were and are filmed in what is referred to as "wide-screen" format. The Movie Industry uses this format because wide screen is closer to the human eyes' width and height perception. There are many so-called "wide-screen" formats currently in use by the Movie industry. Among the more popular are: 1.85 and 2.35; however, older movies were filmed in many screen ratios including: 1.33, 1.17, 1.375, 1.66, 1.75, 2.21, 2.40, 2.55, 2.59, and 2.76 (These ratios are more correctly written as "1.85:1...etc") Both standard NTSC and SDTV are 1.33:1 (4:3) with High Definition ATSC (16:9) at 1.78:1. Normal US movie screen standards have more or less settled on 1.85:1. There is little to no loss of picture information when converting the most common movie format, 1.85:1 to the HDTV format of 16:9 (1.78:1). Diode Modulator The diode modulator is used to correct the inner pin distortion associated with the flat faceplate of true flat tubes. Op-amp U24401provides gain and filtering for the WIDTH_REF line from the deflection SIP. This signal is comprised of a vertical rate parabola riding on a DC level that drives the pin output circuit. C24434 is the S-cap during the top and bottom of the vertical raster. At the very center, the effective value of the S-cap is the series combination of C24423 and C24418. This series combination causes the equivalent value of the S-cap to be less in the middle stretching the raster gradually as the vertical scan approaches the center and gradually decreases as it approaches the end of vertical scan. Because the S-CAP is floating above ground, a "bath tub" shape waveform is required for optimum performance and dynamic focus voltage waveform to maintain a constant peak-to-peak voltage. It is also required that the waveform be phase locked to the horizontal deflection. An interlock provides protection for the horizontal output transistor by routing ground from the Power Supply Deflection (PSD) board through J24401-3 to the deflection SIP. Without this ground, horizontal drive is defeated. T24401 and C24420 form a tuned circuit at twice the scan rate or 4H to give second harmonic correction. R24427, R24428, CR24405, CR24406, and C24419 form a "mouthtooth" damping circuit across the S-Cap. U24402 is used as an error amplifier and a filter. Its output is a DC voltage that is used to drive R24404. This DC voltage is switched to ground by Q24402 at a horizontal frequency. This generates a rectangular voltage waveform that is phase locked to the horizontal frequency. C24422 acts as a phase delay that is used to center the dynamic focus waveform. This rectangular voltage waveform is then buffered by U24402. This buffer also provides constant drive impedance for the double 27 integrator, U24403. The rectangular voltage waveform is then AC coupled into a parabola generator. This generates a horizontal parabola volt
File name CTC210_211_NTSC_Video_Trblshoot_A2D7B8F7C6B0DA84E0339DFEEACCDA84_25.pdf

48 CTC210/211 Video Troubleshooting (NTSC) Setup for video troubleshooting: · Color Bar generator capable of multi-sync · Oscilloscope · DVM No Video (NTSC) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bring up PIP and look for PIP box. If PIP box is present, go to step 4. No PIP box, suspect U18100 circuit. Inject color bar signal on Aux1 and check for signal at U18100-51. No signal on U18100-51, check U16501 Video Switching circuit. Signal present on U18100-51 check for YC at pins 49 and 47 of U18100. If Signal missing, suspect U18100 circuit. Signal present check U16500-20 and 21. No signal at this point indicates open circuit between U18100 and U16500. 9. If Signal present check U16500-18 and 17 for YC signal. 10. No signal, suspect U16500 circuit. 11. Signal present, check U18100-3 and 5 for YC signal. No signal at this point indicates open circuit between U16500 and U18100. 12. Signal present, suspect U18100 circuit. NOTE: Video from any S-Video mode will indicate U18100 and U16500 are working. Be sure to check all inputs for signal to help eliminate working circuits. 49
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4 CTC210/211 Introduction The CTC210/211 is the latest digital chassis designed by Thomson to compete with the ever-changing HD monitor and HDTV markets. The CTC210/211 uses a Scan Rate Converter (SRC) De-Interlacer to allow 1H interlaced sources to be displayed at 2H progressive scan. The deflection circuit will accommodate 1080i (2.14H) "native" scan to support ATSC and 540p sources; however, the HD input will only synchronize at 33.75kHz (2.14H). The CTC210 is a direct view chassis capable of driving the new "TruFlat" CRTs, while the CTC211 is used for projection TVs. Being related to the MM and DTV chassis, the CTC210/211 has a similar chassis layout. The I/O board has the same layout as the MM and DTV with fewer parts. The main board is also similar and has fewer parts. What's new are the Scan Rate Converter (De-interlacer) and the Diode Modulator. The Diode Modulator is only used for the TruFlat picture tubes. The CTC210/211 is not just a HD monitor but a NTSC television with both PIP and Main tuners as well. (PIP is available with NTSC signal sources only.) Digital convergence found in the PTV (CTC211) has not changed from the MM or DTV chassis family. Capabilities The CTC210/211 are considered High Definition (HD) monitors. This means that when using the CTC210/211 with an external HD set-top box like the DTC100, the CTC210/211 can display HD signals. This new chassis can also be used with progressive or anamorphic DVDs. There are two component hookups, standard Y Pr Pb and RGB. The RGB hookup uses a special adaptor cable connected to the High Resolution input. This High Resolution input is also where the DTC100 connects. A 16:9 screen mode selection, via the customer menu, allows a 16:9 image to be displayed on the 4:3 screen. This is also known as anamorphic. For more information on this, see the section Anamorphic Mode. 5 Display Features PIP (NTSC Sources only) Support TruFlat 36V and VHP 36V (4:3) Horiz sync rates of 31.5kHz and 33.75kHz only 20-watt Audio system (10W/channel) Sound Retrieval System and SRS Focus Speaker Switch (OSD and Mechanical) NTSC Tuner 2nd Tuner Y Pr Pb input with supporting audio R/L (2) Audio Outputs Headphone Jack External Speaker connections CRK76TA1 remote Gemstar Gold 99 (3) S-Video inputs High Resolution input (D-sub 15 pin) Front A/V
File name CTC210_211_Power_Supply_A2D7C1C0BF548A90E0339DFEEACC8A90_25.pdf

23 CTC210/211 Power Supply The CTC210/211 standby power supply is a Zero Voltage switching (ZVS) power supply similar to that found in the MM10X and DTV chassis. When AC power is applied, Q601 starts to oscillate driving the standby x-former, which develops the standby voltages. Feedback for regulation comes from the +5Vs and controls Q601s switching. The longer Q601 is on, the more energy the standby x-former will transfer increasing the output voltage. Unlike the standby power supply, the run supply has a switched raw B+ that is controlled by the SysCon. Like the other ZVS power supplies, Q100 is the switch and functions the same as Q601 in the standby power supply. Feedback comes from the +68Vr and controls the on/off cycle of Q100. +33Vs +15Vs Q601 Stby Power Supply Xformer +12Vs -12Vs +8Vs +5Vs -15Vr +5Vr +15Vr Q100 Run Power Supply Xformer +24Vr Audio Ret +31.5 AC IN Rectifier Raw B+ Feed Back On/Off Feed Back To System Control +68Vr
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23 CTC210/211 Power Supply The CTC210/211 standby power supply is a Zero Voltage switching (ZVS) power supply similar to that found in the MM10X and DTV chassis. When AC power is applied, Q601 starts to oscillate driving the standby x-former, which develops the standby voltages. Feedback for regulation comes from the +5Vs and controls Q601s switching. The longer Q601 is on, the more energy the standby x-former will transfer increasing the output voltage. Unlike the standby power supply, the run supply has a switched raw B+ that is controlled by the SysCon. Like the other ZVS power supplies, Q100 is the switch and functions the same as Q601 in the standby power supply. Feedback comes from the +68Vr and controls the on/off cycle of Q100. +33Vs +15Vs Q601 Stby Power Supply Xformer +12Vs -12Vs +8Vs +5Vs -15Vr +5Vr +15Vr Q100 Run Power Supply Xformer +24Vr Audio Ret +31.5 AC IN Rectifier Raw B+ Feed Back On/Off Feed Back To System Control +68Vr
File name CTC210_211_ScanB+_Supply_Trblshoot_A2D9706F72E8182CE0339DFEEACC182C_25.pdf

38 Troubleshooting Scan B+ Supply (Q14800) 1. Obtain latest Chipper Check failure code and check circuit areas accordingly. IMPORTANT: DO NOT reinitialize the EEPROM! 2. Remove & secure CRT CBA. 3. Disable Horizontal Drive Q14451 by removing L14454 (removes B+ from Q14451). 4. Disable Scan Loss Detect on Main CBA by shorting B-E of Q14813. 5. Unsolder pin 18 of J14102 (defeats Scan Loss Detect from deflection SIP CBA). 6. Turn instrument on and measure Scan B+ voltage (TP14801); should be between 130-145VDC. 7. If Scan B+ = 130-145VDC (2H Scan B+ supply is operational), check collector circuit of Q14451 and yoke return circuitry. 8. If horizontal collector circuit checks OK, check for horizontal drive from Deflection SIP CBA. 9. Check Q14805 and associated components. 10. Verify that Q14811 is turned off (always OFF except during scan loss shutdown). 11. If Q14805 & Q14811 checks OK, go to next step. 12. If Scan B+ (TP14801) is below 130, check 2H Scan B+ generator and Regulator circuits (Q14800/801/802/804) if suspect replace all active devices.
File name CTC210_211_Scan_Loss_Detect_Trblshoot_A2D7C1C0BF638A90E0339DFEEACC8A90_25.pdf

41 Troubleshooting Scan Loss Detect Symptom: "Cycling" Shutdown NOTE: In order to effectively troubleshoot the horizontal drive circuit, the scan loss detect circuits must be defeated. Refer to the Scan Loss Detect section. 1. Obtain latest Chipper Check failure code and check circuit areas accordingly. IMPORTANT: DO NOT reinitialize the EEPROM! 2. Remove & secure CRT CBA. 3. Check standby and main power supplies. 4. Check for horizontal drive at TP14301 (connect scope across primary of T14300). 5. Check base drive of Q14451 (should be very similar to TP14301). 6. Check collector waveform of Q14451 (amplitude & shape are critical). 7. If there is NO collector waveform present, check Q14451 and Scan B+ generator circuits. 8. If waveform is present and the shape is correct but approximately ½ amplitude, check for an open in yoke and yoke return circuitry. 9. If waveform is low and distorted (ringing), unplug horizontal yoke. 10. If waveform is still distorted, check all components in Q14451 collector circuit.
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22 Scan Rate Converter (SRC) The 1H YUV signal is sent to the Matrix switch (U32201) from the YUV switching IC. Gemstar OSD is switched in at U32201 and both signals are sent to the digital decoder. The digital decoder takes the resulting YPrPb signal from the Matrix switch, digitizes it, and formats it into a CCIR656 data stream. The decoder is sync master and provides horizontal and vertical signals to the Gemstar module. The digitized video and sync signals are passed to the de-interlace IC. This IC examines the incoming video data (storing fields at a time), and determines the best way of creating the interpolated lines. If there is no motion detected, the system repeats the previous field's information to provide a complete frame of non-moving video. If motion is detected, vertical/temporal filtering is applied to the lines and fields around the interpolated line to provide a best-case line. The resulting 2H scan-rate digital video is then fed to a triple DAC for conversion to an analog signal. Gemstar OSD H/V Sync 1H Y U V Matrix Switch U32201 2H Y Pr Pb Digital Decoder U32251 CCIR656 Digital Data DAC U32501 RGB/YPrPb Switching U38200 Deinterlacer U32301 SGRAM U32302 2H Y Pr Pb Film Mode Controler U32401
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6 System Control The CTC210/211 uses a single Thomson ST9 family micro controller (microprocessor). It is a 56-pin SDIP package using a 16-bit processor with 8 D/A (Digital to Analog) converter ports individually addressable for different functions. Communications with connected devices utilize the IIC (Inter Integrated Circuit) protocol. An integrated OSD (On-Screen Display) peripheral function allows a display of up to 15 lines, 34 characters long, using 8 colors, 4 font sizes. The microprocessor decodes closedcaptioned information when available using the OSD to display it. Programming information is stored outboard from the microprocessor in a 4KiloBit (512Kbyte) EEPROM (U13102) that contains all system control functions, some chassis alignments, status registers to store customer settings and current operating conditions. The System Control microprocessor IC, U13101, is responsible for monitoring and controlling virtually all functions of the chassis. U13101 receives all operator inputs from the front panel keyboard or the remote control hand unit and interprets them for the control of different chassis functions via U13203. System control also generates channel-tuning data; picture control (tint, color, etc.) signals and provides the "Power On" command. The microprocessor is always "alive" unless the AC is disconnected or the set is placed in "serviceman" (requiring Chipper CheckTM control) mode. Key pin outs are: Front Panel inputs 6, 48, 49, and 50 Clock and Data 43 and 44 OSC 40 and 42 Reset 51 IR input 36 On/Off 4 Power Fail 5 +12V run sense 38 +5V 16 and 29 Ground 30 7
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11 Video Processing U16500 S-Video switching processes the selected S-Video input and sends the separate Y/C components to the FPIP U18100. 12 U16501 Composite Video switching processes the selected source and sends the composite video to the FPIP (U18100). 13 U18100 The FPIP process NTSC signals and PIP signals and sends the Y/C components to U22300. 14 U22300 NTSC Decoder converts the Y/C signal from U18100 to YUV (1H). U22300 also processes the 2H YPrPb signal and outputs RGB to the CRT(s). 15 U22402 YUV and YPrPb switching IC selects between component in and YUV converted NTSC and routes the signals to U22401 and U32201. 16 U32201 The Matrix switch takes 1H YUV and Gemstar OSD and switches the output for up-conversion 17 U32251 The digital decoder converts analog NTSC video to digitized component video. The CCIR656 data is sent to the de-interlacer. 18 U32301 De-interlacer takes the digital data and reformats it to progressive scan. This process also provides the maximum image quality for a given image sequence. 19 U32501 The Digital to Analog converter takes the digital signal from U32301 and converts it back to analog YPrPb and sends it to U38200. 20 U38200 RGB/YPrPb switches between the High resolution input and the converted signal from the SRC module. These signals are then sent to U22401. 21 U22401 The 2H Select switch selects between 2H (only) signals from U22402 and U38200 and sends the signals to U22300 Video Processor.
