Make | Model | Problem | Solution | Date |
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Found: 534
Grundig | CUC5360 | No NICAM sound - whistle on mono sound | MSP2400 chip in IF module | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5360 | Col int | Replace 4.43Mhz red trimmer | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5360 | int tuner | check for dry joints on xtal | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5360 | No vid via scart skt | Sw carried out in tuner/IF chip. Check CT2512/3/4/7 sm types BC848/858 | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5360 | Store ,tuning , analogue controls inoperative | Check memory Ics IC847/8 also bad earths which could be cause of Ics going faulty | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5361 | Int rolling/shaking pic | Dry joints on earthing frame of chassis | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5361 | trips on high brill - no beam lim action | beam lim volts to pin 12 RGB module. Volts at pin 15 IC5150 should fall as brill increases. It did but chip was u/s | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5365 | R793 330R burnt up on crt base | TEA5101A replaced & mod - connect aquadag lead to middle of wire under scan coils & cut lead short as poss. add res 150K from coll T593 to chassis | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC5835 | Goes straight to st/by at sw on | Check for field faults - R7021 4R7 o/c, IC7020 s/c, also replace C7027 220µ 35v flyback cap | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC60 | No frame - D406 burning up. | C643 ( 1000uf 40V ) on frame PCB , D406 ( RGP10G ) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6300 | Audio int comes & goes | Check st/by contacts on mains sw (dis to isolate) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6300 | Reverts to st/by aft 3 secs | Pin 8 IC811 going low (overvolts prot) - caused by crack in print between conn C & C591/2 | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6310 | Dead | lop tr BU508AG s/c | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6310 | dead - led flashes | T568 lop tr s/c - replacement failed - C969 9n o/c (blue box type) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6310 | E/W corr fault | TDA8145 , R569 (4R7) and E/W choke (L567).(Rewound by hand) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6310 | E/W faulty & R569 burning up | L567 (shorted turns) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6310 | E-W faulty | R569 4R7 o/c, L567 line lin coil overheating & faulty | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6310 | Int sound mute | Mains sw momentary contacts leaky - replace switch | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | E/Wfaulty with burning smell | Check R569 for o/c (6R8?), TDA8145 E/W chip - cause dry joint C567 | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | E-W faulty & narrow pic | R569 4.7R o/c (next to E-W chip TDA8145) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | Greenish blank raster with fb lines | No SDL SDA activity - s/c on o/p of IR Rx | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | greenish blank raster with fb lines - no oSD | no clock pulses on IC811 proc. - s/c on IR Rx o/p IC84001 on front panel | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | Hotel mode removal | Switch set off, and whilst holding the "i" button switch set on. On screen display gives option of hotel on/off, select off. | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | Negative looking pic - ok with scart I/p - in wrong standard | In menu set standard (s) to '2' & store with 'OK' key | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | No Luminance | There is no luma output from filter F120 SFB4595 (part number 8140-601-600) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | No pic - crt internal arcing - focus volts too high | LOPTx faulty (Konig FAT30329) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | Sync? Reduced line pulse | R176 hi res in flywheel timebase | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6330 | Tripping | D569 BY228 leaky (next to LOPTr) | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6360 | E/W dist & lack of width | R508 5R6 fusible middle rear of main pcb | 14-09-04 |
Grundig | CUC6360 | No sound | MSP3410 chip | 14-09-04 |