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Found: 534
GrundigCUC7350St/by onlyLM317T reg s/c by its heatsink clip14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350TrippingR60027/28 0R46 gone hi res14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Unstable HTR60028 0R68 o/c - check it out of cct!14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Width varies with pic content - HT varies between 119-129vR60027 0R56 in curr sensing network - also check R60028 in parallel - values vary with screen size14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Dead - +8v supply absentR61021 15R safety res in 8v reg o/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Dead - mains fuse shatteredD60013/4 mains rects s/c, chopper FET T60020 IRFBC40 s/c used BUZ90 UC3843 replaced as prec,caused by dry joints chopper tfmr14-09-04
GrundigCUC73xx series ST55-725Power supply blow upCaused by C60029 470pF 1.6KV which was badly dry jointed. Only seems to affect sets fitted with blue cap - the orange ones are ok.14-09-04
GrundigCUC73xx series ST55-725Sound faultythe soldered joints on C60029 were very poor14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Chopper tr blows instantlyR633 27R o/c in base cct - also blew lop tr14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Dead - chopper tr blows instantly at sw onR633 27R o/c in base cct - also blew LOPTr14-09-04

GrundigCUC740dead - comes on briefly when tappeddry joints chopper tr and surroundings14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Dead - S1644 1.25A fuse blownT654 BU208A s/c - check for arcing at C63414-09-04
GrundigCUC740Excess widthD572 SKE4G2/0614-09-04
GrundigCUC740Int DeadD671 BY299 in 5v supply int o/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Int dead or int st/byC633 100µ 25v14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Int soundCheck if +G supply missing - if so check relay contacts14-09-04
GrundigCUC740lines across screen - no soundadj R2741 on Ablenkung pcb14-09-04
GrundigCUC740No adj of vol,col,contrast etcIC2335 MC144111 inside IF/Tuner can14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Pulling/Rolling - weak sync2 x 1µ & 1 10µ cap in IF module14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Pulling/rolling with weak syncreplace 2 x 1µ caps & 1 x 10µ cap in IF module14-09-04
GrundigCUC740Sound couldn't be reduced &"88" in displayMC144111 IC2335 on tuning pcb14-09-04
GrundigCUC7530No H drive(BC848) which is used as a line protector.14-09-04
GrundigCUC770LINE TEARINGCHECK OR CHANGE C501 ( 1000uF , 25V )14-09-04
GrundigCUC7861Poor field,no tuning, no col, smeary pic45v supply low due to R552 2R2 o/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC7861Sound from bass speaker weakCT4140 BC849C sm tr o/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC7861St/by only - started as line collapseR503 4R7 safety res, TDA8350, D503 BY228 s/c & T572 2SD1432 breaking down under load - also check D502, D438 33v zener14-09-04
GrundigCUC7890Focus poorC07 680pF 12kv leaky14-09-04
GrundigCUC95Dead - BU208 s/c.R646 high.14-09-04
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