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50 CTC210/211 Video Troubleshooting (YUV) Setup for video troubleshooting: · Color Bar generator capable of multi-sync · Oscilloscope · DVM No Video any mode (Video Processing) 1. Access user menu and look for OSD. 2. If OSD present go to Video Switching circuit. 3. Inject color bar signal on High Resolution Input and check for signal at U22300-51, 52, and 53. 4. No signal on U22300-51, 52 and 53, check Video Switching circuit U22401 and U38200. 5. Signal present on U22300-51, 52 and 53 check blanking pins 24 and 25 of U22300 for proper signal and DC voltage. 6. If Voltage missing, check blanking circuit. 7. Check U22300-32 for proper 3.5V DC. 8. Voltage low check Q22305 and associated circuits. 9. Check U22300-36 OSD FS for 0V dc. NOTE: DC on this pin will result in blanking of video. Signal should only be present when OSD is displayed. 10. Check U22300-41, 42 and 43 for signal. 11. No signal suspect U22300 12. Signals present check CRT drive circuit. NOTE: Video in any one mode will indicate U22300 is working and the video switching circuit becomes suspect. 51
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34 Digital Convergence Power Supply Overview The digital convergence power supply utilized in the CTC211 chassis is a switch mode supply. The on/off signal for the supply is the +12Vr (run) supply from the main chassis. Raw B+ from the chassis is applied to the output transistor Q701. The oscillator Q702/703 drives Q701. The output from Q701 is coupled through T702. There are four (4) primary convergence power supplies, +20V, -45V, ­20V and +7.5V. The +20V is used as the feedback reference voltage for regulation (via Q713). The regulator / reference signal is applied to the opto-isolator (U702) whose output is applied to the osc/driver circuit which in turn controls the duty cycle of the power supply. The opto-isolator is used to isolate hot from cold ground on the input side. The transformer T702 provides this isolation on output side. The ­20V and +7.5V supplies along with the +12Vr are routed directly to the Digital Generator circuit board where other supplies are developed. Troubleshooting the DigiCon Power Supply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check for Raw B+ (J19700-1) Check for +12VrIO @ JW19365 (11, TT) convergence board Check On/Off circuit (Q705 thru Q709) Check Power Supplies on Convergence PCB If no power supplies are active, disconnect the convergence yokes (J19310 and J19311) to unload the supply. 6. Repeat step 4, if power supply came up troubleshoot convergence output stage. 7. Check active components Convergence PCB NOTE: All components & TP's are 19000 series unless otherwise indicated. DigGen PCB 3.3 Reg U505 +3.3VDigg +6.8VDigg +12VrDigg +5VrDigg -12VDigg CR12503 +12VrIO (from main run supply) TP JW365 Conv Pwr Supply ON/OFF Q705/6/7/8/9 L/C/R CR12506 CR12504 120VAC Line In F200 RAW B+ CR201 TP Q701-D TP14201 ~ 160VDC ~ -20V CONV -20V CONV TP JW705 TP JW709 TP Q701-G OptoIsolator U702 Osc/ Driver Q702/3 Power Output Q701 Output Pwr Trans T702 - 45V CONV - 45V CONV +20V CONV TP JW379 Ref U701 Feedback Reg/Ref Q713 +20V CONV +20V Conv Feedback TP JW707
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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit Audio Audio mmc102G C11807 MMC101 CC U11702 MM102 J11900 Audio Audio mm101cc U11702 Symptom solution Cycles all error codes are 136, found C11807 shorted. Located at pin 2 of U11800 TVB IC. replace C11807 No audio. Found audio is getting to U11702 & not coming out. Jumped across ic and audio works. Checked the b+ & switching all are there. Replace U11702. Connect the Dead Set. The connector to the speakers are being plugged into J19104 Adapter Board Speakers to the on the right side of the chassis. (R,G,&B Drives) Wrong Location. The connector should correct location be plugged into the Rear Panel on the lower right into J11900. Right location. on the I/O panel No audio out of speakers, but had audio on fixed level. Audio going into u11702, but not Replace u11702 coming out.replaced open u11702 and q11701. and q11701 AUDIO BUZZ LEFT CHANNEL, FOUND C11912 SHORTED, IT IS BETWEEN PINS 4 & 6 OF THE OUTPUT,, PIN 6 HAD -9 VOLTS INSTEAD OF +10 VOLTS Replace C11612 No audio. U11901 & U11902 pin 10 low, this mutes the outputs. Found R11923 measuring infinity. Cycles three times. Error code 12. Found open R11904 to the AVR line ( pin 12 of U13101 ). MM101 C11912 Audio DTV307 DTV306 R11923 R14904 Audio Audio Replace R11923 Replace R11904.
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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit MMC102 A R19624 MMC102 A sensor MMC102 G U19501 Convergence Convergence solution Resolder 220 code error shut downs. found one side of R19624 not soldered. this was at the connection connection of R19624 and C19548. This was causing the reset to not work on the U19502 R19624. Intermittent red convergence,when doing auto covergence it came up saying sensor not Reseating sensor found. Found sensor not seated properly. repaired the unit. Intermittent convergence. Problem would happen more when cold. Could not get it to act up with freeze spray or heat. Replaced U19501 and set has not acted up again. Replaced U19501. Unit is in shutdown. Error code was (not communicating with U19501). Measuring the Techi bus at J19308, we found it running about 9.8vdc. The 5VR digg (digital convergence board) was at 9.8vdc. Found CR19506 (5.1 vdc zener) on the digital convergence processing board had never been soldered. stock, convergence bowed at the top and the bottom found Q14502 glued to the board but not soldered , soldered Q14502 Symptom Convergence CTC211 A CR19506 DTV307 GC Q14502 Convergence Convergence Solder CR19506. soldered Q14502 DTV307 CR19711 convergence Lack of control of the convergence, picture was bowed etc. CR19711 checked leaky, causing shutdown of the convergence power supply. Replaced CR19711
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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit MMC102A R14457 Horizontal Symptom solution Set would run for approximately 1 sec. and shutdown. Deflection functioned when forced on. Servicer found no horizontal pulse at pin 2 of U38302. Also no feedback pulse to base of Q14803. R14457 (1 ohm) off pin 8 of T14451 open. Replacement of resistor restored operation. Replace R14457 All three tubes were burnt right out of the box. This unit already had TV00-008 performed. I had the tech check the G1 voltage at turn off and it was not dropping down to negative voltage at turn off. It was staying around +10 volts. Checking resistance to ground on the G1 line we found it read 1K. Unhooking the red wires to the CRT assembly the resistance came back up. Found C25107 leaky. VGA input picture is narrow in 2H mode, scan B+ at 90vdc (should be 120vdc) found CR14809 had 76vdc on anode, leaky. Shutdown, pulsing. Found J14405 not seated properly, causing the xrp circuit to turn on . The 12 volt sense circuit voltage going to base of Q14706 measured 3.8 volts, causing Q14706 to turn on. The 12 volt goes through j14405. Did not have high voltage with Q14105 b width is incorrect in HDTV mode. Scan power supply was not coiming up ro 120 volts. Drive was present at Q14800 but incorrect waveform. Found C14802 open Unit was going into scan loss shutdown (pin 3 of U13101 low). Also the picture is shifted to the left. Forced on the deflection and monitored the hoirzontal pulse at pin 7 of the Hor. SIP board and found the waveform decreased at 25 vpp. The servicer found Q14904 shorted causing the problem. MMC102A C25107 MMC101 GCE CR14809 Horizontal Horizontal Replace C25107 replace CR14809 MMC101 GCE J14405 MMC101 GCE C14802 Horizontal Horizontal Reseat J14405 replace C14802 MMC101 G Q14904 Horizontal Replace Q14904 MMC101 CC U14354 MMC101 CC Q14451 MMC101 Q14451 Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Unit won't start. Forcing on the run power supply found that the high voltage circuit was OK. If you check for the horizontal pulse coming out of the deflection sip board it would come up and go back down. If you unhook the horizontal side of the yoke the pulse would come up and stay and the 40-volt pulse coming back to the defection sip was good. Checking the ZVC Scan supply it was running at 1H but checking the S-Cap Correction Circuit it was switched to 2 H. On unsoldering Base of Q14456 and Q14457 the unit would come up and run OK. Taking a eeprom out of a good defection sip and put it in this one unit runs fine. With the unit running initialize the deflection eeprom U14354. The unit comes up clicks three times, the fan starts, then the unit shuts down. The heat sink was missing from Q14451. Replaced heat sink. cycles, will not force on. No collector voltage at Q14807, found Q14451 shorted from collector to base. Initialize U14354 or replace the deflection sip board Replace heat sink. replace Q14451 MM102A Q14451 Horizontal The unit would not start. Forcing on the run p
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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit Symptom solution MMC102 CR14608 Power Supply When the power button was pressed the set didn't attempt to turn on (dead). The 5vsM10 supply on U13101(16,29) measured around 1 V dc. The supply diode CR14608 (5vs) on the standby supply the diode measured leaky. Replace CR14608 MMC101 FB14709/10 Power Supply intermittent high pitched squeal.FB14710, FB14709 , located on CR14703 by flyback under the fan. Glued them down. Found that moving them either made the unit quiet RTV FB14710, or made it squeal loudly. FB14709 Both tuners are not working. The 33 volt supply to the tuners is low.Found C25215 on the 33 volt line leaky. Measured 97 ohms to ground. Replaced the SMD cap. Picture too bright. Cathodes at 40vdc, 205vdc line at 75vdc. Found CR14701 shorted. dead set. All standby's are running low. Measuring the opto U14601 found no negative voltage present at pin 3. Checking CR14604, found it open MMC102 C25215 Power Supply Replace C25215. MMC101 C14701 Power Supply Replace CR14701. MMC102 CR14604 Power Supply replace CR14604 MMC102 trace MMC101 R14602 Power Supply Power Supply No filaments. The 24+ supply missing at J14405.Found trace broken from JW14720 Repair trace from to L14775 ,screw thru the board. Looks like the screw that holds R14767. JW14720 to L14775 Dead set. No standby voltages. Found R14602 open Replace R14602 MMC101 C14608 Power Supply Power supply is running low. +5Vs measures about 1.5vdc. Found CR14602 anode measuring 1.2K ohms to ground. According to the troubleshooting guide, it should measure 21K ohms.Found C14608 shorted. This is a 680pF cap across CR14602 , the -12vdc rectifier. Removed the cap and the set runs. Replaced C14608 to restore operation. Replace C14608 dead set - no Key data on pin 6 of U13101 and dc voltage at 0vdc. Checked the voltage (should be 5 vdc) at the power fail pin 5 of U13101 and it measured 0vdc. Servicer found Q14608 leaky causing the problem. MMC101 Q14608 Power Supply replace Q14608 MMC101 C22315 Power Supply Replace C22315, Set won't start. Found the 5 volts going to pin 12 of U22300 was not there. Checking Q14604 and the 5 volt line, Q14604 was open. There was a short on that line caused by C22315. L22304. no video, found coil " L38300" had changed in value to 1000 ohms, the 5 volts drops to 2.5 volts across the coil. Replaced the coil restored the dc and the video returned. Convergence power supply not running , found U19702 open. Intermittently would pull in from sides. If tech tapped chassis it would cause it to jump, He went to adjust R14101 and it was jumping just lightly touching. Replaced control and it took care of problem. 68 vdc source not regulating. It would drop to 58 vdc at scene change and a black bar would also appear at the top of the picture. Found CR14108 leaky (had to check out of circuit). Set would shutdown with change in contrast. Found c14120 shorted Cycles, No voltage out of CR14103, T14100 pins 22 to 16 is op
