Make | Model | Problem | Solution | Date |
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Found: 534
Grundig | CUC2401 | Dead with silent tripping | D666 in snubber network s/c | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Dead. | D666 s/c. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Goin into standby after few mins. | LOPTX ( If comes on agn from cold ) freezer dont work! | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Int dead | HT pot R367 1k | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | INT FIELD COLLAPSE | D2758 INT OC | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Int loss of pic caused by field collapse | 26v supply pin 8 TDA2655B was only 4v - D2758 BY298 & C2758 1000µ replaced | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Int start up | TDA4600 chopper chip | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Int switches to st/by | Tripler | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Low controllable sound | Tuner | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | No pic - blanked out | Field only half normal height due to supply only 10v to field chip - R525 0R33 hi res | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | No pic - sound ok | No vid o/p pin 8 TDA3566 - Tr2523 BC548C s/c | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | No raster - line collapse | LOPTx o/c | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | No sound | C2276 ( 470uf ) s/c. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | No sound | TBA130 chip not working due to C2276 470µ s/c | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | No sound | Could be TDA2595, TDA130 or SDA2011-A003 micro | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | No sound or - Picture - intermittent. | Suspect the set-EHT control ( especially if made by Preh. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | SET GOES TO STBY VERY INT | TRIPLER US | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Sound - mutes on video rec playback. | Mod ABL module. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Standby - intermittent shut down. | Set HT control R637 ( 1k ) may check Ok. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Startup - failure to start intermittent. | Set HT R637 ( 1k ) may ch Ok , LOPTX if going off af few mins | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Switching to standby - my take days. | Tripler. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Tripping - at switch on - may come on. | C661 ( 7u f , 25v ) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Tripping - at switch on. | R637 1k control. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2401 | Trips at sw on | L519 shorted turns | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2410 | AGC fault - dist pic on good signal | Video discriminator coil on IF F2211 | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2410 | dead - spillage | Replace 1.25 & 2.5A fuses, chopper tr BU508A. Now works but R616 2k7 start up res overheats - R617 thermistor u/s. Code 07902 - WVE | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2410 | no pic, sound & txt ok blank raster | no vid i/p at pin 8 TDA3566 - BC 548C Tr2523 s/c c-e | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2410 | NO SOUND | TDA2595 MUTING SET | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2410 | No sound - may have had a flash over. | IC TDA2595 | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC2410 | No startup - may try at first. | C633 ( 100u f , 25v ) o/c. | 14-09-04 |