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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit Symptom solution MMC102 G P13400 MMC102 G C13109 MMC101 CE C13110 Intermittently will not start. KD3 line to micro was low. Disconnect the front panel and Reinstall the short goes away. Found the FPA wiring harness pinched in the mask. Reinstalled wiring harness in System Control the wiring harness in its correct location and it has never had a startup problem since. its correct location System Control Dead, U13101 pin 50, 0 VDC, removed C13109 and VDC came back up to 5 volts replace C13109 Dead Set, No horizontal drive out of the deflection controller CBA. We found the control line to U13101-49 was measuring 39K to ground, should be 200k. Replaced System Control C13110 restored normal operation Replace C13110 with contrast set at normal, picture is too bright, with contrast set at middle, brightness would drop down, with contast set all the way down, picture too bright. reinit eeprom and it came back to normal operation No video or osd in 1h ,it works ok in 2h. Video in 1h did get to pin53 of U22300 , but no rgb out. Replaced eeprom U13102 and it came back. Unit would come on with sound and picture for about 3-4 sec then shutdown and cycle 3 times. Tech did not check error codes. Found one fan not running working fan worked in both plugs. Unit would intermittently shutdown. No error codes. Replaced micro Dead, the power LED would not light. Found the volume + switch (sw13421) on the FPA shorted. the high voltage will come up and shut back down. R13174 in the horizontal sync line to the microprocessor cracked Won't start. Checking pin 44 of U13101 the data line there was no voltage. Found one side of R13141 on the data line cracked. dead set, disconnecting IR13401 and the set runs Shuts down and then back on. Unplugging the gemstar alllowed the set to run normally MMC101 CC alignment mmc101 U13102 System Control System Control reinit eeprom Replace U13102. mm101 DTV307 DTV306G C DTV306C B fan U13101 SW13421 R13174 System Control System Control System Control System Control System Control System Control System Control Replace fan Replace U13101 Replace the volume + switch. replace R13174 Resolder R13141 replace IR13401 Replace gemstar CTC211A R13141 CTC211A IR13401 Guide CTC211A Module
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Symptom solution The tuners are not working. Video inputs are good.At U25501-4 , the 33Volts in is R14629,CR shorted. Found Cr14601 shorted and R14629 470 ohm increased in value. Replaced Replace Cr14601 MMC102A 14601 Tuning System both. and R14629 470 Video would slowly washout and go to black after two minutes of operation. Servicer noted that tapping on tuner caused video to flash. Inspection of tuner found loose MMC101 L32606, 7, & soldering at coils L32606, L32607, and L32608. Resoldering coils restored tuner and CE 8 Tuning System video operation. Resolder coils The unit did not have any tuning. On checking tuner found there was no 33 volts going to the tuner. Looking at the 33 volt power supply we found that r14629 was open and we Replace r14629 had 200 ohm to ground. Checking the tuner c25207 was broken and c25215 check c25215 and c25207. MM101 r14629 Tuning System short Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit DTV306G C Pip Tuner DTV306G C pip tuner No NTSC Tuner, replaced the caps and the diodes in the dm1 power supply and the DM1, unit gets a blurp of sound then the screen that says weak signal, this is exactly what the original DM1 did. Also does not get the pip window or pip tuner, Unplugged the Replace Pip Tuning System pip tuner and the NTSC tuner in the DM1 worked again Tuner replaced pip tuner tuner Cycles, All error codes 64 , found that the pip tuner was loading the clock & data lines.
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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit Symptom MMC101 Diagonal lines both ways at top of picture. Bottom scan is good.Found CC CR14502 Vertical CR14502 opening under load solution Replace CR14502 MMC101 CR14511 Vertical Top half of picture missing, just lines, osd distorted. Had replaced horizontal sip board, no change, found CR14511 between pins 3 & 4 of U14501 shorted replace CR14511
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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit CTC211A R25305 Video Symptom solution CTC211A Q22413 DTV306 GCC Focus Screen Bl Parameter 6 Video Video DTV306 Video MMC102 A j25102 MMC102 U22300 Video Video no video or osd, found R25305 open on the green Kine board replace R25305 no video, no sandcastle from U22407, had horizontal pulse out of pin 15 but not back in on pin 10, found a bad connection at collector of Q22413. Resoldering restored sandcastle to U22300 and the video. resolder Q22413 replace the focus Flickering or fluttering in the video. The tech found that the focus screen assembly was / screen causing the problem, he had replaced the kine driver and the resistors in the abl circuit assembly. The raster has a slight black bar on the right side of the screen .Adjusted Parameter 6 Adjust Parameter slightly up. The unit will default to the 4X3 mode. We had to made the adjustment and 6 slightly up. then get back into the normal mode. At this point we checked all picture modes. No tuner selections, only comp , svhs & vga. Signal type missing from the channel menu. J25102 not plugged in, plug in. NOTE: the set will operate with this unplugged but the RF inputs are missing from the input selection and signal type is missing from the channel menu this plug has the data & clock on it. Plug J25102 in. The picture rolls when the set is cold and the unit may shutdown. The I/O circuit board was sensitive in the area of the video chip. Replace U22300 restored normal operation. replaced U22300 Picture too dark, osd was normal. C22331 was leaky. Found good video on pin 53 of U22300, but dc voltage was only 3.2 volts. Should have been 6 volts. Removed C22331 and voltage came up on pin 53. Installed new cap and restored bright picture. No video or osd. Audio ok. Same on all inputs. Found pulse missing from pin 25 of U22300. Tech said he traced back to horiz sip board and resoldered the board and unit operated ok after that. No video. Replaced U22300 and U13102. Found pin 25 of U22300 at 4v very little signal, pin 24 at .3v very little signal . Found R22306 increased in value. Replaced resistor and video returned. MMC101 CC C22331 MMC101 horizontal CC sip MMC101 CC R22306 Video Replace C22331 Resolder horiz sip board Video Video MMC101 u22401 Video Replace R22306. Cleaning the area around the No video except on the S Video inputs. Monitoring U22401(12,5,2) the video was distorted with a low P-P value. Upon closer observation there was a white sticky subtance IC repaired the set. (contaminated rosin?) spilled around U22401. Intermittent purple cast if you spray akb or t-chip it would straighten out.Found loose solder connections on Q15102 & Q15180 on kine board resolder transistors MMC101 Q15102 Pix/Pix MM101 U41275 Picture Tube No change in the Tilt on the crt. The osd bar is changing. U41275 pins 1,2, and 3 at 23 vdc. Replace U41275. MMC101 CC Q15112 MMC101 GCE R15199 Picture Tube Picture Tube Picture goes white with retrace after a
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10 MM/MMC/DTV Troubleshooting Guide Deflection SIP Board Confirmation 1. Obtain latest Chipper Check failure code and check circuit areas accordingly. IMPORTANT: DO NOT reinitialize the EEPROM! 2. If instrument is cycling, Standby & Main Supply are probably OK. If instrument is NOT cycling (dead), verify all Standby & Main Supplies before continuing. 3. Remove & secure CRT CBA. 4. Apply power and turn instrument on. 5. Check that SIP board power supplies are present at J14102 (+12V pin 16 / -15V pin 5). 6. Check for horizontal drive signal at pin 15 of J14102. 7. If the horizontal drive signal is present (step 6), the Deflection SIP board is operating. NOTE: If set is cycling, the waveform will cycle.
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216 Audio Audio IF From U32603-1 U13701 DeCoder Stereo Decoder 5 (R) 7 (L) U13702 10 8 U11402 3 1 5 7 L Aux 1 L Aux 2 L Aux 3 L-DVD Crtl A From SysCon Crtl B U13101-7/8/9 Crtl C (L) (R) (L) VGA #2 Audio IN (R) 11 10 9 12 15 R Aux 1 R Aux 2 R Aux 3 R-DVD U26101 3 (L/M) (R) N/C U11401 (L) 12 15 14 13 5 1 11 10 9 15 16 17 29 (L) 7 U11301 3 5 U11901 (L) 11 4 U11900 (L) 7 PwrAmp (R) 6 3 (R) (L) IIC IIC Dat Clk Head Phone (R) Jack 1 (L) Variable Out 30 27 (L) L Ext Spk R Ext Spk TVB U11800 (R) VGA #1 Audio IN 12 11 13 8 19 18 7 26 (R) U11902 (R) 1 11 3 3 U11301 (L) Fixed Out #1 (before SRS (R) & TVB) R L L R (L) (R) Sel. Stereo Out #2 (after SRS & TVB) PwrAmp 4 14 13 5 1 U11400 (R) FAV U11402 10 12 14 8 1 8 SRS Circuit 10 N/C Figure 15-1, Audio Switching/Processing Block Diagram Audio 217 Audio Switching & Processing Overview The audio input capabilities (see block diagram) of the MM101 include the normal NTSC off-air audio, three different Auxiliary inputs, a left & right DVD (YUV or Y, Pr, Pb) audio input, separate VGA#1 & VGA#2 audio inputs along with a convenient front panel audio input jack. The audio outputs include a Fixed (before SRS & TVB) & Variable (after SRS & TVB) volume controlled. External speaker outputs are also provided along with capabilities to disconnect the internal speakers. The audio processing and switching circuits of the MM101 contain two major processing ICs along with various switching and amplification integrated circuits. As shown in the upper left of the Figure 15-1, IC U13701 contains the Stereo/SAP decoders while all signal routing and switching is performed by discreet switching ICs, U11400 (R) and U11401 (L). These input switching ICs are controlled by the main microprocessor, U13101, via three individual control lines. The tone, volume and balance (TVB) processing is performed within IC U11800 and controlled by the System Control Microcomputer U13101 via the IIC bus. The TVB IC also contains switching output lines controlled over the IIC bus and used to control the input switching IC's. Switch ICs U11400 and U11401 are responsible for routing and switching the auxiliary, DVD audio signal and the front panel audio input signals. U11400 handles the Right while U11401 handles the Left audio signals. Selection of VGA#1 and VGA#2 audio signals is handled internally by the TVB IC, U11800. Selected audio (Fixed) exits the TVB IC at pins 8 & 19. The signals are applied to the SRS circuit for processing or input directly back to the TVB IC at pin 7 & 18. The external Variable output connections are made here. After re-entering the IC at pins 7 & 18 Tone, Volume and Balance are added to the signals. The audio is then applied to the power amplifiers U11901 & U11902. The audio from pins 26 and 27 is also applied to an amplifier (U11900) which provides the HiFi (variable level) output and provides signal to the front panel headphone jack. At this point one more connection is made to a stereo output jack mount
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192 CRT Management CRT Management Overview Controlling the beam with scan is one aspect of displaying a proper video on a CRT. Beam current must also be controlled in a defined fashion to provide video true to the original signal or to provide video closer to an "ideal" perception of the original signal. The MM101 uses several circuits after final video processing to properly set up the CRT to receive video data and peak CRT performance for the specific visual display. SVM (Scan Velocity Modulation) modulates scan to increase apparent contrast of high frequency luminance video. As with previous chassis' the MM101 employs an AKB (Automatic Kine Bias) system to track and compensate for the normal drift in beam current cutoff bias of a CRT. The MM101 uses a Dynamic Focus circuit to optimize the corner focus of CRTs larger than 27". Dynamic Focus modulates or varies the voltage to the CRT focus grids with a horizontal sawtooth and a vertical parabola signal. Scan Velocity Modulation Scan Velocity Modulation is used in the MM101 family chassis to produce a sharper picture without enhancing noise. Large amplitude transitions (black and white) with very fast rise/fall times are hard for most CRTs to display as the tube must go from cutoff, (or very nearly cutoff), to high beam current in a very short amount of time. To assist the CRT in the MM101 chassis, a separate yoke coil is placed around the neck of the tube in the vicinity of the electron guns. As the electron beam travels across the screen the SVM yoke modulates (accelerates/deccelerates) the beam to improve picture detail. SVM effectively reduces the size of the illuminated phosphor area while increasing the contrast. When the beam accelerates, fewer electrons will hit the phosphor, making the dark edges on the screen image appear darker. When the beam decelerates more electrons hit the phosphor, making bright edges on the screen image appear brighter. SVM circuitry is so effective, it can momentarily either double or completely stop beam scanning velocity as needed. SVM uses the first derivative of the luma video signal. The first derivative results in a slope detected output which peaks in amplitude during any high frequency black to white or white to black transition. During low level or low frequency video amplitudes, the SVM signal is zero. SVM is relatively unchanged with the exception of the addition of IIC bus control from the microprocessor to shut off SVM effects during OSD (On-Screen Display portions of scan. The entire horizontal line is shut off, not just the OSD portion of the line. SVM Amplifiers SVM Yoke U22300 Video (Luma) SVM On/Off Switch 53 Delay d/dt 25 48 Figure 14-1, SVM Block Diagram CRT Management SVM Operation SVM operation differs little from previous versions in the CTC179/189 and CTC195/197. The amplifier and yoke circuits are relatively unchanged, however the low level SVM signals are generated in the Video Processor IC, U22300. Only the luminance signal i
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176 F2PIP / Second Tuner Second (PIP) Tuner The second tuner contained in the MM101 is used exclusively for PIP tuning functions. With one exception noted below, when broadcast programming is the source of both signals, the PIP and Main video is "swapped". The PIP tuner signal will only appear in the PIP window and main tuner signal will always be the main video. The two tuners are retuned to the required channels during the swap. When the same channel is displayed in PIP as is displayed in the Main display, the PIP window receives its signal from the Main tuner/IF. Further, the PIP tuner local oscillator (LO) is tuned to a frequency different from the normal range. This assures local oscillators from both tuners cannot concurrently add and complies with FCC Local Field Radiation requirements. The second tuner is identical to the CTC197 main tuner in topography and electrical operation. See the CTC195/197 Technical Training Manual (T-CTC195/197-1) for further information. RF to Main Tuner ANT Main/PIP Splitter UHF Single Tuned UHF/VHF Splitter VHF VHF Single Tuned RF Amp Double Tuned PRI/SEC 4 2 VHF Hi VHF Lo 9 VHF TANK CR17702 CR17703 RF IN UHF RF Amp Double Tuned PRI/SEC 12 UHF Hi UHF 10 Lo U17301 VHF/UHF Mixer/Osc 14 16 UHF TANK CR17301 CR17304 11 7 6 ST 10 L01 7 8 BV/U PRI SEC 14 IF OUT 1 U17401 PLL C RUN 2 D 3 4 18 19 C D Q17402 BS1/2 17 LO2 Loop Filter 5 11 +12Vr IF to Saw Filter U13203 BUS MULTIPLEXER Figure 12-1, Second Tuner Block Diagram F2PIP / Second Tuner 177 +12Vrt R27921 2400 +12Vrt R27920 1000 Q27902 Second Tuner IF from U17301-1 PIP RF AGC Q27908 PIP Video to U16501-28 PIP Video Active: On PIP Video Disabled: Off R27938 8200 Q27905 +5Vrt 4.5 MHz Trap U27901 PIP IF Q27906 2nd Tuner Sync U27903 Second Tuner EEPROM C 6 C D 5 C AGC Delay 25 VCO 19 AFT 10 Out 2 3 2nd Tuner AFT R27938 1000 U27904 AMP 9 11 U13101 Syscon 5 4 U27902 PIP DAC PIP Video Active: Hi 15 PIP Video Disabled: Lo PIP Video Switch U13203 D 14 Multiplexer 3 D Figure 12-2, Second Tuner IF Block Diagram Second Tuner IF The second tuner IF has been modified from the CTC197. A PIP DAC controls the PIP IF IC, U27901 and PIP tuner and IF alignments are stored in an EEPROM dedicated to the second tuner operation. 178 F2PIP / Second Tuner Q18101 Main_CV From Vid Switch U16501-15/16 Buffers PIP_CV Q16502 1 PIP Analog Switch Y C 51 Main Analog Switch Comb Filter 10Bit D/A 47 Comb_C To Video Switch U16500-11/20 Comb_Y Y 8Bit D/A 49 8Bit A/D C From Video Switch U16500-15/16/17/18 Y1 C1 Y2 C2 7 11 3 5 8Bit A/D Y Video C Switch Y C PIP OverLay Switch C Y 39 41 Main_C Main_Y To Video Processer U22300-13/15 35 PIP Process 8Bit D/A PIP_Y 8Bit D/A To ys Ctl Clk 13101 Data pin 3/4 28 Q18103 27 C Bus Decoder 2 33 Q18109 PIP Luma Buffer 26 +12V Q18104 Buffer 37 U18100 FPIP Switch V Sync FB Pulse PIP_C 31 Q18110 PIP Chroma 24 Buffers Q18112/113 Figure 12-3, F2PIP Switching F2PIP Overview The F2PIP IC provides Pix-in-Pix
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106 Hi-Voltage Power Supply Overview In previous discussions, it was indicated high voltage must be maintained within more strict tolerances in the MM101 chassis. Independant High Voltage generation is utilized to assure high performance over the broad range of scan rates and beam currents for standard television, computer monitor modes and elevated-drive (video) VGA modes. The high voltage circuit is divided into several sections. The driver generates signal drive for the high voltage output device in the HV Generator. Protection for the generator and IHVT is provided by monitoring secondary current and removing gate drive to the output devices when necessary. The HV Generator supplies the CRT anode voltage and several supplies for CRT operation. The HVR B+ is the main supply for the high voltage generator. The HVR B+ circuit uses the +76Vr and +24Vr supplies to generate the higher voltages required for the HV generator. Varying Reg B+ regulates the output of the HV generator. By sampling the high voltage supply, then varying Reg B+, the high voltage CRT anode supply may also be regulated. Reg B+ also generates a +210Vr supply for CRT grid bias. X-Ray Protection is provided by sampling the IHVT output pulse and, in the case of exessive high voltage, removing gate drive to the output devices. Beam limiting (ABL) is accomplished by sampling the IHVT current and reducing video drive during high CRT beam current periods. Hi Voltage is not affected by AKB (Automatic Kine Bias) or SVM (Scan Velocity Modulation). AKB works to set CRT cutoff bias to compensate for CRT grid cutoff voltage drift. Run Supply +210Vr HV Sample +24Vr +76Vr HV B+ Scan H_A H Pulse Gate Drive Deflection XRP SYNC HV B+ Dynamic Focus Hi Voltage Divider HV Generator (IHVT) Beam Limiter 1/3 Tap Focus / Screen Filament Focus 1 Focus 2 Screen +210Vr CRT Figure 8-1, Hi Voltage Block Diagram Hi-Voltage Power Supply 107 HV Power Supply (Reg B+) The high voltage power supply generates two voltages. One, +210Vr, supplies the CRT drive voltage. CRT operation will be covered later. The second is the regulated B+ for the high voltage generator. Both are critical for proper CRT operation. The high voltage power supply is a traditional scan derived supply with a few variances. The +210Vr supply is generated from the secondary of the high voltage supply transformer, T14751. The AC waveform is rectified by CR14701 and filtered by C14706. CR14701 conducts when Q14751 is on, causing current flow in the primary winding of T14751, and subsequent current flow in the secondary. Regulated B+ for the high voltage generator is produced from the primary winding of the same transformer. When Q14751 is on, current is flowing from ground through the primary, L14760, to the +76Vr supply. At the same time C14751 is charging towards the +76Vr supply. When Q14751 shuts off, the primary of T14751 reverses polarity and begins providing current flow for the HVR B+ circuits. HVR B+ varies according t
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74 Horizontal Deflection Horizontal Deflection Basics This discussion will only touch on horizontal, (right-left, left-right) deflection of the electron beam across the face of the CRT. Vertical, (up/down, down/up), deflection will be covered in a later section. The horizontal output transistor and damper diode in the MM101 supplies horizontal deflection yoke current. Since the MM101 contains a separate hi-voltage supply, the horizontal output does not carry the traditional dual role of supplying both yoke current and high voltage (beam current). Although there is only one horizontal yoke winding, it is wound in such a fashion that current in one direction drives the beam away from the center to the left side of the screen, while current in the opposite direction drives the beam away from the center to the right side of the screen. The amplitude of the current determines how far from the center the beam is deflected. Deflection is accomplished by forcing current through the deflection yoke, creating an electromagnet of the yoke windings that either push the electron beam away from or allow it to drift back to the center of the screen. If there is no yoke current, the beam remains center screen creating a vertical line very close to the physical center of the CRT. Figure 6-1 and 6-2 show the electron beam position at various yoke current values, assuming a static DC current from a power supply is used. (These values are only for discussion and demonstration purposes. Actual yoke Center of Screen current and direction for exact beam positioning will be different.) Note +2A +4A +6A +8A +10A that as yoke current increases towards a higher positive value, the beam is driven farther towards the right side Electron Beam Position of the screen. As the positive yoke current approaches zero, the beam is Figure 6-1, Electron Beam Position with Positive Current closer and closer to center screen. As yoke current reverses, the beam is again driven away from center screen, but now in the opposite direction. The higher the negative current, the farther from center screen the beam is driven. As negative current decreases, the beam moves back towards center screen. Center of Screen -10A -8A -6A -4A -2A Electron Beam Position Figure 6-2, Electron Beam Position with Negative Current Horizontal Deflection 75 Figure 6-3 shows how increasing positive current drives the electron beam towards the right side of the screen and increasing negative current drives the beam towards the left side. The amplitude of current drives the beam farther from center screen. (The scope captures are not in exact time alignment with the electron beam.) Again, the theory of positive and negative current flow is not important to this discussion. The concept of yoke current flow one way making the beam travel one direction, while yoke current flow in the opposite direction makes the beam reverse its travel is the point. Center of Screen Center of Screen Electron Beam Travel Electron Be
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28 Main Power Supply Most ground connections on the MM101 series chassis are cold, ( ), indicating they are isolated from the AC line. However, there are many "Hot" connections, ( ), meaning direct connection to the AC line. The AC input and primary side of the main and standby supply circuitry are examples. The main power supply output device, Q14100, heatsink is at AC line potential! Always use an isolation transformer when performing service on this chassis and other chassis in this family! Main Power Supply Overview The MM101 uses a version of the same ZVS supply as seen in the standby supply circuits. Instead of using the flyback portion of the waveform, it uses the forward mode to generate secondary current. This means it provides energy to the secondary during the forward conduction interval of the output device as the induction fields (flux lines) are expanding instead of when they are contracting. Previously, inductors were required on each winding to sustain the flux flow, but in this design, the windings in the primary circuit provide this function. A simple proportional self-oscillating drive circuit controls the on-off cycle of the output device, eliminating the need for an IC regulator. Proportional (linear) drive is required to maintain a relatively constant ratio of base current to collector current. This constant ratio prevents the switching transistor base from being overdriven in the forward direction during low current demands. Proportional drive also provides increased base drive when high peak current is required to ensure the output is driven to proper saturation, minimizing power dissipation in the device. The main supply operates at a higher frequency (80-120kHz) than the standby supply and supplies nearly 100% of the 450 watt peak requirements of the MM101. Isolation between the hot and cold portions of the supply are provided. Raw B+ Raw B+ is supplied from the same circuitry as the standby supply. Overcurrent and inrush current protection react equally to both supplies. J14201 C14203 680PF 1KV SERVICING PRECAUTION! Variable IsoTap Monitor ADD AC Voltage Out with 120VAC In EY14108 120 VAC 60 Hz F14200 6A 125V L14203 L14200 L14201 To Degaussing CR14201 RAW B+ C14202 C14200 EY14107 C14208 680PF 1KV C14205 0.012uF 250V + C14207 1000uF 200V +12Vr From Incoming AC Line Figure 3-1, Raw B+ Generation Main Power Supply 29 Raw B+ Cold Ground Hot Ground RESONANT INDUCTOR L14103 +15Vr +12Vr -15Vr DRIVE TRANSFORMER T14101 ON\OFF Q14105 FROM MICRO OPTO-ISOLATOR U14102 CONTROL (Latch) Q14101/3 POWER OUTPUT Q14100 OUTPUT POWER TRANSFORMER T14100 +24Vr +31.5Vr OPTO-ISOLATOR U14100 OVER-CURRENT OVER-VOLTAGE R14100 & R14106 +76Vr REGULATOR U14101 Figure 3-2, Main Supply Output Voltages Main Power Supply Block Diagram The main supply is capable of approximatedly 450 watts of peak power. All low voltage run supplies except +5V are generated by the main supply. The voltages generated are: l +15 volts
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54 Low Level Scan Generation Scan Generator Overview The MM101 is capable of more scan modes than any previous TCE chassis. To accomplish deflection changes and scan signal generation necessary to facilitate all modes, a low level scan generator module is utilized. The scan control generator supplies all Low Level Control Signals (LLCS) to the horizontal and vertical scan generation circuits. It also generates all switching information for the different scan rates and is capable of shutting down scan during scan rate switching or in the event of deflection problems. The horizontal output circuits, after receiving the scan signals, then generate the high current for the horizontal yoke. The vertical output circuits, similiarly generate high current for the vertical yoke. In order to better follow signal paths, some definitions must be understood by the technician. The following list shows abbreviations used to identify the various sync, scan, protection and error signals in this manual and in TCE Electronic Service Data for the MM101. Technical Training will many times spell the abbreviation out rather than use the short form. Other times it is more convenient, or makes a particular diagram less busy to use the abbreviations. VOUT A: One side of the vertical output waveform. Controller IC, U14350-11. VOUT B: One side of the vertical output waveform. Controller IC, U14350-10. DSC: Originates on Deflection Originates on Deflection Digital SandCastle Signal. Contains a digital representation of the composite horizontal and vertical sync signals at about 2.5Vp-p and a clamping key signal at about 5Vp-p. The clamping key is not used. SCAN LOSS INT: Scan Loss interupt digital signal warning Micro of some sort of scan loss error in the deflection circuitry. NORMAL: High SCAN LOSS: Low DR TRF HI: Horizontal Driver output signal the Horizontal Driver Transformer, T14300-1. DR TRF LO: Horizontal Driver output signal the Horizontal Driver Transformer, T14300-3. SCAP SW: Switching signal used to change S-Capacitors to correct horizontal frequency compensation. 1H: 0V 2H: +5V >2H: +10V Low Level Scan Generation 55 LIN SW: Linearity Switch. Digital signal from Deflection DAC, U24800-16, used to switch in and out proper linearity coils to match scan rate. 1H: 2.xH: 0V +10V FREQ OFFSET: Frequency Offset. Digital signal used to shift the frequency of the Horizontal Deflection Processor, U14711-7. 1H: 2.xH: 0V +10V 1H VCC: Switch voltage indicating when chassis is operating in 1H mode. 1H: 2.xH: High Low WIDTH REF: Analog width reference voltage used to correct scan for E/W distortions. E/W correction originates from Deflection Controller, U14350-6 and modulates the Scan B+. H SYNC: V SYNC: Horizontal Sync Pulse from Microprocessor, U13101-35. Vertical Sync Pulse from Microprocessor, U13101-34. H PULSE (H PULSE_A): Horizontal Flyback Pulse derived from a secondary winding of the Horizontal Output transormer, T14451-14. Pulse is originally about 80Vp-p at the
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46 Scan Power Supply Most ground connections on the MM101 series chassis are cold, ( ), indicating they are isolated from the AC line. However, there are many "Hot" connections, ( ), meaning direct connection to the AC line. The AC input and primary side of the main and standby supply circuitry are examples. Always use an isolation transformer and consult service data when performing service on this chassis and other chassis in this family! Scan Supply Overview In order to control raster width at different scan frequencies in the MM101, a separate power supply system is used to power the horizontal scan system. The system may be divided into several blocks (Refer to Figure 4-1). The first is the ZVS Scan Supply, used to supply B+ for horizontal scan frequencies 2H and above. It is turned off when the scan supply is set to 1H. Next is the Series Pass Scan Supply generating B+ used by horizontal scan for 1H frequencies. Both supplies are modulated to provide E-W pincushion, E-W corner correction and E-W trapezoidal correction. All three correction waveforms are generated by the scan control IC and adjusted via the IIC bus. The final part of the scan supplies is the control signal used to turn the ZVS (2H) supply on and off. The ZVS scan supply regulates the scan width assuming the high voltage is held constant. This is because scan width is directly proportional to yoke current if secondary effects such as "S Shaping", pincushion, trapezoid, etc. are ignored. Also if the retrace time of the flyback pulse is held constant, the peak voltage amplitude of the flyback pulse is proportional to the peak-to-peak value of yoke current. Since at least two distinct scan modes must be accommodated, 1H and >2H, two Scan B+ supplies are required. They are switched in and out of the horizontal output transformer circuit to gain more or less current through the horizontal yoke. +76V Filtered SERVICING PRECAUTION! Variable IsoTap Monitor ADD AC Voltage Out with 120VAC In 1H VCC FROM DEFLECTION SIP 1H: High 2.xH: Low 2H SCAN OFF 1H: High 2.xH: Low 2.xH ZVS SCAN SUPPLY 1H SERIES PASS SCAN SUPPLY +160V +67V CR14809 SCAN B+ Figure 4-1, Scan Power Supply Block Diagram Scan Power Supply 47 +15Vr R14802 62K C14800 1UF 100V R14801 68 +76VrFIL L14801 180UH 10 T14800 SCAN_B+ 11 EY14805 14 +76Vr C14813 100UF 100V 1 EY14800 Q14800 EY14802 7 8 EY14801 R14809 13K 2W 2% R14803 470 +12Vr +12Vr [R14805] 100 [R14750] 470 [Q14733] R14835 10K [R14749] 1500 R14765 1000 FROM REGULATION CIRCUITS [Q14805] Q14801 R14804 15 C14802 8.2NF 600V To Scan Loss & Regulation CR14804 R14815 5.1K 1W 2% [R14751] 10K 1H Vcc From Deflection SCAN ZVS OFF: HIGH SCAN ZVS ON: LOW [R14827] 4700 Q14802 R14807 100 R14808 0.22 3W Figure 4-2, ZVS Scan Supply ZVS Scan Power Operation The scan power supply works on the same principles as the main ZVS supply. A power MOSFET, Q14800 controls the transformer primary winding current, which in turn induces current into the secondary w
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158 Tuner/IF Main Tuner Overview The MM101 tuner continues to employ TOB (Tuner On Board) topography with a zinc tuner wrap. It is a single conversion, electronically aligned tuner essentially identical to the CTC195/197 tuner. There will be two variations: 1) A single input tuner 2) A single input tuner with PIP RF output The second tuner is not based on the CTC 197 but is a "cold" version of the CTC 185 tuner. There are many similarities between the two. Refer to the Second Tuner/IF section of this manual for a further description of the circuitry. Changes made initially for the MM101 include use of a dedicated Tuner EEPROM (U32601) and Main IF DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) IC, U32602. The RF splitter is identical to the CTC197 splitter developed to improve main tuner performance while allowing an increase in signal level to the PIP tuner. The tuner can be separated into three distinct sections for discussion. First, the RF stage which processes the incoming antenna or cable RF signal. This stage captures, filters and amplifies the RF for further processing. Next, the mixer/oscillator converts the different high frequency RF carriers to a single IF frequency for use by the remainder of the television circuitry. The PLL IC controls the RF and mixer/oscillator switching and tuning circuits. The PLL communicates with the main microprocessor for channel selection information, then converts the digital information to analog voltages needed to tune the RF and mixer/oscillator to the proper frequency. RF Stage RF AMP RF INPUT RF BANDPASS Mixer/Oscillator Stage MIXER IF OUT AGC OSCILLATOR PLL Figure 11-1, Tuner Block Diagram Tuner/IF 159 Input Splitter The input splitter feeds the RF input signal to both the main and PIP tuners. The splitter consists of asymmetrical power divider transformer T25801 and broadband amplifier Q25801 and its associated circuitry. The arrangement minimizes loss in the main RF path at the expense of higher loss in the PIP tuner path, thus optimizing noise figure of the more important main tuner. Remember that the main tuner always supplies the signal for the main picture. During PIP operation, if the PIP and Main pictures are "swapped", the main tuner retunes to the PIP channel and the PIP tuner retunes to the main channel. Broadband amplifier Q25801 amplifies the PIP RF path signal, compensating for the loss in transformer T25801. +12Vs L25802 C25806 1000 PIP RF Q25801 R25807 12 6 PIP OUT MAIN 3 OUT GND 4 MAIN RF T25801 RF IN C25801 1000 1 Figure 11-2, Main/PIP RF Splitter Tuner Power Supply The MM101 contains a separate tuner and IF DAC supply with voltages derived directly from the standby or main supply and others derived from a dual voltage regulator IC. The supplies are: +33Vif +33Vt -12Vt +12Vt +5Vt +12Vdac +9Vif +5Vdac 160 Tuner/IF Dual Voltage Regulator Two voltages are taken directly from the standby supply; +33Vs and -12Vs. They are decoupled to prevent transfer of noise between the tuner/IF and
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146 Universal Serial Bus USB Overview Universal Serial Bus or USB, is the latest peripheral connection bus scheme from the computer manufacturers. Developed by a consortium of companies, USB promises faster data transfer, simplified hookup and easier setup of hardware devices. Data transfer speed may be misleading. As a comparison, Figure 10-1 shows relative bandwidth of the some data transfer methods. Note USB is slightly faster than a normal T1 communications line but not as fast as other internal computer bus structures, such as IDE and SCSI. The Universal Serial Bus resulted from an industry-wide initiative to standardize peripheral attachments to personal computers, and to improve the speed, performance and ease of use of any PC peripheral. PORT Serial P o rt ISDN Stand ard P arallel Po rt: T1 C o mmunicatio ns Line US B -Lo w EC P /EP P P arallel P o rt: IDE SC S I- 1 SC S I- 2 (F ast S C S I, F ast N arro w S C S I): US B -Hig h F ast Wid e S C S I (Wid e SC S I) Ultra S C S I (SC S I- 3 , F ast- 2 0 , Ultra N arro w) UltraIDE Wid e Ultra SC S I (F ast Wid e 2 0 ) Ultra2 S C S I IEEE- 1 3 9 4 (F irewire) Wide Ultra2 SC S I Ultra3 S C S I Wide Ultra3 SC S I F C - AL F ib er C hannel D ata R a te (M bits /s e c) 0 . 0 1 4 3 MBYTES/s (11 5 k b its/s) 0 . 0 1 6 MBYTES 0.115MBYTES /s (11 5 k BYTES /s) 0 . 1 9 3 MBYTES /s 1 .5 M B YTES/s 3 MBYTES /s 3 .3- 16.7MBYTES /s 5 MBYTES /s 1 0 MBYTES /s 1 2 M B YTES /s 2 0 MBYTES/s 2 0 MBYTES/s 3 3 MBYTES/s 4 0 MBYTES /s 4 0 MBYTES /s 1 2 . 5 - 5 0 MBYTES /s 80MBYTES/s 8 0 MBYTES/s 160MBYTES /s 1 0 0 - 4 0 0 MBYTES /s Figure 10-1, Data Rate Comparison Universal Serial Bus 147 Co-developed by Compaq, Digital, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC and Northern Telecom, and supported by a consortium of 450 technology companies, USB ports at the time of this writing are standard on most new PC's, including laptops shipping to the retail market. USB is currently supported in the latest version of Windows 95 (OSR 2.1), and Windows 98. In addition, according to Microsoft, USB will also be supported in the next release of Windows CE and Windows NT 5.0. Support for USB is currently available on the Apple platform and may be available shortly on the Sun and Digital platforms. USB will improve the connection of add-on peripherals in a number of ways: Plug-in Installation In non-USB enabled PCs, each peripheral device requires its own port, usually gained through one of the few expansion slots available on the PC motherboard. To install all but the most fundamental peripherals, keyboard, monitor, printer and modem, a user must open the case and install an add-on board. Generally, switches must be set, jumper wires configured or the different physical connectors, such as serial or parallel cables, matched. These are steps that frequently discourage an average user from bothering with any new peripherals. Once the motherboard expansion slots are filled, there is very little way to add new peripherals without removing an old
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92 Vertical Deflection Vertical Deflection Overview The vertical circuit in the MM101 is very similar to the CTC197 and the earlier CTC177/87 vertical circuits. Like earlier chassis, the output amplifier is DC coupled to the vertical yoke winding instead of using capacitive AC coupling. The input waveform from the deflection generator is also DC coupled. The DC coupled circuit has the advantages of fewer parts, lower cost and linearity becomes less dependent on electrolytic capacitor tolerance and aging. "S" correction, (the compression of the deflection current ramp at the beginning and end of scan), is accomplished from the deflection generator IC, U14350. Because of DC coupling, the DC level of the vertical reference ramp from U14350 pins 10&11 affects vertical centering. By moving the vertical ramp higher or lower around a DC current, vertical centering can be adjusted. This also compensates for variations in the reference ramp DC current. The MM101 uses a dual voltage power supply to the vertical output IC, instead of the traditional single ended supply. This allows the yoke current sense resistors to be grounded instead of using a "half-supply" as in previous TCE chassis. A "flyback" supply is also used to place a higher voltage on the yoke during retrace. This has the effect of speeding up retrace much the same as with horizontal deflection. Vertical scan becomes a little more complex due to the various scan rates the MM101 must display. All drive signals are generated from the deflection generator and applied directly to the vertical output IC. In the following discussions, scan time where video is present (normally when the electron beam is scanning down the screen) is referred to as trace. Scan time when the electron beam is being returned to the top of the screen is referred to as retrace. Low Level Vertical Signal Generation Vertical Size, Vertical Center and S-Correction are all adjusted via the IIC bus and software or the front panel service adjustments. The vertical circuit acts as a current to current converter. Figure 7-1 shows the low level signal chain from the deflection generator. [R14504] 220 From System Control, U13101 12 H&V Detector Vertical Place Control & Generator VOUT B To Vertical Output U14501-7 [R14514] 4700 220 10 Vertical Geometry 13 16 11 [R14503] 220 R14506 2430 1% +8Vr +12Vr Deflection Generator V Amplitude S-Correction V Center R14505 2430 1% VOUT A To Vertical Output U14501-1 R14355 10 U14350 U14355 +8V REG Vertical 15 Offset R14508 1.8 1W R14511 Vsense from Vertical Output 1.8 1W Deflection DAC U24800 Figure 7-1, Vertical Signal Generation Vertical Deflection Vertical Deflection Basics Much like the horizontal deflection yoke, current through the vertical yoke must travel in two directions. If there is no vertical deflection, the electron beam would settle in the middle of the screen. Yoke current in one direction drives the beam from center to the bottom of the screen. Current in
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68 CRT Management CRT Management Overview Controlling the beam with scan is one aspect of displaying a proper video on a CRT. Beam current must also be controlled in a defined fashion to provide video true to the original signal or to provide video closer to an "ideal" perception of the original signal. The MM101 uses several circuits after final video processing to properly set up the CRT to receive video data and peak CRT performance for the specific visual display. SVM (Scan Velocity Modulation) modulates scan to increase apparent contrast of high frequency luminance video. As with previous chassis' the MM101 employs an AKB (Automatic Kine Bias) system to track and compensate for the normal drift in beam current cutoff bias of a CRT. The MM101 uses a Dynamic Focus circuit to optimize the corner focus of CRT's 27" and larger. Dynamic Focus modulates or "varies" the voltage to the CRT focus grids with a horizontal and vertical parabola signal. Scan Velocity Modulation SVM for the MMC101G/MMC102(G) is unchanged from the original MM101. Dynamic Focus Dynamic Focus in the MMC101G is used to correct the focus of the electron beam as the distance between the electron gun and the phosphor surface changes. In other words, without dynamic focus or dual focus, if beam focus was adjusted to provide optimal focus of the horizontal scan lines vertical lines may look slightly soft. If the beam was adjusted for optimal vertical lines, horizontal detail may look soft. Some compromise was required. Dual focus grids are used to optimize focus in the vertical and horizontal direction. Fixed voltages on the two focus grids control the electron beam shape. One optimizes vertical picture elements, the other optimizes horizontal picture elements. This is used in the traditional "Dual Focus" CRT's, however it still results in some compromise. Dynamic focus modulates the voltage difference between the two focus grids such that focus uniformity is achieved over the entire picture. MMC102(G) Dynamic Focus Basically the topology of Dynamic Focus for the MMC102(G) is the same as the MMC101G, but the amount of vertical modulation is less. Phasing of the horizontal parabola is slightly changed due to the different mechanical geometry of the projection instruments. There are some value changes in components to accomplish this. Also notable is the absence of the single focus/screen assembly. The lead from the output of dynamic focus transistor Q14730-E is connected to the regulator PTV focus
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Sync Processing and Scan Generation 23 Sync Processing Overview Sync processing was not covered in the original MM101 Manual due to time constraints. This discussion will begin with sync switching in the MM101, then progress to sync switching in the MMC101G/MMC102(G). There have been many refinements in this area from the early MM101. The MMC101G now incorporates 15 scan modes including one that can "adapt" itself to nearby frequencies both horizontally or vertically. Three of the programmed modes are currently not used leaving a total of 12 available scan modes. Horizontal scan rates for 1H (15.734kHz) may vary between 14.5kHz and 16.3kHz. For 2.xH they may vary from 29kHz to 39.3kHz. Horizontal sync may be either positive or negative at TTL levels. Vertical scan rates may vary from 48Hz to 89Hz for the MMC101 but are limited to 60Hz for the projection instrument MMC102(G). Vertical sync may be either positive or negative at TTL levels. Adaptive Scan Mode The adaptive scan mode allows the MMC101G to vary horizontal and vertical scan modes in order to capture non-standard incoming video modes. The MMC102(G) varies horizontal only. This is particularly useful for some power up display modes on specific computers that do not conform to normal video modes. If the microprocessor does not recognize the incoming sync as a supported mode, the deflection VCO frequency is calculated based on a sample of the incoming signal. The deflection processor adjusts to the vertical rate and the signal is displayed at whatever overscan or underscan results. This allows scan to lock to unsupported computer formats during a boot up process and display synced video allowing the user to see a display long enough to adjust the video adapter to a supported format. 24 Sync Processing and Scan Generation D e flection M o de 0 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 Forma t NTSC/YUV VGA VGA2 (Adaptive ) VGA3 DTC100 (SDTV) DTC100 (HD) SVGA-s td SVGA VESA 480 Not us e d XGA Not us e d Movie 1 Movie 2 Not us e d EIA 770.1 DVD EIA 770.2 DVD EIA 770.3 Horiz Scan Rate (KHz) 14.5 - 16.3 31.46 29 - 39.3 29 - 32.6 32.6 - 33.75 32.6 - 33.75 32.6 - 36.5 36.5 - 39.3 36.5 - 39.3 Ve rt Scan Rate (Hz) 59.94 69.93 69.93 58.1 - 62 58.1 - 62 58.1 - 62 53 - 58.1 54.3 - 66.6 66.6 - 75.6 Inte rlace H-Re s V- R e s /Proge s s ive H-Sync V-Sync (dots ) (dots ) Scan 726 640 640 640 1920 1920 800 800 640 484 350 400 480 540 1080 600 600 480 Int Pro g Pro g Pro g Pro g Int Pro g Pro g Pro g Neg Pos Neg Pos Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Neg Neg Neg Pos Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Neg 32.6 - 36.5 85 - 89 1024 768 Int Pos Pos 15.72 15.72 48 48 640 640 483 575 Int Int Neg Neg Neg Neg 29.0 - 32.6 29.0 - 32.6 32.6 - 36.5 58.1 - 62 58.1 - 62 58.1 - 62 720 720 1920 480 480 1080 Pro g Int/Prog Int Neg Neg Neg Neg Neg Neg Figure 4-1, MMC101G/MMC102(G) Scan Mode Chart Note: MMC102(G) has vertical scan locked to 60Hz. The supported formats for the MMC102 are 0, 3, 4, 6, 14, and 15. XGA not co
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16 System Control System Control The discussion of System Control for the MMC101G/MMC102(G) will center on differences with the original MM101 chassis. For more in-depth information consult the original MM101 Technical Training Manual, T-MM101-1. System Control 17 Service Menu The MMC101G/MMC102(G) chassis continues to provide fewer adjustments via the front panel. Figure 3-3 show the current available adjustments and their normal ranges. Most deal with geometry and color temperature adjustments required after picture tube replacement or to satisfy consumer requirements. All other alignments and adjustments must be performed using Chipper CheckTM, TCE's computer-based troubleshooting and alignment software. To enter the service menu with the instrument on, press and hold the MENU button. Then press and release the POWER button. Now press the VOLUME+ button, releasing both it and the MENU button at the same time. The on-screen display will now appear similar to Figure 3-2. The remainder of the procedure is identical to all previous TCE Service Menu procedures. V76 is still the security value to enter the service menu. CH VOL VOL MENU/OK CH POWER Figure 3-1, MMC101(G) Front Panel Assembly P 0 000 6.03 V 00 P 0 000 6.03 V 76 Figure 3-2, Service Menu Display Invalid Parameter Values As with any adjustment on most television chassis, some parameters in the front panel menu may be adjusted such that improper operation or loss of video display may occur. If the technician is using Chipper CheckTM, operation is easily restored by remembering what parameter was changed. However, if the technician is using the front panel menu and loses video, there will be no way to recover without using Chipper CheckTM. The following adjustments could cause particular problems if adjusted incorrectly. l l l Vertical Slope MSB: Incremented too high causes loss of vertical scan (and, of course OSD) Vertical Scan Start: Similar to Vertical Slope MSB Comb D/A: Decremented too low causes loss of video TECH TIP 18 System Control Parameter Name Security pass-number Error Detection (1st) Error Detection (2nd) Error Detection (last) Horizontal Phase Width Align Width 9151 Ref E/W Parabola E/W Trap E/W Corner Vertical Offset Vertical Amp Aligned Vertical Amp Delta Vertical Center Vertical Movie Mode Vertical Slope MSB Vertical Slope LSB Vertical Start Scan Red Cutoff Green Cutoff Blue Cutoff Video Mode Cutoff (Brightness Align) Red Drive Blue Drive Video Mode Light Output Text Mode Cutoff (Brightness Align) Text Mode Light Output AKB Mode Red Cutoff (override) Green Cutoff (override) Blue Cutoff (override) Cutoff (override) Comb D/A (Composite) FPIP Contrast (Composite) FPIP Fine Tint (Composite) FPIP Saturation (Composite) Comb D/A (SVideo) FPIP Contrast (SVideo) FPIP Fine Tint (SVideo) Value Range 76 Notes and Comments Will not advance to parameters until value is set to 76. Parameter # 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2
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14 MM/MMC/DTV Troubleshooting Guide Temporarily unsolder JW902, if set operates check XRP circuits & +12V Sense Line (see NOTE below) B A HV Sample (from T700-7) XRP JW902 H_Pulse_B from T451-14 (Horz Flyback Pulse) +12V Sense Active Lo Remove Deflection SIP CBA & short B-E of Q24105. Reinstall CBA. If set runs, check Horz Drv & Horz Output. If set doesn't run, unsolder pin 18 of J14102. If set runs after unsoldering pin 18, suspect Q24105. If set still doesn't run go to next step. +12Vr R844 Scan Loss (1) Q24105 5 3 Scan Loss SysCon Micro U13101 R13130 Scan Loss (2) Fan Detect Q813 14 Pwr Fail CR902 CR24100 Q24103 Switch Horz Scan Loss Detect Normal = Horz WF +8Vr H Drive V Drive 1 Lo Level 20 Horz/Vert 10/11 Gen U350 CR803 51V CR805 36V C 2H Scan B+ Gen Q800 Scan_H_A from T451-8 (Horz Flyback Pulse) Short B-E, if set operates check 2H Scan B+ Gen circuits or Horz over drive. If set doesn't run, check Q813. CR807 NOTE: All components & TP's are 14000 series unless otherwise indicated. (2.X Horz Over Drive Detect) Scan Loss Block Digram NOTE: Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. Scan Loss Detect Overview The Scan Loss detect circuit monitors not only horizontal scan loss but also XRP, +12V Sense, horizontal drive level (overdrive), Scan B+ overvoltage and loss of horizontal drive. Horizontal scan is monitored at the anode of CR24100. If horizontal scan is lost, the base of Q24103 is pulled low turning it on. This turns on Q24105, pulling the Scan Loss input (pin 3) of the System Control micro low and shutting down the set (pulsing shutdown). The XRP and +12V Sense circuit, when activated, pulls the anode of CR24100 low via CR902 and causes scan loss shutdown. Scan B+ is monitored for overvoltage by CR803 (51V zener). If Scan B+ rises too high, CR803 breaks over and turns on Q813, which pulls pin 3 of the System Control micro low shutting down the instrument. Horizontal overdrive is detected by a pulse from T451-8 and is applied to CR807 which acts as a rectifier. If the DC voltage on the cathode of CR807 rises above 36 volts, CR805 (zener) breaks over and again Q813 turns on pulling pin 3 low. Two (2) other shutdown inputs to the system control are the Power Fail input at pin 5 and the Fan Detect input at pin 14 of U13101 (System Control Micro). The Power Fail and Fan Detect inputs also cause a pulsing shutdown when activated.
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THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04047 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Audio Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No or Distorted Audio 1 1A Select a channel. Is there audio signals present at J16511 (in-out board) on pins 4 and 7? No Verify the DM 1 power supply voltages. If these test ok, suspect the DM 1 module. Yes Table 1 2 Inputs on U11401 U11400 (R) (L) and 2B Pins on U11400/401 Tuner Vid 1 Vid 2 Vid 3 Fav YUV 12 15 14 13 1 5 Check for audio input signals at U11400 and U11401. Use Table 1 on the left to locate which pin. Are these signals present? No If tuner or Fav audio is missing, check VCC (12vdc) U11402 pin 4. If this is present, check output on pins 1 and 7 of U11402. If the signal is missing, suspect U11402. If the input signals at YUV, Vid 1, 2, or 3 are missing, check the input jacks and associated components. Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 3 THOMSON INC. Table 2 Truth table for audio switching for U11400 and U11401 Pin 9 Tun Vid 1 Vid 2 Vid 3 Fav YUV L L L L H H Pin 10 H H L L L L L= 0vdc Pin 11 H L H L L H 3 3B Check for audio output signals at pin 3 of U11400 and U11401. Use Table 2 on the left for the logic switching. Are these signals present? No Check for VCC (12VDC) at pin 16 of U11400 and U11401. If this voltage is missing, check U14104 and associated circuitry. If the logic is incorrect, suspect U13101 or U13102. If the logic is correct, suspect U11400 or U11401. Yes H= 12vdc 4 4A Are the audio signals present at J11402 (in/out board) at pins 5 and 7? No Check for audio signals at pins 1 and 3 of J11402. If these signals are missing, check buffer IC's, U11301 and U11403. If the signals are present at J11402 pins 1 and 3, suspect the DM 1 module. Yes 5 5A Check U11800 at pins 13 and 17. If the signals are missing, check the VCC (12vdc) at pin 8 U11404 or suspect buffer IC U11404. If the input signals are present, Try reinitializing the eeprom or suspect U11800. Are the audio signals present at pins 9 and 19 of U11800? No Yes 6 6A Are the audio signals present at Pins 26 and 27 of U11800? No Check for audio input signals at pins 7 and 18 of U11800. If these signals are missing, check
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THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04048 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Dead Set Circuit Level Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: Dead Set Apply AC to the unit. 1 1A Press the power button on the front of the unit. Does the power LED come on? No Go to the System Control Circuit Level Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04055. Yes 2 2A Check for the VCC voltage on pins 5 and 16 of U13101. Is the voltage present? No Go to the Standby Power Supply Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04053. Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. CTC211 Dead Set Circuit Level Troubleshooting 3 3A Does pin 4 of U13101 go low when the power button is pressed? No Go the System Control Component Level Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04056 Yes 4 Troubleshoot the Run Power Supply. Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.
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THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04049 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: High Voltage Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No High Voltage Warning! To perform the troubleshooting in this flowchart, it may be necessary to defeat a safety circuit (scan loss). Make sure the CRT (s) are disconnected before attempting this procedure. Remember to restore all connections or components to normal condition before returning to the customer. Place a short between base and emitter of Q14105. This will force on the run power supply and high voltage circuitry when AC is supplied. 1 Missing Is the high voltage missing or low? Low 2A 2B Check R14715, R14721, or U14104. If these test good, go to Run Power Supply troubleshooting TFC03112. 2C Locate U14711 and check for 8.5VDC at pin 6. Is this voltage present? No Go to Page 3 Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 3 THOMSON INC. CTC211 High Voltage Troubleshooting 3 3A Check the voltage at the collector of Q14901. If this voltage is 0VDC, suspect a defective U14711. If the voltage is .7VDC or higher, check transistors Q14706, Q14903, and Q14902. Check Pin 1 of U14711 for 6.2VDC. Is this voltage present? No Yes 4 4A Verify operation of Q14703, Q14704, and R14724. If these test ok and the waveform is still missing, suspect U14711. Check for gate drive on Q14701 (14Vpp square wave). Is this waveform present? No Yes 5 Yes Check the waveform (60Vpp horizontal pulse) on pin 5 of T14700. Is this waveform present? Low 6 6A 6B Check the HVR B+ (110130VDC) at pin 1 of T14700. If the voltage is ok, check C14702 or suspect a defective T14700, Q14700, or Q14701. If the voltage Is low, go to next block At the anode cup, check for 33KV with a high voltage probe. Is the voltage missing or low? Missing Suspect Defective T14700 Low Low Go to Page 3 Go to Page 3 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may
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THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04050 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Horizontal Circuit Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No Horizontal Deflection Apply AC to the unit. Warning! To perform the troubleshooting in this flowchart, it will be necessary to defeat a safety circuit (scan loss). Make sure the CRT kine board (s) are disconnected before attempting this procedure. Remember to restore all connections or components to normal condition before returning to the customer. Disconnect pin 18 of J14102 1 1A Press Power button and check pin 15 of J14102 for 12 vpp horizontal drive pulse. Check pins 12 & 14 for clock & data and pin 16 for 12 vdc. If present suspect the Deflection Sip Board NO Y E S 2 2A Check 12 volt sense Q14706 and xray protect Q14904 Is the drive pulsing Y E S NO go to page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 3 THOMSON INC. CTC211 No Horizontal troubleshooting (cont) 3 Check T14300 pin 1 for 12 vpp horizontal drive pulse 3A check path for an open trace NO YES 4 check T14300 pin 4 for 12 vpp horizontal drive pulse 4A NO open T14300 YES 5 5A Is there 12 vpp horizontal drive at base of Q14451 NO Check path for open trace or component YES 6 6A Check resistance from base to collector of Q14451 (14 to 15 K ohms) normal NO Q14451 defective or damaged YES 7 7A check B+ (120vdc) and CR14452, C14453, T14451 Yoke Is there 1000 vpp horizontal on the collector NO Yes Go To Page 3 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 3 THOMSON INC. CTC211 No Horizontal Troubleshooting 8 Check pin 7 of J14102 for 34 vpp feedback pulse 8A Check path from pin 8 of T14451 to pin 7 J14102 NO YES Horiz
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THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04051 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Scan Loss Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No Video - Pulsing Warning! To perform the troubleshooting in this flowchart, it will be necessary to defeat a safety circuit (scan loss). Make sure the CRT (s) are disconnected before attempting this procedure. Remember to restore all connections or components to normal condition before returning to the customer. Short Q14105 between base and emitter. Apply AC. This should force on the run power supply. 1 1A Are the Chassis fans running? No Troubleshoot the Run Power Supply. Yes Go to page two Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 3 THOMSON INC. CTC211 Scan Loss Troubleshooting cont. 2 2A Is the high voltage operational? No Go to the High Voltage Troubleshooting F l o w c h a r t T F C - 0 4 0 4 9. Yes 3 3A Locate Pin 3 of U13101. Press the power button. Is the 5vdc missing? No Go to System Control Component Level Troubleshooting F l o w c h a r t T F C - 0 4 0 5 6. Yes 4 4A Troubleshoot the Horizontal Scan B+ power supply or check U14104 in the run power supply. Remove AC and desolder pin 18 of J14102 (Hor. SIP plug). Reapply AC. Does pin 3 of U13101 rise to 5VDC? No Yes 5A Check VCC at pin 16 (12VDC) of J14102. If missing, check U14104. If the voltage is present, suspect a Data/Clock problem going to the Horizontal SIP board or the SIP board itself. 5 Remove AC and desolder Q14451 Coll. Reapply AC and press the power button. Is the Horizontal drive present at pin 15 of J14102? No Yes Go to Page Three Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 3 THOMSON INC. CTC211 Scan Loss Trouble
File name TFC-04052_CTC211_Shutdown-Cycles_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04052 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Shutdown-Cycles Three Times SYMPTOM: Pulsing Three Times Apply AC to the unit. Verify Standby Power Supply is operational. Warning! To perform the troubleshooting in this flowchart, it will be necessary to defeat a safety circuit (scan loss). Make sure the CRT (s) are disconnected before attempting this procedure. Remember to restore all connections or components to normal condition before returning to the customer. 1 1A Locate Q14105 (23i) on the main chassis and short between Base and Emitter. Are the Cooling fans operational? N o Troubleshoot the Run Power Supply. Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. CTC211 Shutdown/Cycles Three Times Circuit Level Troubleshooting. 2 Is the high voltage operational? 2A Go to the High Voltage Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04049. No Yes 3 3A Unsolder pin 18 of J14102. Press the power button. Is the horizontal drive (12Vpp square wave) at pin 15 of J14102? No Go to Horizontal Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04050. Yes 4 4A Is the 5VDC present at the trace of pin 18 of J14102? No Go to Scan Loss Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04051 Yes 5 5A Is there a 40 VPP pulse at pin 7 of J14102? No Go to Scan Loss Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04051 Yes Go to System Control Component Level Troubleshooting Flowchart TFC-04056 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.
File name TFC-04053_CTC211_Standby_power_Supply_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04053 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Standby Power Supply Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: Dead Set 1 1A Suspect CR14611, CR14602 and R14602. Also check R14604, Q14602, Q14601, R14602, CR14613 and CR14615 Is 14601 shorted? Y e s No 2 2A Unsolder the drain of Q14601. Check the gate. Is it at 12Vdc? Y e s Suspect Q14601 No 3 3A Unsolder the gate of Q14601. Check the voltage on the trace of the gate. Is it at 12Vdc? Y e s Suspect Q14601 or R14604 No Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. CTC211 Standby Power Supply Troubleshooting 4 4A Unsolder the collector of Q14603. Did the gate trace of Q14601come up to 12Vdc? Yes Suspect Q14603 No 5 5A Unsolder the Emitter of Q14602. Did the gate trace of Q14601 come up to 12Vdc? Yes Suspect Q14602 No 6 Remove R14602 and CR14613 and check them. Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.
File name TFC-04054_CTC211_S-Video_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04054 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: S-Video Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No S-Video 1 1A Check for Luma/Chroma input at pins 5 and 6 of U16500. If missing, check the input jack J16502, C16504, and C16517. If the signals are present at pins 5 and 6 of U16500, Verify data and clock (pins 2 and 4) and check VCC at pin 9. If all these test ok, reinitialize U13102 or replace U16500. Place a S-Video source into S-Vid 1. Is there Luma (pin 18) and Chroma (pin 17) present on U16500? No Yes 2 2a Are the S-video signals (luma at pin 3 and chroma at pin 5) present on U18100? No Check the coupling capacitors C18110 and C18111. If the signal is missing, check the buffer transistors Q16500 and Q16504. Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 4 THOMSON INC. 3 3A Is the Main CV (video signal) present at pin 51 of U18100? No Check Q18100, Q18101, C18106, and other associated components in the FPIP video input circuitry. Yes 4 4A Check the 3.3vdc supply, Data/ Clock lines at pins 27 and 28, comb pass circuit between pins 49 and 43 (luma) and pins 47 and 45 (chroma) of U18100, and the sync pin 24. If these are present, reinitialize U13102. If this fail to restore video, suspect U18100 Is the Luma signal output at pin 41 or Chroma signal at pin 39 of U18100? No Yes 5 5A Is the Luma signal present at pin 4 and the Chroma signals (U - V) at pins 14 and 15 of U22402? No Check Luma signal at pins 4 and the chroma signals at pins 5 and 6 (U - V) of U22300. If these are missing, suspect U22300. If the signals are present, check the switching logic (high) at pins 9, 10, and 11 of U22402. If all these test OK, reinitialize U13102 or suspect a defective U22402. Yes 6 6A Are the Luma/chroma signals present at pins 1 (1H-V), 2 (1H -Y), and 3 (1H- U) of U22401? No Check Q22404, Q22403, or Q22405 and associated components. Yes Go to Page 3 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Se
File name TFC-04055_CTC211_System_Control_Circuit_Level_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04055 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: System Control Circuit Level Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: Dead Set - Pulsing 1 1A Apply AC to unit, is pin 4 of U13101 on the I/O board 4.8 VDC? NO Go to Standby Power supply troubleshooting flowchart T F C - 0 4 0 5 3 YES 2 2A Press power button, does the green power LED light? NO Go to System Control Circuit Level Troubleshooting flowchart TFC-04055 YES 3 3A Go to Systems Control component level troubleshooting flowchart TFC-04056 Does pin 4 of U13101 located on the I/O board go low? NO YES go to page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. CTC211 System Control Circuit Level Troubleshooting 4 4A Does Run Power supply start ( do the fans start running?) NO Troubleshoot the Run Power supply. YES 5 5A Go to Systems control component level troubleshooting flowchart TFC-04056 Is there Clock & Data at pins 5, 14, 1 & 12 U13203 NO YES Go To Horizontal Troubleshooting flowchart TFC-04050 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.
File name TFC-04056_CTC211_System_Control_Component_Level_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04056 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: System Control Component Level Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: Dead Set - Pulsing Press power button, green LED is lit & main board standby power supply is operational 1 1A Is there 5 vdc at pin 51 of U13101 NO Check reset circuit Q13107 and Q13106 YES 2A Check pins 40 & 42 for 5 vpp osc. 8 mhz Suspect Y13101, C13106, C13107 2 NO YES 3A Check pin 5 for 5.2 VDC NO Suspect Power fail circuit Q14607 & Q14608 3 YES go to page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. CTC211 System Control Component Troubleshooting 4A Is there 5 vpp and 5vdc at pins 43 & 44 of U13101 NO Remove U13102 eeprom 4B YES Is there 2.5 vdc at pins 43 and 44 of U13101 NO Suspect U13101 4C Check U13203 pins 1,12,5,14 for clock & data YES NO 5A YES Suspect U13203 System control is Operational Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.
File name TFC-04057_CTC211_Tuner_Video_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04057 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Tuner Signal Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No Tuner Video 1 1A Is tuner video present at pin 1 or video input present at pins 5, 6 or 8 of U16501 (depending upon input selected)? No Check U32603 (tuner video) at pin 21 for video signal. If tuner video is missing, check the tuner and associated components. If the video inputs are missing, check the jack inputs at J16501, J16502, and J16503. Yes 2 2A Suspect U16501,compressed Data/Clock lines at pins 2 and 4 of U16501. If all these test good, reinitialize U13102 or suspect U16501. Tuner or input video will be output from pin 15 of U16501. Is this signal present? No Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 4 THOMSON INC. 3 3A Is the Main CV (video signal) present at pin 51 of U18100? No Check Q18100, Q18101, C18106, and other associated components in the FPIP video input circuitry. Yes 4 4A Check the 3.3vdc supply, Data/ Clock lines at pins 27 and 28, comb pass circuit between pins 49 and 43 (luma) and pins 47 and 45 (chroma) of U18100, and the sync pin 24. If these are present, reinitialize U13102. If this fail to restore video, suspect U18100 Is the Luma signal output at pin 41 or Chroma signal at pin 39 of U18100? No Yes 5 5A Is the Luma signal present at pin 4 and the Chroma signals (U - V) at pins 14 and 15 of U22402? No Check Luma signal at pins 4 and the chroma signals at pins 5 and 6 (U - V) of U22300. If these are missing, suspect U22300. If the signals are present, check the switching logic (high) at pins 9, 10, and 11 of U22402. If all these test OK, reinitialize U13102 or suspect a defective U22402. Yes 6 6A Are the Luma/chroma signals present at pins 1 (1H-V), 2 (1H -Y), and 3 (1H- U) of U22401? No Check Q22404, Q22403, or Q22405 and associated components. Yes Go to Page 3 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fai
File name TFC-04058_CTC211_Vertical_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04058 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Vertical Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No Vertical Warning! To perform the troubleshooting in this flowchart, it may be necessary to defeat a safety circuit (scan loss). Make sure the CRT (s) are disconnected before attempting this procedure. Remember to restore all connections or components to normal condition before returning to the customer. Place a short between base and emitter of Q14105. This will force on the run power supply when ac is supplied. 1 1A Is the 12VDC run present at pin 16 of J14102? N o Check U14104 or troubleshoot the Run Power Supply. Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 3 THOMSON INC. CTC211 Vertical Troubleshooting 2 2A Using an oscilloscope, check for a 1.5Vpp sawtooth waveform at pins 2 and 4 of J14102. Are these signals present? No Suspect defective Horizontal SIP board. Yes 3 3A Are the 1.5Vpp sawtooth waveforms present at pins 1 and 7 of U14501? No Check associated components or cracked traces from J14102, pins 2 and 4. If these test ok, suspect shorted U14501. Yes 4 4A Is the 47VDC present at pin 3 of U14501? No Check R14523, Q14503, and C14503. If these test ok, troubleshoot the Run Power Supply. Yes 5 5A Check CR14502 or series diodes CR14505, CR14509, CR14510, and CR14501. If these all test ok, troubleshoot the Run Power Supply. Is the 12VDC present at Pins 2 and 6 of U14501? No Yes Go to Page 3 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 3 THOMSON INC. CTC211 Vertical Troubleshooting 6 6A Is the -13VDC present at pin 4 of U14501? No Check Coil L14501, C14507, C1450
File name TFC-04059_CTC211_VGA_Video_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04059 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: VGA Video Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No VGA Video 1 1A Check connectorr J38200 and Inputs on pins 6, 7, or 8 of U38200. Check switching at pins 9, 10, and 11 of U38200 (high for VGA) . If all these test OK, Try reinitializing the EEprom or suspect U38200. Are the YUV signals present at pins 13, 14, and 15 of U38200? N o Y e s 2 Are the YUV signals present at pins 14 (Y), 15 (U), and 13 (V) on U22401 2A Check for correct switching at pins 10 on U22401 (low for internal signal). I f the switching is correct, suspect U22401. N o Y e s Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. 3 3A Check the Luma-Chroma output signals at pins 13, 14, and 15 of U22401. If these are missing, check the switching (low) at pins 9, 10, and 11 of U22401. If this voltage is correct , suspect U22401. Are the Luma and Chroma signals present at pins 51 (sel 2H-v), 52 (sel 2H-u), and 53 (sel 2H-y) of U22300? No Yes 4 4A Are the Drive signal outputs present at pins 41, 42, and 43 of U22300? No Check the FSW at pin 36 of U22300, the "sense in" at pin 56 (should be 2.6vdc), and the "ABL" circuit at pin 45 (4.5-6.0vdc). If all these test ok, reinitialize U13102 or suspect a defective U22300. Yes 5 Check for output drive signals at pin 12 of U25101 (red), U25301 (green), and U25501 (blue). If these test ok, check the filament circuit (R14701, U14752). Also check for correct screen voltage (190vdc - 420vdc) End Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.
File name TFC-04060_CTC211_Input_Video_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04060 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: Input Video Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No Input Video 1 1A Place a video input signal on VID 1 jack J16502. Is the video signal present at pin 6 of U 1 6 5 0 1 ? N o Check the Jack J16502, coupling capacitor C16503, or diode CR16502. If these test good, check for open trace between C16502 and pin 6 of U16501. Y e s 2 2A Check for 9vdc at pin 9 of U16501. Check Data and Clock lines at pins 2 and 4 of U16501. If all these test ok, reinitialize the EEprom or suspect U16501. Is there a video signal present at Pin 15 of U 1 6 5 0 1 ? N o Y e s Check the frame comb circuit at pin 6 and 8 of J16500. If these signals are missing, reinitalize the EEprom or suspect the frame comb board. If these signals are present, Check pins 17 and 18 of U16500. If these signals are missing, check VCC at pin 9 of U16500. If this tests OK, reinitialize the EEprom or suspect U 1 6 5 0 0 3 Is there a video signal present at Pins 3 and 5 U 1 8 1 0 0 ? 3A N o Y e s Go to page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 4 THOMSON INC. 4 4A Check for VCC (3.3vdc) at pins 6, 22, and 32 of U18100. Check the power on reset at pin 23 of U18100 (3.3vdc) . If these all test ok, reinitialize the eeprom or suspect U18100. Are there video signals present at pins 39 (chroma) and 41 (Luma) of U18100? No Yes 5 5A Check for a luma signal at pin 15 and chroma signal at pin 13 of U22300. If these signal is missing, check associated components off Pins 41 and 39 of U18100. If these components test good, reinitialize the EEprom or suspect U22300. Are the luma/chroma signals present at pins 4, 5, and 6 of U22300? No Yes 6 6A If any of these signals are missing, check the input pins 1, 3 and 13 of U22402. If OK, check the logic (9vdc) at pin 11 of U22402. If this voltage is missing, Check U38300 pin 16 (4.5vdc). If this voltage is low, reinitialize the eeprom. If this tests ok, suspect U22402. Are the Y U V signals present at pins 4, 14, and 15 of U22402? No Yes Go to page Three Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis
File name TFC-04061_CTC211_YPrPb_Video_Troubleshooting.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04061 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: Chassis: CTC211 9/23/2004 TOPIC: YPrPb Signal Troubleshooting SYMPTOM: No YPrPb Video 1 1A Is the 1H/2H YPrPb signals present at U22402, pins 2, 5, and 12? No Check the input jack J22401 for connection problems and zener diodes CR22401, CR22402, and CR22403 for shorted state. Also check coupling capacitors C22402, C22403, and C22404. Yes 2 2A Check the VCC at pin 16 (9vdc) and check the logic switching at pins 9, 10, and 11 of U22402 (should be low in 1H YPrPb mode) . If the voltage is high, reinitialize the eeprom with Chipper Check. If all voltages check ok, suspect U22402. Is the 1H/2H YPrPb signals present at pins 4, 14, and 15 of U22402? No Yes Go to Page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 4 THOMSON INC. 3 3a Are the 1H/2H YPrPb signals present at pins 1, 2, and 3 of U22401? No Check transistors Q22402, Q22410, Q22403, Q22409, Q22405, and Q22411. Yes 4 4A 2H YPrPb 1H YPrPb Go to Page 3 5 5A Are the YUV signals present at pins 14 (Y), 12 (U), and 10 (V) on J22403? No Check cabling and connectors J22403 and J32201. If these test ok, the Scan Rate Converter may be pulling the signal low. Yes 6 6A Are the 2H YPrPb signals present at pins 12 (Y), 10 (Pr), and pin 8 (Pb) on J22402? No Suspect a problem with the Scan Rate Converter board. Yes Go to Page 3 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 4 THOMSON INC. 7 Converted 2H YUV 8B 8 Are the Converted 2H YPrPb (YUV) signals present at pins 14 (Y), 15 (U), and 13 (V) on U38200 (i-o board)? 8A 2H YPrPb No Check U22404, U22405, and U22406. Check for correct switching at pin 9 on U38200 (hi
File name ttt05-005.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION HD Television TechLine Troubleshooting Tip TTT 05-005 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. DATE: 10/25/2005 CHASSIS-MODEL: MMC101/102, CTC210/211, AND DTV306/307 TOPIC: X-ray Protect Components XRP KITS - SEE CHART BELOW IMPORTANT : Replacement of any failed component supplied within the XPR kit requires the replacement of ALL supplied kit parts. This is required to insure proper operation or the XPR circuitry. DO NOT replace individual parts supplied within this kit under any circumstances. 1. Install ALL supplied parts in the chassis (CR14900 Diode S/N 159429 is in all kits, see chart below for the values included in the kit you ordered to replace R14901,R14902, R14904, Q14901). 2. Conduct the XPR shutdown test as described in the Service Manual to verify proper XPR. Operation. CHASSIS MMC101CC/CE MM101GBE MM101GCE MMC102A/G CTC210 CTC211 DTV306CB/GCB Q14901 147665 50888-780 215496 15475-150 R14901 218494 40436-300 1/4W 1% 24.3K 249807 80437-750 1/4W 1% 30.1K R14902 190469 11061-120 1/4W 1% 39.2K 190469 11061-120 1/4W 1% 39.2K R14904 239019 30939-530 1/4W 5% 220K 175355 11059-750 1/4W 5% 300K 175355 11059-750 1/4W 5% 300K KIT S/N 245682 251197 251199 215496 15475-150 151883 80437-740 1/4W 190469 11061-120 1% 27.4K 1/4W 1% 39.2K 250740 15563-390 228015 70431-300 1/4W 176500 50883-790 1% 11.3K 1/4W 1% 41.2K 250740 15563-390 228015 70431-300 1/4W 176500 50883-790 1% 11.3K 1/4W 1% 41.2K 175355 11059-750 1/4W 5% 300K 193067 70430-620 1/4W 5% 270K 251201 DTV307GA 251202 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2005 Thomson Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) THOMSON INC.

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